What should I do if I don’t sleep well during pregnancy? A few simple tricks to make pregnant mothers sleep until dawn

Good sleep quality is very important for expectant mothers.

Pregnant mothers can relieve their physical and mental stress and maintain a good mental state if they are well rested. Lack of sleep will aggravate the swelling of the body and cause various problems such as back pain and headache.

And the good sleep of the pregnant mother can create a safe and comfortable environment in the fetus. Only in a comfortable environment in the fetus can the fetus develop the pituitary gland well, fully secrete growth hormones, and help the fetus grow.

But when you are pregnant, you are uncomfortable here or there. How can you get a good night’s sleep?

The correct sleeping position during pregnancy

About the sleeping position during pregnancy, some pregnant mothers will be overly worried. Will the wrong sleeping position have adverse effects on the fetus, or even lead to fetal malformations?

First clear this misconception, sleeping position will not cause fetal malformation! But the wrong sleeping position does affect the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus. So what is the correct sleeping position?

Choose a comfortable sleeping position during the first trimester

In the first trimester, the pregnant mother’s body has not changed significantly, so as long as she does not sleep on her stomach and presses the stomach, the pregnant mother can choose the sleeping position freely, and everything is mainly comfortable.

Try to sleep on your side during the second trimester

If the pregnant mother has no discomfort in the second trimester, the sleeping position is still mainly comfortable, either side or supine.

If the pregnant mother has too much amniotic fluid, or is pregnant with twins and the belly is relatively large, try to use the lateral position.

If the pregnant mother feels heavy in the lower limbs and the limbs are swollen, she can lie on her back and put a pillow under the legs to raise the legs to relieve the symptoms.

Avoid prolonged lying on your back during the third trimester

In the third trimester, try to avoid sleeping on your back. Because when lying on the back, the enlarged uterus is easy to compress the inferior vena cava, resulting in supine hypotension syndrome, dizziness, palpitation, nausea and other symptoms, and even limb weakness, cold sweat, and fetal hypoxia.

If the above situation occurs, the pregnant mother should not panic, immediately lie on her side, preferably on the left side, and calm breathing can relieve symptoms. If your symptoms do not improve after adjusting your posture, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The best sleeping position in the third trimester is on the left side. According to the distribution of the abdominal organs of the human body, the sigmoid colon is located in the lower left abdomen of the human body. During pregnancy, the uterus gradually increases. Under the influence of the sigmoid colon, the uterus will show a slight dextrorotation state. Therefore, sleeping on the left side can improve the uterus slightly dextrorotation state. Thereby improving the blood supply of the placenta and the fetus, which is helpful for the development of the fetus.

However, it is impossible for a person to maintain a fixed sleeping position when sleeping, so under the premise of comfort, the left and right side sleeping can be alternated, and the left side is the main sleeping position.

If you wake up and find yourself sleeping on your back, don’t be nervous. As long as you don’t feel any discomfort, don’t worry.

Create a good night’s sleep

Whether a pregnant mother can get a good night’s sleep is not determined by sleeping position alone, but also by adjusting the sleeping environment, diet, etc., to provide help for high-quality sleep at night.

Pay attention to daily routine and exercise

Some pregnant mothers have insomnia at night because they sleep too much during the day, so it is best for pregnant mothers to take no more than half an hour’s lunch break during the day. Appropriate exercise is also required, such as walking, pregnancy yoga, etc.

Pay attention to what you eat before bed

Pregnant mothers try not to drink tea and coffee in the afternoon; do not drink water an hour before going to bed to avoid frequent urination; drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed, which can help sleep; some Pregnant mothers can prepare some low-sugar cookies by the bedside because of hunger and insomnia.

Make it a habit to sleep regularly

Sleep time is fixed every day, and don’t play mobile phones half an hour before going to bed, and don’t watch brain-burning TV series or novels. When washing, turn down the lights in the room in advance, soak your feet, listen to some soothing light music to relax your body and mind, and enter a state of rest in advance.

Create a comfortable sleeping environment

The bedroom should be clean and comfortable, with a suitable temperature, and pay attention to ventilation; do not sleep with the air conditioner turned on all night, and the air conditioner should not blow directly at the pregnant mother.

Keep a sleep diary

Pregnant mothers who have been suffering from insomnia for a long time and cannot self-regulate can record their sleep time, and then find a doctor for targeted treatment, and do not take medicine without permission.

Pregnant mothers who are troubled by sleep take a snapshot of the article and take action. You can share this article with pregnant mothers who also need help around you. I hope everyone can have a good sleep, a good state, and relax. Get through pregnancy!