Yunnan Provincial Medical Social Worker Talent Training Launched in Kunming

Yunnan Net News (Reporter Zhang Xinyun) On April 27th, the Yunnan Provincial Medical Social Work Talent Training Course (Phase 1) was launched in Kunming. 50 business backbones from medical institutions in various cities of the province participated in the 3-day training .

Training class site

According to the introduction of the person in charge of the Medical Administration and Medical Administration Bureau of Yunnan Provincial Health Commission In June last year, our province launched the pilot work of medical social work and volunteer service. It plans to use two years to carry out this work in tertiary hospitals in the province, and encourage secondary medical institutions to actively participate. Pilot hospitals are required to establish pilot work leading groups, strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination, combine medical social work with volunteer service work, the construction of “safe hospitals”, and the creation of “humanistic and caring hospitals”, integrate development, and actively create conditions for the establishment of social work. Ministry of Social Affairs or Ministry of Social Affairs, gradually establish a medical social work and volunteer service system, actively explore the long-term mechanism of medical social work and volunteer service, incorporate this work into the medical service evaluation system of medical institutions, and steadily promote medical social work and volunteer service work.

2022 is the year for the pilot work of medical social work and volunteer service. The training of medical social workers will improve the service ability of medical social workers and give full play to the role of medical social work and volunteer services in the communication between doctors and patients. The role of bridge and link, harmonious doctor-patient relationship, and boost the high-quality development of public hospitals.

【Know more】

Medical social work is the use of social work values ​​and professional methods by medical social workers and medical staff to assist patients in solving their social, economic, family, and occupational issues. , psychological and other issues, in order to ensure the implementation of the medical plan and improve the medical effect of professional service activities. Medical social workers are professional social workers who provide patients with psychological care and social services in hospitals and health care institutions. Different from doctors and nurses, they provide patients with “non-medical diagnosis and non-clinical treatment”.