Taiwan’s front-line personnel explode: medical nurses no longer quickly screen confirmed nurses to take care of positive patients

Source: China News Network

Chinanews.com, May 18. According to Taiwan’s “United News Network” report, Taiwan’s epidemic has not stopped. Chen Yufeng, chairman of the Taiwan Nurses Medical Industry Union, recently posted on social media. Sharing the voices of the front-line medical staff, complaining that they can’t rest when they are sick, and can only “diagnose nurses who are positive patients”, and no longer quickly screen to avoid medical collapse, and said that the heavy damage caused by this wave of epidemics, “I practice The worst I’ve ever seen.”

Data map: The on-site quota of Taiwan Quick Screening Station was full, and medical staff raised a sign at the end of the queue to remind. Photo source: Taiwan’s “United Daily News”, photo by reporter Zeng Yuanxin

Chen Yufeng pointed out that since the first confirmed case in the hospital, more than 200 patients have been infected in just one week, and even medical staff have been infected. In order to avoid the empty city of the hospital, “everyone still comes to work when they are sick, and the nurses diagnosed with positive patients”.

Chen Yufeng said that now chaos is emerging one by one, and medical care is collapsing. “At the same time, it affects the safety of patients and the safety of nurses in the workplace.” The authorities make rolling adjustments every day. staff, but unfortunately the related allowances and expenses have not been adjusted on a rolling basis.

She also pointed out that there is a shortage of manpower in emergency rooms, general wards or other units. If medical care completely collapses, the general public will suffer the most. (Source: Chinanews.com)