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Beijing’s epidemic prevention and control is at a critical period. 3 rounds of nucleic acid testing are being carried out in 11 districts. Health protection is the topic that citizens are most concerned about. True and false “health tips” are shared with relatives and friends through social media. spread in.

Can drinking carbonated beverages cause false positives for nucleic acids? Do you need to “ah” out when doing nucleic acid? How often should masks be changed? Regarding the issues that everyone is concerned about, the reporter interviewed Li Tongzeng, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Infectious Diseases of Beijing You’an Hospital.

Will it cause “false positives” when drinking a drink before nucleic acid preparation?

“Do not drink water and rinse your mouth before doing nucleic acid, eat fruit, pickles, drink carbonated drinks, and wine, all are prone to false positives.” Recently, many people have received such a ” hint”. In this regard, Li Tong once said that there is no scientific basis for the claim that diet causes false positives of nucleic acids.

Li Tong once said that whether it is nucleic acid testing or antigen testing, there is a certain probability of false positives. In contrast, nucleic acid testing is affected by fewer factors, and the probability of false positives is very low. The occurrence of false positive results has no overall pattern, and is mostly caused by laboratory contamination or improper operation.

“We will remind the public not to eat within 2 hours before the nucleic acid test, not to drink water for half an hour beforehand, especially carbonated drinks and alcohol, not to smoke, and not to chew gum.” Li Tongzeng Said that this kind of prompt is mainly to avoid the “false negative” situation in the nucleic acid detection process. He explained that drinking water, drinking beverages, etc., will dilute oral secretions, which may lead to inaccurate test results. “Of course, this is also to prevent the occurrence of nausea and vomiting in the citizens during the nucleic acid sampling process.”

Why don’t “ah” come out when doing nucleic acid?

Some experts suggest that during the nucleic acid detection process, it is best not to “ah” out. Why is this? Li Tong once explained that “ah” is an exhalation action. If a positive patient exhales during the nucleic acid test, more viruses will be excreted. Therefore, do not “ah” out, to protect others.

How to better protect yourself during the collective nucleic acid testing process? Li Tong once suggested that after taking off the mask, try not to take a deep breath. “Before taking off the mask, you can take a breath. After taking off the mask, cooperate with the staff’s instructions to open the mouth as much as possible, and make sure the movements are in place, so that the staff can take samples in one step, and put on the mask quickly after picking.” Li Tong once said , This set of actions can be practiced in advance before doing nucleic acid.

“To do nucleic acid collectively, the most fearful thing is to gather and talk.” Li Tong once said that citizens should keep a distance of more than one meter when queuing, not to gather together, not to drink water, not to eat, especially Don’t chat face to face. When the sampling of the person in front is over, wait for the instructions of the staff, do not sit down or take off the mask and wait, and try to reduce the time for taking off the mask as much as possible.

During the nucleic acid sampling process, do not put items on the table, and do not touch the table with your hands. Wash your hands in time and keep your hands hygienic when you go home after finishing the nucleic acid. “You can prepare an alcohol wipe in advance and sanitize your hands immediately after the nucleic acid is done.”

How often should the mask be changed? Is it possible for used masks to cause pollution?

Li Tong once said that masks need to be replaced after 4 to 6 hours of continuous use. If it is not used continuously, you can calculate the cumulative usage time as appropriate. “Of course, if the mask is wet, soaked, or dirty, it needs to be replaced immediately.”

When removing the mask midway, it is best to find a clean plastic bag or a clean piece of paper Wrap it up, or find a ventilated place to hang it.

“Don’t put used masks in your pockets or school bags, so as not to contaminate masks and contaminate items.” Li Tong once said.