HPV infection = cervical cancer? Don’t panic! On May 19th, provincial experts will come to Texas to help you

Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynecological malignancies that seriously threaten women’s health. As we all know, the main cause of cervical cancer is HPV infection. What is HPV? What if I get infected?

In order to facilitate accurate medical treatment for female patients, Dezhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital specially invited Professor Wang Qiuhong, a well-known TCM gynecologist in Shandong Province, to come to visit on the afternoon of May 19. Sitting for a consultation, the seat of the consultation is the second room of the gynecology outpatient clinic on the third floor of the outpatient clinic in the west hospital district. It is understood that Professor Wang has been focusing on the study of cervical lesions for many years. For simple HPV infection or low-grade cervical lesions, he has unique insights into the use of oral and topical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Reservation Tel: 0534-2310890.

HPV is also called human papillomavirus. There are more than 100 virus strains, of which more than 40 types are related to reproductive tract infections, and are divided into low-risk and high-risk types. Most of the low-risk types are related to warts, such as condyloma acuminatum, which are mostly HPV6 and 11 infections. High-risk types are mostly related to malignant tumors of reproductive tract and digestive tract. Current research shows that persistent infection of HPV16 and 18 types has the highest risk of cervical cancer. Therefore, the detection of high-risk HPV types has become one of the important items of cervical cancer screening.

But don’t worry too much, HPV infection does not mean that you will get cervical cancer, nor does it necessarily lead to cervical cancer. Generally speaking, there is a certain self-healing rate after HPV infection. The clearance time of the body is related to the type of infection. It takes 5-6 months for low-risk types and 8-12 months for high-risk types. 90% of HPV infections can be cured within 2 years. subsides naturally. However, if some high-risk HPV types are not cleared but continue to be infected due to reasons such as low immunity, it may lead to cervical lesions and eventually progress to cervical cancer.

Therefore, the majority of women still pay attention to HPV infection and actively diagnose and treat it.

In recent years, the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of HPV infection have gradually become prominent. The traditional Chinese medicine treatment is based on the idea of ​​”preventing disease” in traditional Chinese medicine. From the point of view, using traditional Chinese medicine for oral administration, it has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, strengthening the body and eliminating pathogens, and improving the antiviral ability by strengthening the body’s immunity; supplemented by external drugs, the virus can be dissolved and killed by local high-concentration and high-frequency drugs. , destroy the host cells, promote the coagulation and shedding of necrotic cells, and stimulate the regeneration and repair of tissues to improve the cure rate and shorten the treatment cycle.

Dezhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital Gynecological Cervical Lesion Center has extensively carried out cervical cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment of various inflammatory and precancerous lesions, especially in the early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment of cervical precancerous lesions. With a wealth of experience, the diagnosis accuracy rate is high, and the treatment effect is remarkable.

Expert profile:

Wang Qiuhong, TCM gynecologist, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhonglu Hospital, graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, engaged in TCM clinical work for nearly 30 years year. He successively studied under Professor Zheng Huifang and Professor Jin Weixin of Shandong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been with Professor Zheng Huifang for more than 20 years and is the heir to Professor Zheng Huifang’s academic experience. He has participated in the compilation of the academic experience medical records of famous and old Chinese medicine experts of the Ministry of Health of the country and the collation of the commonly used treatment of gynecological diseases of traditional Chinese medicine (charcoal medicine) by the famous old Chinese medicine professor Zhang Xuelan from the Department of Chinese Medicine of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Good at cervical disease (HPV infection, etc.), irregular menstruation (uterine bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding, amenorrhea, heavy menstrual flow, etc.), dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, menopausal syndrome , pelvic inflammatory disease, habitual abortion, gynecological tumors, facial acne, pigmentation and other gynecological diseases Chinese medicine treatment.