As the saying goes, “It is better for one person to sleep than a thousand people to make money”, what does it mean?

In life, money is a good thing. People often dream of having more money than they can spend, and they can make a lot of money without working too hard. But the reality is cruel. In such a fiercely competitive society, if you do not have the ability to surpass others, it is obviously very unrealistic to make money as easy as finding things. Ordinary people can achieve good results only through their unremitting efforts and hard work. And for a family, wanting to surpass other families and live a more prosperous life. It is indeed a big advantage to have more people earning money and less people spending money. Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high! Ten people earning money is far more advantageous than a single tree. And the ancients have such a saying, “a thousand people make money, it is better for one person to sleep”, which has something to do with money.

A thousand people make money, it is better to sleep alone.

This proverb is understood literally, meaning: a thousand people earn more money than a person who sleeps alone earns more money. So, the reason why the ancients said this is an exaggeration, or is there another reason?

In this saying, thousands of people are just an imaginary number, just to highlight the number of people who make money, not to say that there must be a thousand people. For example, the verses “A scoop of water in the Ganges, forty-eight thousand insects”, “The white hair is three thousand feet long, and the sorrow is like a long”, “There are four hundred and eighty temples in the Southern Dynasties, how many towers are in the mist and rain”, etc. There are countless such examples.

And to understand this saying, the word “sleep” is key. Sleep has no special meaning. In life, everyone needs to sleep, and one-third of a person’s time must be spent in sleep. And the word sleep appears in this common saying, is it easy to think of “lie down and win”, when you wake up, open your sleepy eyes, turn on your computer, and the stock skyrockets. This is much easier than ordinary people sweating and working hard to earn money. But in the stock market, how many people can “lie down and win”? If you don’t have enough IQ, don’t go into the muddy waters of the stock market.

In this proverb, “sleep” is not what everyone thinks it is. It is the resting place of the dead. The ancients believed that the rise and fall of a family is directly related to the good or bad feng shui of the Yin house. Ancestor’s graves are built on top of Feng Shui treasures, which can bless future generations. If the grave site is well selected, the descendants of future generations will have the wind and the rain, and the money and fame will be at your fingertips. Therefore, in ancient times, Feng Shui masters were generally asked to survey and choose an excellent cemetery. This is a great help to future generations, and the quality of feng shui of ancestral tombs also determines the fate and future of future generations. It is extended to “a thousand people earn money, it is better for one person to sleep”, which means that no matter how strong the ability of future generations to earn money, and the number of people earning money, it is not as good as the feng shui of the ancestors’ tombs. No matter how much money you earn, disasters will come again and again, and the money will be just a passerby when you get it, and it will be gone in an instant.

Actually, the reason why the ancients said, “It is better for one person to sleep than a thousand people to earn money” must have been a feudal superstition. However, everything has two sides, and everything is a combination of contradictions. Just like this saying, it is true that there are feudal superstitions. But the ancients also advocated “filial piety”. They believed that a person did not know how to be grateful to his ancestors, nor did he know how to choose a place of rest in an elegant environment for his ancestors. Then, his character will definitely not be very good. If there is a problem with his character, he will stumble and stumbling in society and be full of thorns. No matter how many descendants of later generations, they do not know how to choose a clean place for their ancestors to sleep for a long time.