Shanghai strictly implements “non-essential not leaving Shanghai”, the latest announcement at the press conference→

On April 25, Shanghai added 1,661 local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 15,319 local asymptomatic infections. At 10 a.m. on April 26, Shanghai held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. At the meeting, the relevant person in charge introduced the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai. Shanghai added 52 new deaths yesterday, of which the 33-year-old case was diagnosed as sudden cardiac deathAs of 24:00 on April 25, in Shanghai There were 259 severe patients and 28 critically ill patients receiving treatment in designated medical institutions. On April 25, 52 new local deaths were reported in Shanghai. The average age is 83.1 years old, the youngest is 33 years old, and the oldest is 100 years old. The 33-year-old patient was a male who died of sudden cardiac and respiratory arrest due to ineffective rescue. He was diagnosed with sudden cardiac death. He had received 2 doses of the new coronary pneumonia virus vaccine. The other 51 patients were complicated with multi-organ underlying diseases, including advanced liver cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute coronary syndrome, severe hypertension, diabetes, sequelae of cerebral infarction, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and uremia. Serious diseases of vital organs. The causes of death were all underlying diseases. Discharged personnel shall not be prevented from returning to their place of residence for any reason

According to reports, the standard for leaving the cabin of Fangcang shelter hospitals , All cabin hospitals in Shanghai are implemented in accordance with the national “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Version 9)”.

Asymptomatic infected persons and mildly ill patients in the cabin will undergo regular nucleic acid testing after a period of health management and necessary Chinese and Western medicine treatment measures , When the nucleic acid test of the specimen is negative for 2 consecutive times (sampling time interval is at least 24 hours), the quarantine management can be released and the cabin can be released. The “Release from Medical Isolation Certificate” is the equivalent certificate of the negative nucleic acid report and the green health code of the discharged person. The committee, property management company, etc. shall not prevent positive infected persons and discharged persons from returning to their places of residence for any reason.

Shanghai optimizes the code assignment rules for “Suishen Code”: 5 types of personnel are assigned red codes, 4 types of personnel are assigned yellow codes< /span>

On April 25, the Shanghai Municipal Prevention and Control Office issued a special document to further clarify the code assignment management rules and specific work requirements for the “Suishen Code” during this round of epidemic.

The objects assigned red codes are the following five categories of personnel: Firstly, the first is positive in primary screening and positive in mixed tube Second, confirmed cases, asymptomatic infections, and suspected cases; third, close contacts; fourth, inbound personnel (except for those entering Macau);

Yellow code objects are assigned to the following four categories of personnel: First, release from quarantine observation The second is the close contact of the close contact; the third is the person who came to Shanghai from the medium-risk area; the fourth is the person who “should not be tested” for nucleic acid screening, etc. Strictly manage the departure of personnel from Shanghai and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemicAccording to reports, Shanghai strictly implements the “non-essential non-leave” Shanghai”, take various measures to strictly manage the departure of personnel from Shanghai, and resolutely prevent the spillover of the epidemic. The specific measures are as follows:1. In addition to the negative certificate of nucleic acid test within 48 hours, those leaving Shanghai must also provide the certificate of negative antigen test within 24 hours; Do relevant inspections at airports, stations and other crossings to minimize the output of risk personnel. Second, the close contacts, second-close contacts and other high-risk persons who have been out of town found during the convection investigation will be issued by the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention to all places in a timely manner. The cross-regional investigation letter, incorporated into the localized management of the local disease control department; further strengthen the work docking, information sharing and coordination with brother provinces and cities. III.Further implement the main responsibility for spill prevention, strengthen the construction of shelters and truck drivers in Shanghai The epidemic prevention and control of key groups leaving Shanghai, such as nucleic acid sampling personnel from Shanghai, and other stranded personnel in Shanghai, will be strictly closed-loop transfer and evacuated and resettled.

(Source: People’s Daily Online-Shanghai Channel Ma Zuopeng)