Attention! These 3 kinds of cooking oils are best not to eat! Many people don’t take it seriously!

Oil, which is the soul of cooking food, allows us to enjoy the crispy taste, aroma and color Shiny food.

However, although the oil is delicious, you should pay attention to the right amount~ Too much, wrong choice, wrong use, but it is not good for health! Then I can learn from it~

These 3 Oils are not recommended

01Oil opened for more than 3 months

Too long , it will increase the risk of mold infection in the oil; If the sealing treatment is not done well, the oil will contact with the oxygen in the air, and an oxidation reaction will occur, resulting in some oxidation products.

Eating edible oil containing excessive microorganisms, aflatoxins and partial oxidation products is prone to toxic reactions such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe may also be life-threatening.

Therefore, try not to eat edible oil that has been opened for more than 3 months, and usually try to buy small bottles of oil.

02Repeated oil for frying< p>

The oil for repeated frying is easy to produce carcinogens, such as benzopyrene, acrylamide, heterocyclic amine, etc. Long-term consumption will bring hidden dangers to health.

In addition, when edible oil is used repeatedly, a large amount of trans fatty acids will be produced, which will not only lead to obesity, but also increase the risk of Cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, etc.

strong>03Some small workshops have “self-pressing oil”

some self-pressing Oil is a safety hazard. Earlier, several grain and oil stores were found to have excessive aflatoxin content in the self-extracted oil. On the one hand, the raw materials they used may have been moldy and deteriorated; on the other hand, the production environment was poor and the machines were dirty. , and it has not been refined to completely remove impurities and harmful substances.

Different oils< /strong>

Different nutrition and usagespan>

In addition to keeping in mind that some oil cannot be eaten, healthy eating oil should also be “diversified”, and eat more in rotation kind of oil, and can be replaced according to the actual situation.

High Oleic Acid

Olive oil, tea seed oil

They are class 1 edible oils. It is especially high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which can help lower bad cholesterol levels, fight blood clotting, and inhibit the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

strong>Olive oil

Olive oil also contains olive polyphenols, squalene and other antioxidants, which can protect cardiovascular health.

【Healthy Ways】Virgin olive oil is best for stewing Soup or salad, ordinary olive oil can be used for stews, stir-fries.

Tea Seed Oil

is known as the “Oriental Oil” Olive oil” has similar nutrients to olive oil, but is more cost-effective.

【Healthy Ways to Eat】Domestic tea seed oil for stir-frying and salad is fine. When purchasing, choose pressed products first. better quality.

Balanced Edible Oil

Peanut oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil

they are considered second grade edibles Oil. The proportion of various fatty acids is balanced, and the monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) is slightly higher.

Peanut oil,especially virgin peanut oil, can retain the carotene and vitamin E in peanuts to a greater extent Nutrients.

【Healthy Eating Method】Suitable for daily cooking, try Also avoid high heat frying and deep frying.

Rice bran oil

Rich in oryzanol and phytosterols , Natural vitamins, especially containing an important neurotransmitter r-aminobutyric acid, can help relieve anxiety and control blood pressure.

【Healthy Ways to Eat】Good heat resistance, stir-fry, stew It will be all right.

sesame oil

sesame oil contains plant sterols, Antioxidants such as sesamol and vitamin E can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

【Healthy Ways to Eat】Suitable for salads and dips.

High Linoleic Acid

Soybean Oil, Sunflower Oil, Corn Oil

These are high linoleic type. Mainly because of the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the omega-6 series, and also containing vitamin E, plant sterols and phospholipids, etc., these substances have the effect of lowering cholesterol in the blood, which is beneficial to cardiovascular health.

strong>Soybean oil

Soybean oil also contains soy phospholipids, which are beneficial to the development and growth of nerves, blood vessels, and brain, as well as α-flax Acid, can help regulate blood pressure.

【Healthy Ways to Eat】Poor thermal stability, it is best to use only Come to low temperature cooking, such as making pasta, mixing stuffing.

Sunflower Oil

Freshly pressed sunflower seeds The oil also contains a certain amount of carotene, which can prevent night blindness and dry skin; in addition, the polyphenolic antioxidants are also the highest in all vegetable oils, which can slow down the oxidation of oil.

【Healthy Ways to Eat】Steaming and general stir-frying, control oil temperature, Avoid stir frying and frying.

Corn Oil

Various Vitamins in Corn Oil And mineral content is higher, especially the content of vitamin E is higher than ordinary vegetable oil, has antioxidant effect.

【Healthy Eating Method】 Stew is the main method, and quick frying needs to control the oil Warm and avoid too much oily smoke.

In addition, saturated oils such as coconut oil, butter, lard, etc. have good heat resistance and are suitable for frying, but should not be eaten too much. Too much will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

No matter what oil

Keep these three points in mind strong>


Daily oil intake: 25~30 grams< /span>

“Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” pointed out that the recommended daily intake of cooking oil is 25-30 grams, but the survey found that 80% of households in China every day Excessive intake of edible oil.

recommended to use moreSteam, boil, stew, slippery, leaven, mix, boil, etc. with less oil and eat less fried foods.


Temperature control: 150℃~180℃ p>

Many families have the habit of waiting until the oil pan is smoking before placing the vegetables. At this time, the oil temperature has exceeded 200 ℃, which may produce toxic substances such as acrylic acid and benzene.

When cooking, the oil temperature should be controlled at 150℃~180℃ span>, while putting oil in the pot, you can insert a chopstick into the oil, or put a small piece of shredded green onion. When there are more small bubbles around the chopsticks and shredded green onion, the dish can be served. You can also take the method of hot pan and cold oil.


Container: Glass or Porcelain

When buying an oiler,opaque glass or porcelain is best , can effectively prevent ultraviolet radiation. And store it in a cool dark place such as a cabinet, and tighten the lid after each use.

In addition,be sure to use up all the oil in the oil pot before pouring in new< /strong>, and before pouring in new oilRemember to wash, because old oil and new oil are mixed, It will accelerate the oxidation of new oil.

Source: I am a big doctor’s official WeChat

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