How is the kidney “emptied”? These 7 kinds of behavior are harmful, but married life is not among them

After the hair, the kidneys of this young generation have also become “consumables”.

Nowadays, there are more and more people with poor kidneys, the incidence of chronic kidney disease is increasing year by year, and the number of uremia patients is also increasing year by year.

As of 2017, the number of patients with uremia requiring dialysis in the past 20 years has grown approximately 13-fold, and the number is expected to increase by 35% by 2025 compared to 2017.

Why is life getting better and better, but the “kidney” is becoming less and less useful?

The whole process of kidney “work”

In the human body, the kidneys are one of the few paired organs.

Why there is such an evolutionary outcome, look at the heavy work of the kidneys, and you will understand.

The kidney is an important detoxification and excretory organ of the human body.

Its main function is to metabolize. While retaining the needs of the human body, it can also remove excess waste, toxins and water in the body, which is equivalent to a human filter.

The nutrients and water we take in are absorbed into the bloodstream and then flow to where the body needs it for supply.

However, when it flows through the kidneys, it will be metabolized by the kidneys to pick up the useful substances, and the useless substances will be excreted with the urine.

When metabolizing waste, the kidney mainly relies on its own two screening mechanisms:

The first screening is the glomerulus, which will For preliminary screening of substances in the blood, the glomerulus comes with a filter membrane, like a sieve, which will screen out blood cells and protein substances, and then leak other inorganic salts, water, urea and other substances into the blood. In the renal capsule, “original urine” is formed.

The second screening is the renal tubules, which will be finally screened from the original urine according to the real-time conditions of the human body, and the substances that are beneficial to the human body will be taken out and returned to the human body.

After 2 screenings, the remaining “garbage” will be concentrated into urine and excreted through the urethra.

Relevant data show that the kidney of a normal adult produces about 180 liters of original urine every day, but only about 1-2 liters of urine is finally excreted from the body. This shows that the kidneys have a large workload. And there is no breath, it is a real “007” mode.

How is the kidney “emptied“?

1. Not drinking enough water
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The kidneys “love to drink water”. If there is insufficient drinking water or the body is dehydrated, the blood supply to the kidneys will be insufficient, and in severe cases, kidney function will be damaged, resulting in acute kidney injury.

2. Prefer salty and sweet diets

Sodium can maintain the balance of water and fluids in the body, thereby promoting the normal functioning of the kidneys. However, consuming too much sodium can increase blood pressure and damage the kidneys. In addition, high-fat and high-sugar diet will aggravate the accumulation of blood lipids in the blood vessels, leading to increased blood pressure and aggravation of anemia, thereby affecting the normal detoxification of the kidneys

3. Disease drag

Thrombosis, diabetes, hypertension, lupus erythematosus and other diseases can damage kidney function. If the primary disease is not effectively controlled, the kidney will be affected for a long time, and even lead to kidney failure.

4. Hold urine often

holding urine in the bladder may cause bacteria to multiply faster, which increases the risk of infection or kidney disease one of the main reasons. No matter how busy the work is or how exciting the episodes are, if you have the urge to urinate, you must discharge it in time.

5. Stay up late

All say stay up late Injury to the liver, in fact, staying up late also damages the kidneys. The glomeruli in the kidney have a fixed number, and their work and rest are consistent with the brain: when you are awake, you go all out, and when you are resting, some of the glomeruli are arranged to go to sleep to maintain a lower level of activity. Staying up late for a long time will cause the glomeruli to enter a state of overwork, and once overwhelmed, they will “sick” or “apoptosis”, which will also affect renal function.

6. Never leave smoking

Smoking is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Toxic substances in it can directly damage kidney cells, and smoking will increase the Blood pressure, vasoconstriction, and a great burden on the kidneys.

7. Drug abuse

There are thousands of drugs that can cause kidney damage. The more common ones in life are cephalosporins, aspirin, and ibuprofen Fen, diuretics, etc., and the aristolochic acid drugs in traditional Chinese medicine are also “good hands” for kidney damage. Drugs are a double-edged sword. Use the right ones to cure the disease, but use the wrong ones to hurt the body. Don’t abuse them without a doctor, so as not to be “poisoned” by the kidneys.


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