Li Xia first nourish your heart, then you can feel at ease when you are old? Do you know, do you know, you should do 3 things first to spend the summer smoothly

On May 5th, we ushered in the first solar term of summer – “Lixia”.

On this day, astronomically, it marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer.

As the holidays come to an end, we are also ushering in the arrival of summer.

Lixia health care, why focus on nourishing the heart?

As the saying goes: “The surging is full of summer, and the vegetation is wild.”

After the beginning of summer, the temperature gradually rises. At this time, people will inevitably feel irritable and angry, and the weather is getting hotter and the plants are prosperous. At this time, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is better to raise the Heart.

“The Origin of Medicine” once recorded: “The heart is the master of the whole body, and all the internal organs are obeyed by the heart, so it is the monarch. The heart contains the spirit, so it is used by the gods. .”

The heart is a special part, it can help the body to carry out normal metabolism, sweat regulation, and run smoothly, which represents the continuity of life, if the operation is hindered, it means that the body is unhealthy , even the end of life.

And if you want the heart to be full of yang and blood circulation to be more unimpeded, it must be properly maintained.

It is understood that summer is the main fire, and the heart should be in the heart, and the heart is the most in need of maintenance in summer. As the weather heats up, people feel restless and blood flow faster, which can put a serious load on the heart.

How to take care of your heart during the beginning of summer?

First, be calm

A person’s state of mind and emotions have a particularly large impact on health.

Especially when the weather is hot and dry, it is easy for people to be emotionally unstable, short-tempered, and relatively affected by heart fluctuations.

Keep your inner calm and steady, don’t get angry and anxious about anything, don’t have ups and downs in your emotions, and the most important thing is not to control your thoughts because of external things, in order to be open-minded and optimistic, right Great benefits for protecting the heart.

Especially for the elderly, it is not advisable to have great emotional ups and downs, keep a happy mood at any time, stay refreshed and happy.

Second, regular sleep

To protect the heart, sleep must be regular. In summer, many people have the habit of taking naps. After working all morning, they are lethargic and lethargic. In fact, it has a great relationship with the blood supply of the heart.

In addition to the hot weather, it is easy to sweat, more blood gathers on the surface of the body, less blood in the brain, and there are thoughts of sleep.

It is a good habit to insist on taking a nap, but it doesn’t take a long time to go to bed at noon, generally about half an hour is enough. After waking up, I feel that my spirit has recovered a lot. Also have strength.

Third, eat more heart-healthy foods

Lixia can also nourish the heart through diet.

Banana, oats, soybeans, tofu, walnuts, and more, these foods are good for the heart.

Especially apples, which are rich in antioxidants, can effectively prevent arteriosclerosis in the heart, reduce low blood pressure Density lipoprotein, it is known that people who eat apples regularly have a significantly lower risk of heart disease.

Barley contains minerals and trace elements, as well as fiber, which is also a good food to avoid arteriosclerosis and heart attacks. There are also oats, which are low in sugar, can prevent obesity, soften blood vessels, and are also good for the heart.< /p>

At the same time, the diet should not be too cold, so as not to aggravate abdominal discomfort, while maintaining good dietary hygiene and personal hygiene habits.

Not only spring beauty is also good in summer, but flowers and plants are a career

After the beginning of summer, the weather is gradually rising, and the physical and mental strength is also increasing. At this time, people tend to be in a state of lethargy and drowsiness.

In order to ensure full vitality, it is recommended that you need to adjust your living style and life rhythm in time, so that the biological clock can adapt to the characteristics of summer with long days and short nights.

At the same time, exercise in the morning, take a lunch break, lie down at night and get up early, strengthen the maintenance and care of the heart, pay attention to sun protection, and eliminate sweat in time to avoid skin diseases such as eczema and sweat spots.

Farewell to spring, and summer is just around the corner.

Say “goodbye” with spring and “hello” with summer, the most energetic season of the year will finally come, spring has passed and summer begins, and the green is slowly rising, this summer you can Are you ready?