On the occasion of spring and summer, famous Chinese medicine practitioners in Shandong Province will send you a small coup for health care

Reporter Li Xiwei Correspondent Wang Bihui

When spring and summer change, some people are prone to colds or other chronic diseases due to their inability to adapt to climate changes in a short period of time; The crowd was restless because of the rising temperature. According to Wang Xiangsheng, a famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioner in Shandong Province and chief physician of the Nephrology Department of Jining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the beginning of the summer solar term is an important period for health preservation, and conforming to the four seasons is the primary principle of health preservation. Chinese medicine believes that human beings and nature are a unified whole, and the four seasons of yin and yang in nature are related to each other and correspond to each other. During the beginning of summer, the heart is open to the summer, so after the beginning of summer, the focus of health care is to maintain the heart, which helps to pass the summer smoothly.

Diet Recuperation

After the beginning of summer, the changes in nature are that the yang qi gradually grows and the yin qi gradually disappears. Weak, the heart qi is gradually strengthening, the dietary principles at this time should increase acidity and reduce bitterness, invigorate the kidney and help the liver, and nourish the stomach qi. Therefore, the diet should be light, low-fat, easily digestible, and rich in cellulose, and should eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Usually, you can eat more fish, chicken, lean meat, beans, sesame, onion, hawthorn, tomatoes, etc.; eat less animal offal, fatty meat and salty foods, such as salted fish and pickles.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eating bitter foods not only clears the heart fire, but also nourishes the heart and calms the nerves. Usually, you can eat more bitter foods, such as bitter gourd, coriander, lotus seeds, etc. Bitter foods belong to the category of cold and purging. Although they can clear away heat and purify fire, they should not be eaten by people with cold and weak body.

Have a regular daily life

“Su Wen·Four Qi Regulating the Great Theory” says: “Xia Sanyue, this is called Fanxiu…night sleeping Get up early and walk in the courtyard.” Wang Xiangsheng explained that after the beginning of summer, days are long and nights are short, so people’s work and rest time should be in line with the climate, and the sleep time at night can be a little later than in spring to adapt to the lack of yin; in the morning, one should get up earlier to adapt to the yang full of air. Pay attention to the lunch break, and rest for half an hour to 1 hour after lunch.

After entering the summer, the temperature gradually rises, and the growth and reproduction of mold and other bacteria accelerates. Therefore, the room should be cleaned in time to keep the indoor air fresh and the humidity suitable.

Increase exercise

Introduced by Wang Xiangsheng, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes “holding in winter and releasing in summer”, that is to say, pay attention to the accumulation of nutrients and energy in winter, while Exercise more in summer to boost your body’s metabolism.

After the beginning of summer, proper exercise can help stimulate yang qi, promote blood circulation, improve the body’s immunity, and help maintain inner peace. Proper perspiration is also an effective way to expel cold pathogens from the body.

Therefore, it is necessary to increase outdoor activities in summer, get proper sun exposure, and don’t be afraid of sweating, but to prevent strenuous exercise and profuse sweating, which leads to injury and gas consumption, it is advisable to choose slow-paced sports, such as walking and jogging. , practicing Baduanjin, Wuqinxi, Taijiquan, etc. You may wish to get up early in the morning and exercise in the shade of the trees near your residence, which can help you to calm down and help the body to sublimate the yang energy.

Emotional recuperation

Wang Xiangsheng said that traditional Chinese medicine believes that “summer heat can easily hurt the qi” and “summer heat is easy to enter the heart”. The mind hides the god, and the mind is chaotic, the mind is chaotic. Therefore, after the beginning of the summer solar term, you should pay attention to adjusting your emotions, and make yourself feel calm and happy through various means of serenity, such as reading, painting, listening to music, playing chess, fishing, etc. When the mind is calm, the fire of the heart is peaceful, the mind is peaceful, and the body is cool when the fire is peaceful.

Especially the elderly should consciously recuperate their spirits, keep their minds clean and in a happy state, and avoid great sorrow and joy, so as not to be sad, hurt the body, and hurt the spirit.

Moxibustion and massage

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart qi is connected to the summer qi, which means that the heart yang is the most vigorous and the most powerful in the summer. In the summer when the yang qi is most prosperous, the summer qi and the pure yang of the moxa fire are combined together, and the double yang qi acts on the human body lesions, which can effectively remove cold and dampness and dredge the meridians. The general population Lixia Health recommends moxibustion on Dazhui, Xinshu, Gaohuang, Shenzhu, Qihai, Guanyuan, Zusanli, Yongquan, Mingmen and other acupoints under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to achieve the effect of warming Yang and dispelling cold.

After summer, the climate is hot and humid, the body is easy to feel irritable and tired, and the spleen, stomach and digestive system are also prone to problems. In addition to regular work and rest and diet, Wang Xiangsheng recommends self-massing acupoints every day to achieve health preservation. the goal of.

For example, regular massage of Laogong, Houxi, Jianshi and other acupoints can play a very good role in nourishing the heart; if the spleen and stomach are not good, you can massage Zhongwan, Tianshu and Zusanli Acupuncture points. You can also rub the abdomen around the navel before going to sleep at night and before getting up in the morning, clockwise and counterclockwise 50 times each, which can regulate the spleen and stomach and nourish the middle and replenish qi.

Wang Xiangsheng reminded that during the beginning of summer, although the temperature gradually rises, the temperature in the morning and evening is still low, so pay attention to adding clothes and quilts; when the temperature is high at noon, do not blow the air conditioner violently to prevent colds. After the beginning of summer, various bacteria also multiply rapidly. Under the dual action of high temperature and bacteria, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, hand, foot and mouth diseases, skin diseases and other diseases are highly frequent. Attention should be paid to it, and if you feel unwell, seek medical treatment in time.