Chen Junsheng of the Medical Federation: Based on the Internet Medical 3.0 Era, Deepen Serious Medical Care

Affected by the recent lockdown of the epidemic, Internet hospitals have received widespread attention again. According to media reports, the number of medical visits received by Internet hospitals during this period of the epidemic increased by as much as 10 times compared with the same period last year. At the same time, compared with the initial stage of the epidemic in 2020, the services that patients receive in Internet hospitals are far more than simple consultation and purchase of medicines, but also cover out-of-hospital management of various diseases. The role and value of Internet hospitals are being further developed and recognized.

Chen Junsheng, vice president of the Medical Federation, confirmed this trend in his recent interview with Fortune Chinese. He pointed out that Internet hospitals are a powerful supplement to offline diagnosis and treatment. Based on the positioning of serious medical care, Internet hospitals It can play a broad role in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of various diseases.

User demand drives the in-depth development of Internet hospitals

According to the data from the Shanghai Health and Medical Commission at the end of April, since the current round of the epidemic, more than 100 hospitals in Shanghai have The number of patients served by Internet hospitals has increased sharply, which is 5.2 times that of the same period last year, and the growth rate of prescriptions has been more than 10 times. Although residents are sealed off at home, they can get the medicines they need in time and enjoy follow-up visits. Even some seriously ill patients, such as cancer patients, can continue to obtain online expert guidance on their conditions by uploading inspection reports and case data.

It can be seen from these medical services that, in the past two years, its application scenarios have been expanded to common diseases and chronic diseases, unlike the small test of Internet hospitals in easing the difficulty of seeing a doctor when the epidemic broke out in 2020. In the field of out-of-hospital management of other diseases, it has transformed from a single treatment link to serving the entire life cycle of patients, gradually realizing the coverage of the entire disease course, and improving medical efficiency.

Behind this trend, it is revealed that users’ demands for Internet hospitals are changing dynamically. In this regard, Arterial Network’s “2021 Internet Hospital Report” analysis pointed out that although the epidemic has attracted a large number of users to enter Internet hospitals in a short period of time, if you want to form long-term user habits, it is necessary to provide medical services that can have a substantial effect on the stability of the disease. Just calming emotions and light counseling.

The era of Internet Hospital 3.0 is coming

Faced with the changing needs of users, the Internet medical industry is also evolving in depth. With the introduction of the “Detailed Regulations on Internet Diagnosis and Treatment Supervision (Draft for Comment)” issued by the National Health and Health Commission last year, it is clear that the development of the industry must return to the essence of medical treatment. After the 1.0 era centered on peripheral medical services such as outpatient consultations and the 2.0 era centered on superficial medical services such as follow-up consultations, refills, and pharmaceutical e-commerce, Internet medical care has entered the 3.0 era centered on deep medical services such as disease management.

Chen Junsheng endorsed this point of view in the interview, and added: “Serious medical care is the core keyword of the 3.0 era. Responsible for the results.”

He also emphasized that the essence of serious medical treatment is to cure patients, and Internet hospitals should focus more on serious medical treatment, including strict compliance with diagnosis and treatment standards, the intervention of professional medical staff, and the Through the cross-research of Internet technology and medical technology, we can effectively intervene in the four major links of disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. And this is also the long-term strategy of the Medical Federation.

Crack the development code of serious medical care

After the publication of the “Internet Diagnosis and Treatment Regulations (Draft for Comment)” last year, the industry’s discussion on serious medical care has changed from It has not stopped, and the purpose is to explore a path to truly implement serious medical care. In the “Insights into China’s Smart Medical Industry 2022” released by Analysys, those Internet hospital models that can cover the entire life cycle of “prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation” and can explore and empower every link are considered to be in the future. have greater development potential.

And where to start to build such capabilities? In this regard, Chen Junsheng mentioned in the interview that the Medical Federation starts from three aspects: technology, infrastructure, and service: In terms of technology, based on big data, artificial intelligence, etc., it develops tools for doctors to efficiently manage patients, such as developing SOPs for different diseases Automated products can more accurately process the patient’s condition information and make recommendations for diagnosis and treatment decisions; in terms of infrastructure, considering that various links will be encountered in the process of doctor-patient diagnosis and treatment, the Medical Alliance has deployed cloud pharmacy, cloud detection, cloud imaging, cloud Cloud-based capabilities such as nutrition and even cloud payment provide auxiliary support for doctors to manage patients in the full cycle of disease; in terms of services, the Medical Association is equipped with medical assistants and health managers to assist doctors in providing patients with medication guidance and psychological counseling. , lifestyle intervention and a series of out-of-hospital management.

Chen Junsheng said at the end of the interview that disease management is very complex and requires us to continuously integrate technology and medicine. The Medical Federation is also in-depth cooperation with experts and scholars of different diseases to promote the construction of digital chemistry and create Professional, standardized and effective Internet disease management system, and all this is done to establish an Internet hospital that does serious medical care, truly empowering doctors and taking responsibility for the results of patients.

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