Diabetes, the upper elimination of polydipsia belongs to the lungs, the middle elimination of hunger and hunger belongs to the stomach, and the lower elimination of polyuria belongs to the kidney. How to regulate it?

Diabetes belongs to the category of “diabetes mellitus” called by Chinese medicine, which can be divided into upper, middle and lower Three eliminations, the upper elimination of polydipsia belongs to the lungs, the middle elimination of hunger belongs to the stomach, and the lower elimination of polyuria belongs to the kidney. But in clinical practice, we seldom distinguish and regulate these symptoms.

In the daily living environment, there are many bad habits that can lead to the occurrence of hyperglycemia, For example, poor diet can lead to obesity. The transport and transformation function of the spleen is damaged, stagnation in the stomach, accumulation of heat to dissolve dryness, injuring the yin and depleting the body fluid, making the stomach more hot, eliminating grain and improving hunger. Stomach heat can eliminate grain and improve hunger, and heat pathogens are intoxicated in the lungs, causing lung heat and fluid damage, causing polydipsia and polydipsia.

There is also a situation that we often say that the liver qi is stagnant, and the qi machine is blocked, which can also lead to heat generation and dryness, and can burn the yin-jin in the lungs and stomach, resulting in dryness and heat in the lungs and stomach. And the occurrence of thirst and drinking more, the situation of eliminating grain and hunger.

In clinical conditioning, if there is excessive consumption of upper and lower consumption, it will definitely be accompanied by excessive consumption of lower consumption. The symptoms of urine, in the actual situation, the symptoms of the three eliminations often exist or weaken at the same time, and the three eliminations are treated separately in the conditioning process, which is not in line with reality. Therefore, in clinical conditioning, we should distinguish between yin deficiency and fiery heat or qi and yin deficiency. , it is necessary to choose the method of supplementing qi, blood, yin and yang.

Another point is to pay attention to the occurrence of complications and prevent them as soon as possible. Complications should be dealt with in time, pay attention to diet, and exercise appropriately. At the same time, do not blindly stop hypoglycemic products. Finally, by adjusting the overall function, gradually improve the whole body condition, so that the symptoms are gradually relieved.

Patients with diabetes, dry skin, blurred vision, drowsiness of limbs, thin pulse, dark tongue Red, dry and yellow moss, the pathogenesis is Yangming heat, accumulation of dryness, elimination of lung and stomach body fluids, or kidney dryness and essence deficiency. Clinical conditioning should choose the method of nourishing yin and moistening dryness. Selection: raw land, rehmannia, asparagus, Ophiopogon japonicus, dendrobium, pollen, ginseng, Polygonatum, Digupi, Chinese yam, dogwood meat, Polygonatum chinensis, Lycium barbarum. For severe thirst, add gypsum; for upset, heartburn, and insomnia, add Coptis chinensis; for red tongue and white fur, add Atractylodes.

Clinical conditioning also needs to be analyzed according to individual circumstances before it can be treated according to the disease. Friends can leave a message @Doctor Wang Dafu said it.