Only 23 years old! The guy from Zhejiang died because of stomach pain, and he died before he could save the person! The family cried, these lessons were too painful…

Many people think that the symptom of myocardial infarction is chest pain.

But there are actually many atypical symptoms,

Such as stomach pain, shoulder and neck pain, toothache, migraine…

A few days ago, the emergency department of Ningbo Ninth Hospital

Just encountereda very embarrassing incident.

23-year-old dies of acute myocardial infarction

At 7:00 pm, the 120 ambulance roared and brought a male patient. The patient’s breathing and cardiac arrest were actually already pale and stiff. The icy straight line showed that the man’s heart had stopped beating for more than half an hour before being sent to the hospital.

The medical staff at the scene did their best to rescue, but they were powerless. What a shame. The boy is only 23 years old.

The family cannot accept this fact. They cried to the emergency doctor Xu Hao: The child’s health has always been fine, and there is nothing wrong with it. It’s been cold these days, and I said that I have a littlestomach pain and asthma. I suspected that I had caught a cold, so I didn’t go to the hospital. Just thinking about it…

Why did the stomachache suddenly die? Everyone finds it unbelievable. Like a detective, the doctor began to find the cause.

Troponin over 135! This is a marker of myocardial injury and necrosis, and the normal value is less than 0.1. Combined with clinical manifestations and examination results, it is initially determined that the culprit isacute myocardial infarction!

Typical MI pain sites
There is a stomach pain called myocardial infarction

Acute myocardial infarction manifested as stomach pain, and the 23-year-old was not the first to report it. At the end of last year, emergency doctor Xu Hao also encountered the same tragedy.

A 43-year-old middle-aged man was found half an hour after cardiac arrest and was sent to emergency care, but it was too late.

The story of the family is the same as that of the family of the 23-year-old boy. Usually in good health, but also like to exercise. Two days before the incident, I said stomach pain, thinking it was a stomach problem, so I took stomach medicine, but it didn’t relieve, and later the pain intensified, irritability, He was sweating profusely, and soon developed to the point of being unable to rescue him.

After investigation, cause of death was acute myocardial infarction. The family is very puzzled. He had no heart disease before, so why did he have a heart attack due to stomach pain?

Later, I learned that the middle-aged manhas a history of smoking for more than 10 years, half a pack a day, which may be the culprit of myocardial infarction.

Atypical myocardial infarction with the main complaint of stomach pain

Dr. Xu Hao said that the myocardial infarction with chest pain as the main symptom that we usually encounter is a typical myocardial infarction, but there are also atypical myocardial infarctions. stem. According to statistics, more than one third of patients with myocardial infarction in my country have atypical clinical symptoms, and most of them are atypical myocardial infarction.

The above are the pain of atypical myocardial infarction Department

The most common manifestation of atypical myocardial infarction is stomach pain, as well as headache, back pain, chest tightness and suffocation, nausea and vomiting, and profuse sweating Wait.

Myocardial infarction alarms like this are often not detected in time, leading to tragedy and regrets.

In fact, myocardial infarction simply means persistent angina. Angina pectoris caused by atypical myocardial infarction, usually a few minutes, usually no more than 15to 20 minutes. If the above discomfort lasts for more than 20 minutes, or is accompanied by discomfort such as frequent death or profuse sweating, then myocardial infarction is highly suspected. Don’t move around, dial 120 immediately!

Source: Ningbo Evening News
Editor: Zhang Lei
Editor in charge: Wang Yuanyuan