If I have high blood pressure, can I stop drinking alcohol? Doctor: Keep these 3 points in mind and drink in moderation!

Author: Xin Chen (Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine)

Ancient poetry allows us to appreciate the breadth and depth of Chinese wine culture. Is drinking like Bai Juyi’s “One drunk and one Tao Ran”, or Li Qingzhao’s “three cups and two light wines”? Can people with high blood pressure still enjoy the pleasure of drinking lightly?

This article discusses alcohol consumption in people with high blood pressure.

I. Does drinking alcohol increase blood pressure?

A small amount of alcohol consumption may decrease blood pressure in a short period of time, but a small amount of long-term alcohol consumption can slightly increase blood pressure, and long-term excessive drinking can not only increase blood pressure, but also significantly damage the heart, liver, etc. The function of multiple important organs causes damage to the structure and function of the heart and liver, increasing the risk of liver cirrhosis, myocardial damage and sudden death.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Heavy alcohol consumption may also raise blood cholesterol levels.

Let’s discuss the relationship between alcohol consumption and blood pressure in detail:

Moderate alcohol consumption has no significant adverse effects on blood pressure, and some studies suggest it may lower systolic blood pressure by 2-4 mmHg. Moderate drinking means:

o Liquor, less than 50 ml per day;

o wine, less than 100ml per day;

o Cider, less than 200ml per day;

o Rice wine and beer, less than 250ml per day.

Large drinking, such as high-level liquor (alcohol content above 41 degrees, mostly above 55 degrees, generally not more than 65 degrees) ≥ 100 ml per day, and drinking ≥ 4 times a week, for Blood pressure has significant adverse effects, and it is necessary to be alert to the occurrence of hypertension.

Studies show that men who continue to drink excessively have a 40% increased risk of hypertension within 4 years; heavy drinking can induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (stroke, acute myocardial infarction); Drinking alcohol can also affect the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs and weaken the antihypertensive effect.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

2. Precautions for drinking alcohol in hypertensive patients

Patients with high blood pressure should stop drinking alcohol. If they cannot stop drinking, they must strictly control the amount of alcohol they drink: no more than 25 grams per day for men (less than 50 ml of liquor, less than 250 ml of beer, less than 100 ml of wine) ml);

Women and underweight individuals should not exceed 15 grams (less than 25ml of liquor, less than 125ml of beer, and less than 50ml of wine).

・ It is best to drink low-alcohol alcohol, do not drink on an empty stomach, and do not drink with carbonated beverages (such as Coke, Sprite, etc.).

・ Pregnant women should not drink alcohol.

In summary, long-term heavy drinking is one of the risk factors for hypertension. For patients with hypertension, heavy drinking can make it difficult to control blood pressure. Stop drinking or limit drinking. Helps reduce the risk of hypertension and keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

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