It is known as “common ginseng”, and it is a perfect match with millet! Put a little bit of porridge to help sleep and nourish the spleen and stomach, the whole family loves it

Where is this commoner ginseng “sacred”? Let’s sell it first. Let’s guess a riddle. The answer to the riddle is “common ginseng ginseng” – it looks like a tree root and a stick. Smart you guessed it?

Beep, beep, the answer is revealed below—the answer is—yam! Don’t look at yam as it seems to be unremarkable, but in fact, people eat it~

Eating yam in summer can nourish the stomach and kidney, and nourish the spleen and stomach! Yam has always been known as “common people’s ginseng”, and has been praised as “the food of the gods”.

The earliest existing Chinese pharmacology work “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” lists it as a top grade, saying: “Diesta, sweet, cold. It is mainly used to treat wounds, tonic for deficiency, eliminate cold and heat pathogenic qi, tonic and beneficial. Strength, long muscles. Long-term use of the eyes and ears is smart, light body, no hunger, prolong life.” To sum up, yam can nourish deficiency: yam is calm in nature, not dry or greasy, and has the functions of nourishing qi, nourishing yin, nourishing spleen, lung and kidney, Gujing stop belt effect. It is commonly used in the treatment of spleen-stomach weakness, lung-deficiency asthma and cough, kidney-deficiency nocturnal emission, urinary frequency, internal heat and quenching thirst. Small reminder: yam nourishes yin and can help dampness. Some people who are full of dampness and have accumulated stagnation should not take it, such as patients with indigestion, abdominal distension, and belching. After eating yam, these symptoms will be aggravated; those who feel unwell after eating yam , and should not continue to use.

Speaking of the practice of yam, many people think of stir-frying or boiling soup. In fact, there is a kind of practice that is very nourishing, especially suitable for summer.

Yam porridge can nourish the spleen and stomach! Yes, I recommend everyone to cook porridge with yam! Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, many people are prone to some minor problems: such as poor appetite, unpleasant food, indigestion, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, constipation and other problems. A bowl of yam porridge can very well relieve these small problems – as we said above, yam can treat the weakness of the spleen and stomach, and it can naturally “remediate” the stomach and intestines that have been eaten, and it is easier to eat yam porridge. Digestion. Therefore, eating a bowl of yam porridge in summer helps digestion and is very friendly to the spleen and stomach.

Health recommendation: This recipe of yam porridge is contained in “Saqianzhai Experience Recipe”. [Ingredients] 60 grams of dried yam tablets, or 100 to 120 grams of fresh yam, and 50 to 100 grams of japonica rice. [Practice] Wash and slice the yam, and cook porridge together with the japonica rice; it can be served warm for breakfast and dinner all year round. 【Nutrition Comments】Yam porridge nourishes the spleen and stomach, nourishes the lungs and kidneys, and can relieve diarrhea, consumptive cough, nocturnal emission, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. In addition, if you can add a “good partner” to yam porridge, the health preservation effect will be even higher.

Yam porridge with millet, doubles the stomach, helps sleep and supplements deficiency! In Li Shizhen’s eyes, millet is a good food for therapy. He said that millet “boils porridge and eats Dantian, nourishes deficiency, and appetizes the stomach”. It can “tonify deficiency, strengthen the spleen, harmonize the stomach, and sleep peacefully.” In other words, millet also has the functions of nourishing deficiency, nourishing the stomach, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and eating it with yam can be said to be a powerful combination.

What’s more worth mentioning is that millet also aids sleep, which is very suitable for modern people who are prone to insomnia. Therefore, I highly recommend everyone to eat yam and millet porridge. Practice: Wash the millet and put it in the pot, cook until it boils slightly; pour the yam cut into small pieces into the pot, heat it until it boils, and the yam is completely cooked. what are you waiting for? In summer, make a bowl of yam and millet porridge for the family to nourish the stomach and tonic!

(Health Daily Push)