Motion sickness, airsickness, seasickness…why?

Frequent business trips often encounter this group of people during their journeys. They start to feel dizzy and nauseous before the car starts, look pale, drowsiness or increased drooling in mild cases, severe palpitation, chest tightness, cold limbs, vomiting and even coma . Motion sickness is diagnosed in patients who experience dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, pale complexion, cold sweats and other symptoms during transportation.

Then why are there such people with motion sickness, airsickness and seasickness, and why do they get motion sickness? What kind of people are prone to motion sickness? What should I do if I have this disease?

Why do I feel dizzy?

There are vestibular terminal receptors in the human inner ear, which are used to sense various positions and speeds of the human body. If the motor commands and sensory feedback of the brain are inconsistent, conflicts will occur and cause motion sickness. occur.

Current research has found that the pathogenesis of motion sickness is very complex, mainly including the following six theories:

①Sensory conflict theory: Three-dimensional spatial orientation requires four When the sensory input in the brain, eye, and ear is wrong, it will cause motion sickness when the input of sensory information in the brain, eyes, and ears is affected by the acceleration of the vehicle or the take-off of the plane, etc., which will lead to motion sickness; Doctrine: The body’s motor balance system information does not match the experience information stored in the brain. For example, people who do not often take ships have little experience of sailing at sea, and the balance information felt on the sea and on land is inconsistent, so they are prone to disease;

③Vestibular organ sensitivity Gao theory: Vestibular terminal receptors are oversensitive to acceleration and deceleration and other sports stimuli are prone to disease;

④The theory of hemodynamic changes: Variable speed exercise can lead to blood flow in the brain Oxygen supply changes are prone to disease;

⑤Neurotransmitter hypothesis: Researchers found that some neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, etc. may be related to this

⑥The weightlessness hypothesis of otolith: Some people are prone to disease due to the difference in thickness and weight of left and right otolith membranes.

Who is prone to motion sickness?

Motion sickness is common in people aged 3-20 years old, pregnant women and children around 12 years old. People with organic diseases such as inflammation and migraine are also prone to motion sickness.

How to reduce motion sickness?

When motion sickness symptoms occur, we should not panic, we can take the following measures to relieve motion sickness: ① Try to lean on the back of the mount, keep your head still, and close it lightly Eyes, if conditions permit, you can lie flat; ② Stop reading, looking at mobile phones, etc., and look at distant stationary objects to divert your attention; ③ If you have a history of motion sickness, choose a position near the front or a window when taking transportation to reduce Shaking has an impact on it; if you are driving, you can open the window to keep air circulation; ④ Ginger, Huoxiangzhengqi water, and applying wind oil essence on temples or Fengchi points can reduce the discomfort of motion sickness.

What are the commonly used oral medications?

If the above methods are not effective, medication can be used under the guidance of a professional doctor. Such as drugs that inhibit the excitation of the central nervous system (diazepam), chloral hydrate; drugs that reduce parasympathetic nerve excitation, scopolamine, dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine; antihistamine drugs promethazine, betahistine; Selective calcium ion antagonists flunarizine, cinnarizine, etc.; if it is serious enough to affect daily life, surgical treatment such as vestibular neurectomy can also be selected.


1. Zhou Tong, Jin Xiaojing. Research progress on prevention and treatment of motion sickness with traditional Chinese and Western medicine [J]. Hebei Chinese Medicine, 2021, 43(4):7.


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2. Wang Ergui, Xue Longzeng, Zhang Bingxin, et al. The etiology and prevention of motion sickness[J]. Journal of Audiology and Speech Diseases, 2002, 10(4):4.