Prunella – more than herbal tea

Many people know that Prunella vulgaris got its name from herbal tea. Herbal tea is well-known as a drink that relieves irritability and thirst, relieves summer heat and eliminates fire.

Prunella vulgaris is a perennial herb of the Lamiaceae family. , Jiangsu, Hunan and other provinces; the flowering period is April-June, and the fruiting period is July-October. After the fruit ear is dried, it can be directly collected and dried in the sun.

The origin of the name of Prunella vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris was first seen in “Prunella vulgaris” in the name of “Prunella vulgaris” Shennong’s Materia Medica. It has many aliases in the herbal literature of the past dynasties, including Xiju, Naidong, Prunella vulgaris, Prunella vulgaris, Prunella vulgaris, Datouhua, Clawgrass, Niu Cao, June dry and so on. Regarding the origin of the name of Prunella vulgaris, Li Dongyuan, the four masters of Jin and Yuan Dynasties, annotated it in his book “Pearl Sac Supplementary Medicinal Properties”: “Prunella vulgaris reaches the end of summer, hence the name.” According to its biological characteristics, This plant mostly blooms around the summer solstice, and the inflorescence becomes dry and withered, so it is often called “Prunella vulgaris”.

Efficacy of Prunella vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris as a traditional Chinese medicine has a history of more than 1,000 years of application in my country. Chinese medicine believes that Prunella vulgaris is cold in nature, pungent and slightly bitter, and returns to the liver and gallbladder meridians. Such as headache, red eyes, swelling and pain; ② scrofula and mammary carbuncle caused by liver qi stagnation; ③ nourishing liver blood to treat metrorrhagia caused by liver not storing blood; ④ postpartum blood halo, red vaginal discharge; ⑥ sweaty white epilepsy. The “New Compendium of Materia Medica” of the Republic of China called it the holy medicine for treating scrofula. Modern research shows that Prunella vulgaris contains flavonoids, triterpenes, steroids, organic acids and other chemical components, and has various pharmacological activities such as lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, immune regulation, antiviral, and antitumor.

Prunella vulgaris use compatibility and development of modern preparations

Prunella vulgaris used to clear the liver and improve eyesight It is often used in combination with mulberry leaves and wild chrysanthemum; when used to reduce swelling and dissipate knots, it is often used in combination with Bupleurum, Chishao, Zhe Fritillaria, or with seaweed and kelp. At present, in addition to the compatibility of traditional prescriptions, Prunella vulgaris has been developed into various dosage forms for clinical use, mainly including Prunella vulgaris decoction, oral liquid, granules, tablets, capsules, liniments, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Xia Sangju granules, which have the functions of clearing the liver, improving eyesight, dispelling wind and dissipating heat, have been included in the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as a formula. The formula is derived from the classic formula “Sangju Drink” in Wu Jutong’s “Warm Disease Diagnosis” in the Qing Dynasty. In the formula, Prunella vulgaris is the monarch medicine, and mulberry leaves and wild chrysanthemum are the minister medicines. Xia sang chrysanthemum has a mild medicinal property, which can not only clear away heat, improve eyesight, but also moisten the lungs and nourish yin. The chamomile and mulberry leaves in the formula have been included in the list of medicinal and edible Chinese herbal medicines, and their safety is also greatly guaranteed.

Application of Prunella vulgaris as a raw material for herbal tea

Prunella vulgaris herbs are good for food. Li Shizhen once worked in “Compendium of Materia Medica” records: “Prunella vulgaris…the tender seedlings have fallen, the bitter taste is soaked, and it is edible when mixed with oil and salt”, and then the therapeutic monograph “Food Materia Medica” quoted Li Shizhen’s description, and added that “mixed with oil and salt” It is very beautiful to be used as a joss stick.” It can be seen from the “excellent beauty” that ancient Prunella vulgaris is still a favorite vegetable dish.

Although Prunella vulgaris was not included in the list of medicinal and food homologous items issued by the Ministry of Health in 2002, the Ministry of Health has clearly allowed Prunella vulgaris, cloth slag leaves, Frangipani, etc. can be used as raw materials for herbal tea beverages. When making herbal tea, Prunella vulgaris is often used in combination with honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, etc., which together play the role of removing damp heat, preventing heatstroke and cooling.


Prunella vulgaris is a commonly used medicine for clearing heat and purging gunpowder. Treatment of red eyes, swelling and pain, headache and so on. Folks are also often used to make tea, and proper drinking can prevent heatstroke and cool down. However, it should also be noted that Prunella vulgaris is a blind medicinal material after all, so it is not suitable to take Prunella vulgaris herbal tea as a health drink for a long time. In addition, because of its cold medicinal properties, those with weak spleen and stomach, cold syndrome and deficiency-cold constitution should also be used with caution.


1. Sun Mengqiu, Yu Xuefei, Ding Yuzhen, et al. Prunella vulgaris formulation and its application in the field of medicine and food [J]. Food and Drug, 2020, 22(2):167-170.

2. Yin Xunyan, Ye Weidong, Fang Ming. Textual research on Chinese medicine Prunella vulgaris [J]. Asia Pacific Traditional Medicine, 2021,17(8):184-186.< /p>