Children craving milk tea cakes and chocolates, beware of diabetes “taking the opportunity”

Top News·Henan Commercial Daily reporter Yang Yiying

Recently, the news that a 12-year-old girl developed diabetes after drinking nearly 100 cups of milk tea for half a year has attracted the attention of many parents.

It is a child’s nature to like to eat sugar. Now children have more choices, such as ice cream, milk tea, chocolate, cake… And these delicacies have also become a sweet burden, endangering children’s health.

Drinking milk tea as plain water

12-year-old girl has diabetes

According to media reports, 12 A year-old girl Nana (pseudonym) has recently felt dizzy and fatigued, with symptoms of polydipsia and polyuria, accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. After the parents sent the child to the hospital, the child was diagnosed with diabetes and required insulin injections for life to control blood sugar.

It turns out that Nana usually likes sweets, and her family is more indulgent towards her. Nana often uses her mobile phone to order takeout to order milk tea and various desserts. In her life, milk tea has almost replaced boiled water. When Nana was diagnosed with diabetes, the family discovered that the child had drank nearly 100 cups of milk tea in the past six months, and two cups a day when the frequency was the highest. In addition, desserts such as chocolate, cakes and sandwiches are also children’s favorite foods.

In fact, diabetes is not a “patent” for adults. In recent years, diabetes has become younger. Miao Ping, director of the Children’s Health Development Center of Zhengzhou People’s Hospital, said: “In clinical practice, diabetes can also be seen in three or four-year-old children. Moreover, children’s diabetes often does not attract the attention of parents. There is no blood sugar in children’s routine physical examinations. Check.”

A few days ago, Miao Ping had seen such a child: the child was originally to watch the growth and development, because the blood sugar and insulin were routinely checked before taking the growth hormone, and the result was diagnosed. Diabetes. Only then did the parents remember that the child had been drinking, urinating, and eating more for three years, and had to get up to urinate three times every night. “If it’s an adult like this, you may have thought of going to the hospital for a checkup. In clinical practice, children with diabetes often find out that their children have diabetes after ketoacidosis and coma.” Miao Ping said.

Over one million children worldwide have diabetes, and these abnormalities in children’s bodies are “signals”

According to the data of IDF2021 Global Diabetes Map (10th Edition), In 2021, more than 1.2 million children/adolescents (aged <20 years) worldwide will have type 1 diabetes, of which more than half (54%) are under the age of 15 years.

In 2021, among the people with type 1 diabetes in my country, there will be 29,600 patients aged 0-14 years and 56,000 patients aged 0-19 years.

At the same time, with the improvement of living standards and the increase of unhealthy lifestyles among young people, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is getting younger and younger.

Research shows that from 2002 to 2012, the annual growth rate of the incidence of type 2 diabetes among American adolescents was 4.8%. The 10-year follow-up at the research institution confirmed that adolescents with type 2 diabetes had more diabetes complications than type 1 diabetes and adults with type 2 diabetes.

Pay attention to these in daily diet to help children stay away from the danger of diabetes

The doctor recommends that children should not drink milk tea and eat too many sweets in their daily diet . Miao Ping said that these foods have a strong sense of satiety, which will cause children not to eat high-quality protein.

In addition, Miao Ping believes that the specific cause of childhood diabetes is not very clear, not necessarily diabetes caused by eating sugar. However, if the child is absolutely deficient in insulin, and the metabolism of blood sugar is abnormal, eating sweet things at this time will cause symptoms in advance. Toffee, chocolate, soft drinks, cakes, etc., are easy to raise blood sugar. Therefore, it is safer to “keep your distance” from desserts.

How should parents identify abnormalities in their children’s body? The following 5 indicators can be used for reference:

1. Frequent thirst, drinking a lot of water, and urinating a lot. Even if you fall asleep at night, you have to get up to drink water or go to the toilet.

2. The child is easily upset, or a little depressed, or often gets angry.

3. The child eats a lot but does not gain weight, and even loses weight. 4. The child is accompanied by vision loss and cannot see clearly. 5. The child has nausea, vomiting, and even abdominal pain.

When the above situation occurs in the child, parents should pay attention and take the child to the hospital for blood or urine routine as soon as possible.

How should parents arrange their children’s diet and daily life to help their children stay away from diabetes? Miao Ping gave suggestions:

1. Pay attention to control the child’s weight. Obese children have higher blood sugar levels.

2. Give the child a physical examination every year, not only pay attention to the child’s height and weight, but also pay attention to the child’s body shape, that is, the child’s height corresponds to the weight it should have. A healthy body is a sign of health.

3. The child’s daily diet follows a low-fat, low-sugar, and high-protein diet. You can eat more lean meat, pure milk, eggs, etc. Try to avoid high-fat foods such as fried, fatty meat, and foods high in sugar.