We Chinese, we have to eat like this! Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2022

The biggest headache every day: what to eat? how to eat?

After six years, today (April 26) finally waited for the release of the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)”. If you want to learn the basics of nutrition and adjust your diet, then I highly recommend you to buy a copy of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents.

Food Chestnut Pie has compiled the key points of the guide, new changes, and the nutritionist’s interpretation of the guide, let’s take a look.

8 principles of the new dietary guidelines

What’s changed?

Here are the highlights for everyone:

Change one: from “recommendation” to “criteria”, intensified efforts

From the 2016 version of the dietary guidelines, it is about “six core recommendations”; the 2022 version, upgraded to “eight guidelines”. The number has increased, and the strength from “recommendations” to “guidelines” has been strengthened, which also implies that the credibility of the dietary guidelines has increased, and the evidence behind them has become stronger.

The problem of eating should be taken seriously!

Change 2: Changes in food types and quantity recommendations

1. Diverse and reasonable food combinations

Just like clothes and houses need to be carefully designed, diet is so important to health that it needs and deserves your careful planning.

The staple food must be eaten; in addition to the staple food, a meal should include protein-rich beans, fish, meat, eggs, and vegetables, which is reasonable match.

2. Emphasize eating fish at least twice a week

The “eat fish at least 2 times a week” recommendation continues the recommendation from the previous edition and is listed separately on the pagoda.

Chinese people eat more pork and less aquatic products such as fish, and fish is a healthier meat choice than pork, rich in high-quality protein, lower in fat, and Unsaturated fatty acids are friendly to people who lose weight and patients with cardiovascular disease.

3. Encourage whole grains


2022 Dietary Guidelines have included 8 guidelines to encourage the intake of whole grains, recommended to eat 50-150g of whole grains and beans per day.

Multigrains are rich in dietary fiber and B vitamins, which are more nutritious than refined rice noodles, but many people don’t eat enough.

In fact, it is very simple to add these foods to the diet. Xiaolizi will give you a few chestnuts:

Oatmeal for breakfast is quick and easy

Steam corn with an electric steamer, and it is convenient to take it to the company to eat

Multi-grain and multi-bean rice, cooked in advance in a pressure cooker, and packed in small lunch boxes for freezing. When cooking, add a small lunch box to the white rice to save soaking time and taste better.

4. Milk: 300ml or more per day

Milk is the most ideal source of calcium supplementation. The 2022 version recommends that it is equivalent to 300~500g of milk per day; if you drink more than 500g a day, it is recommended to choose low-fat milk and skim milk.

Fresh milk, room temperature milk, yogurt, cheese, milk powder are all fine.

5. Added dietary guidance for “the elderly”

As everyone knows, there are more and more elderly people living around us with longevity. In response to this situation, the 2022 edition of the Dietary Guidelines has timely added guidelines for the elderly over 80 years old.

Young people, pay attention to “don’t eat too much”, and for the elderly over 80, it is recommended to “eat as much as you can“, especially high-quality protein intake.

The most important thing for the “old and old” is preventing malnutrition and frailty. The elderly themselves and their family members should pay attention to regular weighing. If the BMI is less than 20, it is necessary to seek nutrition professionals and doctors to evaluate the nutritional status and find out whether there is any nutritional deficiency in time.

6. Eat no more than 5g of salt per day

The 2022 edition of the Diet Pagoda has raised the goal of “limiting salt” from <6g salt per day to <5g salt per day, and WHO ( The recommendation of the WHO) is consistent with less than 20% of the Chinese who meet the standard, and the average salt intake of everyone is around 10g, so it is really necessary to control it.

In addition to eating less processed and preserved foods, paying attention to the labels when buying processed foods, and choosing products with less sodium (salt), you should also pay attention to cooking at home.

Salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, and various sauces all contain salt, so don’t add them repeatedly; you can choose low-salt seasonings, such as low-salt soy sauce; use more onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, basil, etc. Spices flavor food.

Change 3: Added content on healthy eating

The 2022 version of the Dietary Guidelines provides a total of 8 guidelines, which is 2 more than the 2016 version, and the intensity has increased.

The newly added content is mainly aimed at healthy eating and behavioral habits. Specifically, there are several items:

1. Eat regular meals and drink plenty of water

The 2016 edition of the guide also hasThe content of drinking water, but the 2022 edition mentioned “drinking enough water” as a guideline, which shows the importance of drinking water.

1700ml per day for men and 1500ml per day for women Are you drinking enough? The simplest indicators to judge whether you are dehydrated are the amount of urine and the color of the urine. The darker the color of the urine, the more water is deficient in the body.

The proportion of regular meals is declining year by year, so the new guide highlights this. Do you still take “eating on time” as a trivial matter? Irregular meals can easily lead to gallstones and unstable blood sugar; lack of food can also lead to chronic enteritis and constipation.

2. Can cook, choose, read labels

How many people “live” off food delivery? A survey in 2018 shows that China ranks first in the world in ordering food outside, and food with heavy oil and salt is more popular and endangers people’s health.

The food outside is unhealthy, so try making it yourself.

Being able to cook doesn’t mean you’re going to be a super chef, it just wants you to be able to better plan meals a day: know the food, try to choose fresh , nutrient-dense foods; when buying prepackaged foods, look beyond the date of manufacture and price, and look at the nutrition label. Views on nutrient reference values, essential skills for healthy girls

3. Share meals with chopsticks to eliminate waste

COVID-19 has promoted public chopsticks and meal distribution; in fact, in addition to reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission, public chopsticks can reduce Helicobacter pylori infection, hepatitis A infection /strong>.

Also, dividing meals into fixed-size plates helps manage energy and weight. #Very helpful move#

This change behind “unchanged” requires your attention

The 2nd of the 8 guidelines – Eat a balanced diet, a healthy weight, continues the recommendation of the 2016 edition, because the obesity rate in China is really too high .

Although the average Chinese energy intake is declining (by 100kcal), the obesity rate is increasing, mainly due to the greater decline in physical activity, physical activity, and Compared with 20 years ago, the average daily energy consumption of men has decreased by about 80kcal, and that of women has decreased by about 65kcal.

We still need to pay attention to the balance of eating and movement. On the one hand, you should eat in moderation and avoid eating too much; at the same time, you should increase physical activity, be diligent, and preferably increase active exercise.

Interact Today What do you want to complain about after reading the Dietary Guidelines? Come and chat in the comment area~