Stomach, how far is the distance from discomfort to stomach disease, and then to stomach cancer?

For medical professionals only

How “indulgence” are the “workers” in contemporary society?

At work, three meals a day can be taken care of. How to eat, what to eat, and whether to eat on time depends on the mood at work! And once you leave work, you will start hot pot barbecue, milk tea ice cream, seafood feast… all kinds of nonsense, wanton pretentiousness.

Over time, our stomachs have been “broken” like this. When you face food again, it will give you a stomachache, bloating, or nausea, nausea… It’s uncomfortable.

But in life, when faced with an upset stomach, many people either endure it and pass it on, or take some medicine by themselves and respond to emergencies, but do not go to the doctor in time.

Doing so may lead to more health problems. So, today let’s talk about those things hidden in the stomach~


How much do you know about the truth behind stomach problems?

It has to be said that more and more people are now suffering from stomach problems.

According to statistics, the incidence of gastric disease in my country is 85%, and the proportion of gastric disease patients aged 23 to 34 is on the rise, and the proportion is higher in first-tier cities.

Even though the incidence of stomach problems is so high, most people do not really know about stomach problems, and it is often easy to define large and small gastrointestinal problems as “stomach problems”, but they don’t know what stomach problems contain. Something is too broad.

1. What do people often say about stomach problems?

Generally speaking, as long as the disease occurs in the stomach organs, it can be called stomach disease. But to be specific, stomach diseases are also classified, and different stomach diseases have different symptoms and different influences.

Like the most common stomach problems at present, most of them are the following.

Among them, chronic gastritis has become the most common gastrointestinal disease in my country.

But because of its “chronic” characteristics, many people don’t take their chronic gastritis seriously.

However, chronic gastritis is more important than other stomach problems. You might as well think about it, acute stomach problems will be treated and recovered quickly because they come quickly and make people uncomfortable.

However, chronic gastritis will cause lasting damage to the body due to people’s procrastination, and indirectly lead to more health problems, such as gastric bleeding, anemia, etc., and even evolve into gastric cancer. possibility.

2. How far is the distance from stomach disease to gastric cancer?

Stomach disease may be dismissed by everyone, but when it comes to stomach cancer, everyone may not be calm~

Did you know? At present, the incidence of gastric cancer ranks second among all malignant tumors, and the mortality rate ranks third.

In addition, according to data from the my country Cancer Center, more than 400,000 people in my country are diagnosed with gastric cancer every year, most of which are found in the middle and late stages, and the 5-year survival rate is less than 50%.

However, behind the high morbidity and mortality, it is precisely because the early symptoms of gastric cancer are not obvious, which can easily be confused with common gastric diseases and delay the best treatment time.

A 23-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer because she ignored stomach pain for 2 weeks!

However, don’t panic, this does not mean that all stomach problems will develop into stomach cancer.

Actually, the chances of developing gastric cancer are not high for common gastric diseases, especially acute gastric diseases such as general superficial gastritis and stomach cramps, which are difficult to develop into gastric cancer.

However, chronic persistent gastritis is one of the triggering factors for gastric cancer. It is likely to change from chronic gastritis to chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric mucosal intestinal metaplasia, low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, and high-grade Intraepithelial neoplasia of gastric cancer.

Fortunately, the 5-year survival rate of early gastric cancer is 90%. As long as it is detected and treated early, it is not terrible. If it is in the late stage, it will be very different. The 5-year survival rate is less than 10%. To put it in a bad way, this is equivalent to “waiting to die”~

Because of this, everyone should pay attention to “small stomach problems”, seek medical treatment in time, and nourish the stomach, so as to prevent the occurrence of cancer to the greatest extent.


Is it really bad for a bad stomach?

Many friends suffer from stomach problems and often complain that this is the result of their own inability to control their mouths.

In fact, stomach problems are not formed overnight, they are caused by the accumulation of various unfavorable factors, not just bad eating.

1. “Cause comes from the mouth”, this is true

Those bad eating habits, such as irregular three meals a day, like to eat all kinds of spicy, stimulating, greasy food, smoking, excessive drinking, etc.

These will put a burden on the digestive function of the stomach and cause damage to the protective layer of the gastric mucosa. If things go on like this, it’s no wonder that your stomach doesn’t get sick~

2. Your behavior of staying up late really hurts your stomach!

People’s gastrointestinal function, after “work” during the day, also needs “rest” at around 10 o’clock in the evening.

If you eat at this time, it will increase the burden on the stomach. You are always hungry, and the secretion of gastric acid is likely to increase, resulting in damage to the gastric mucosa.

In other words, no matter what you choose, you are hurting your stomach, and going to bed early is the “best solution.”

3. Unsanitary diet will cause big trouble!

Never underestimate dietary hygiene. Many gastrointestinal diseases are caused by unclean diet.

If you eat unclean things, it is easy to have acute gastrointestinal inflammation, causing abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, and even Helicobacter pylori infection.

This Helicobacter pylori is not easy to mess with! Not only the infection rate is extremely high, but people may be infected with Helicobacter pylori in human feces, contaminated water sources, use of unclean tableware, no public chopsticks for dinner parties, mother-to-child transmission, and saliva transmission.

It is also the real culprit in causing gastritis, peptic ulcer, indigestion and other stomach diseases, and it is also a major “behind the scenes” that causes gastric cancer.

In general, the aboveThese factors are not only common predisposing factors for gastric diseases, but also high-risk factors for gastric cancer. Don’t take it seriously~


Stomach Care Tips for Healthier You

1. Symptomatic treatment is the foundation

In fact, there are many cases of stomach problems. When you have an upset stomach, you should go for diagnosis and treatment based on your own cause and symptoms, instead of buying a medicine to eat after a Baidu search on the Internet.

Many times, what we think of stomach pain may also be “false stomach pain” caused by other organ diseases, such as acute pancreatitis, acute appendicitis, common bile duct stones, myocardial infarction and other diseases. Pain can also be easily mistaken for stomach pain.

In this case, if you don’t know the cause of the pain and take stomach medicine indiscriminately, it is likely to bury a greater health risk.

Blind drug use can easily backfire~

In addition, gastrointestinal problems are not as simple as diarrhea and indigestion. If you always have the following symptoms in your body, you must be highly vigilant, such as:

Sudden stomach pain from time to time;

recurrent heartburn, acid reflux, nausea and vomiting;

Rapid weight loss and significant body weight loss;

Feel a firm, painful mass near the stomach;

Sudden change in bowel habits, black or bloody stools.

If you have the above conditions, it may indicate that there is a stomach disease or the possibility of cancer. You need to seek medical examination and follow the professional analysis of the doctor to see what disease you have and whether it is serious or not. , How to treat, make yourself more at ease, but also be responsible for your own body.

2. Daily care, not less

If you want to keep your stomach healthy, you have to learn these “five don’ts”: don’t eat too fast, don’t eat too much, don’t eat too mixed, don’t eat heavy, don’t forget to eat.

Workers who work hard outside should pay attention to hygiene in their diet, eat less take-out, eat in unhygienic places, be careful of unqualified tableware disinfection, and remember to use public chopsticks when dining together Otherwise, it is easy to be infected with Helicobacter pylori~

In short, no matter whether you have gastrointestinal problems or not, we should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, balance the nutrients our body needs, exercise properly, and improve our immunity.

In the face of greasy and various irritating foods, you should learn to restrain your “appetite” and develop a good eating habit of balanced taste, careful chewing, and regular and quantitative eating.

Source of this article: Health 160 Shenzhen Station

Editor in charge: XU

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