Farewell, famous neurologist Li Danian dies in Jinan


Qilu Hospital’s WeChat official account issued an obituary

my country’s outstanding neurologist

The main founder of Shandong Neurology Department

Li Danian, a tenured professor of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University

Invalid due to illness

In 2022 Died at 11:37 on May 17 in Jinan

at the age of 94

Professor Li Danian On January 21, 1928, a native of Tianjin. In 1952, he graduated from the Medical School of West China University. In the same year, he went to Shanghai Medical College (now Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University) to study neuropsychiatry in the senior teacher training class of Huashan Hospital for one year. After graduation in 1953, he was assigned to the Department of Neurology of the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Medical College (now Qilu Medical College of Shandong University), and served as a resident physician, attending physician, deputy chief physician, and chief physician. In October 1986, he was appointed as a professor of neurology at Shandong Medical University. From March 1985 to December 1990, he served as the director of the Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Medical University. He used to be the chairman of the Neurology Professional Committee of Shandong Medical Association, a member of the neuromuscular disease group of the Chinese Medical Association, the editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Neurology, the invited editorial board member, and the deputy editor-in-chief and editorial board of journals such as the Journal of Clinical Neurology. , The Eighth National People’s Congress. In 1992, he was approved to enjoy the special government allowance of the State Council. In 1992 and 1997, he was awarded the title of “Top-notch Professional and Technical Talent in Shandong Province” by the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government.

Professor Li Danian has been in medicine and teaching for more than 70 years. He has worked diligently and tirelessly in medical, teaching and scientific research positions. He is well-known throughout the country for his superb medical skills, and is deeply admired and loved by his peers and patients in neurology. He was the first lecturer on neurology at Shandong Medical College (now Qilu Medical College of Shandong University), established the first neuropathology laboratory in Shandong Province, trained a large number of neurology professionals, and contributed to the establishment of the neurology department of Qilu Hospital. He has devoted his whole life to the development and growth of neurology in Shandong Province, and has made important contributions to the development of clinical neurology such as cerebrovascular disease and neuropathology in my country.

Professor Li Danian loved the motherland and the medical career all his life. His medical ethics are noble, indifferent to fame and fortune, erudite and rigorous, humble and elegant, and he has written Qilu Medical’s spiritual character of “blessing the public, seeking truth from wisdom”, “medical ethics, morality, and professional excellence” in Qilu Medicine. He is a model for us to learn forever. and model. The death of Professor Li Danian is a great loss to the medical community of our country and Qilu Medicine. We are deeply saddened by this. The people are gone, but the demeanor lives on!

Professor Li Danian’s farewell ceremony will be held at Lianhuashan Funeral Home in Jinan City on May 19, 2022 (Thursday) at 1:20 pm.

Hereby obituary.

Shandong University Qilu Hospital

May 17, 2022


Well done