Blindly Chinese medicine can be used to remove dampness, nourish the liver and kidneys, and prevent constipation.

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As the saying goes, “Moisture causes all diseases, and moisture eliminates all diseases”, which must be taken seriously.

Using this “earth method” can also remove dampness for other parts of the body, but only relying on the outside is not enough, only the combination of the inside and the outside can be better First of all, let’s take a look at the discomfort that moisture can bring to the body.

Dampness will cause What discomfort does it bring to the body

1. Heavy dampness affects the spleen and stomach. With heavy dampness, it will affect the function of the spleen and stomach of the human body. Sometimes it is accompanied by loss of appetite. People’s limbs are weak, accompanied by symptoms of chest tightness and abdominal distension, and the stool is not formed.

2. Heavy humidity will affect the head of the human body. The head and the head are the most obvious parts of the human body to feel the moisture. Due to too much moisture, the face is also accompanied by oily surface.

< p>3. Heavy humidity affects the bones and joints. People with too much humidity will affect the blood circulation of the human body. This kind of inflammation is very painful.

4. Heavy humidity affects skin tissue, and some people feel cold hands and feet because of heavy humidity. Due to the loss of a lot of sweat from the hands and feet, part of the heat will be taken away, and the skin is prone to blisters, eczema, hand moss, and foot moss.

The above are only the most obvious damages of moisture to people. Moisture will never fight alone. It will collude with various diseases and harm people’s bodies covertly and slowly. Most people it turns outWithout realizing it, let the moisture do whatever it wants in the body, and finally lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, for moisture, we must remove it as soon as possible!

Here we talk about a weed with the same origin as medicine and food – plantain!

What are the benefits of plantain

Plantago is a treasure all over the body. It is sweet, cold and non-toxic, clearing heat and diuretic, expectorating phlegm and relieving cough, clearing liver and improving eyesight. “Compendium of Materia Medica” believes: Jiufu is light and resistant to aging. Plantain has the effect of lowering blood pressure, treating acute hepatitis and acute and chronic bronchitis. According to pharmacological experiments, plantain contains psyllium, ursolic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin B. Compatible with red dates and wolfberry, it can complement each other and interact with each other.

Plantain has been excavated and sorted out by generations of folk physicians, and it has become an essential medicine in today’s traditional Chinese medicine to relieve swelling, dispel stones and relieve stranguria. Pharmacological experiments have shown that it has diuretic, expectorant, antibacterial, and hypotensive effects. Plantain is used as medicine, and it is regarded as a strange prescription in ancient and modern times. It can nourish the lungs, invigorate the liver, strengthen yin, benefit essence, dispel dampness, improve eyesight, and relieve dysentery.

Plantago, born on the side of Shanpu Road beside the field border, the more trampled on life, the more tenacious , and in those fertile places where few people pass by, there is no trace of it. All plantain leaves are rooted, smooth leaves, five main veins, convex to the back of the leaves. Autumn heading and knots are very famous psyllium. Plantain is a delicious wild vegetable, which can be eaten all over the body. It is used to make tea in soup and has no toxic and side effects.

Plantago to boil water,

Dehumidify, nourish liver and kidney