National Health Commission: Require all localities to set up yellow code hospitals

At the press conference of the State Council Information Office this morning (29th), Li Bin, deputy director of the National Health Commission, responded to questions about how to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and normal medical services.

The National Health and Health Commission deploys requirements to set up yellow code hospitals and open cloud clinics for critically ill patients with unknown nucleic acid test results. , It is necessary to activate and standardize the use of the buffer areas set up in emergency rooms, first aid rooms, operating rooms, and wards in a timely manner. Medical staff strictly implement the responsibility system for the first diagnosis and the system for emergency and critical care, do a good job in personal protection, and provide timely and effective treatment. Excusing refusal for any reason, delaying treatment.

(Original title: National Health and Medical Commission: Requires the establishment of yellow code hospitals in various places)

Source: CCTV News Client

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