Can jojoba oil be applied directly to the face? Does it need to be washed off?

Apply directly to the face, no need to wash off.

Jojoba oil, also known as jojoba oil and jojoba seed oil, is an essential oil extracted from the seeds of the jojoba tree.

It is a common natural plant material in cosmetics. Its molecular structure is very similar to that of human sebum, so it can be used directly on the face; it is also very easily absorbed by the skin, refreshing and not greasy after use. No separate cleaning required.

Image source: Tu Wo Creative

Jojoba oil theoretically has various functions such as moisturizing, oil control, and anti-oxidation. Further research), which has been included in the “Catalogue of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials (2021 Edition)” issued by the State Food and Drug Administration.


Jiang Yanbing, Master of Cosmetics, School of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University

Review Specialist

Li Xiaomin Senior Skincare Formulator


Planning: Monkey Pigeon | Producer: BruceLi

Typesetting: Yanxi

Cover image source: Dr. Lilac Content Team