Can blood routine detect cancer cells? Doctor: If these 5 indicators are elevated, you may need to pay attention

Blood routine refers to the observation of the shape and change of the number of blood cells in the body, and the examination of blood status and diseases to a certain extent. With the continuous improvement of medical technology, routine blood examination Generally, the machine inspection is completed.

Routine blood tests include hemoglobin, platelets, differential white blood cell count, white blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, through which Many people are more curious when the police like this discover the problem of the body, so can these tests be able to find out whether the cells in the body are good or bad?


Can blood routine detect cancer cells? Doctor: If these 5 indicators are elevated, you may need to pay attention

1. Blood test< /span>

A small number of cancer patients have obvious symptoms. Many cancer patients cannot find abnormalities through blood tests. The blood routine report shows that the body of cancer patients is normal. Two main parts are combined, namely liquid and tangible cells. In blood test, the disease can be judged by observing quantitative changes and morphological distribution. Blood routine can check whether the index of cells and the number are abnormal, and it is uncertain whether there is cancer.

During regular physical examinations, blood tests are used to detect tumor markers, and tumor markers will increase abnormally when tumors appear. For example, IP antigen c199, these indicators play a prompting effect. They cannot directly show the existence of cancer cells, but only have a prompting effect. If they increase, it may indicate that there are tumor cells in the body. The doctor should check accordingly to see if there is a tumor.

2. Platelets

< span>The number of platelets in the body is between 100 and 300. Do blood routine tests and find that the platelets are too low or too high. Pay attention to certain cancers, and the number of platelets fluctuates, such as myeloma, platelets It will also increase, and the platelets in patients with gastric cancer and liver cancer will decrease accordingly, so if the platelets decrease or increase, further examinations are required to see if they have cancer.

3. Elevated red blood cell index

From a medical point of view, red blood cells are responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body, expelling excess waste toxins from the body, so the number of red blood cells is constant, the body There may be many reasons for the increase in the number of red blood cells, such as common emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, etc., which will increase the number of red blood cells, and the increase in red blood cells may also indicate the appearance of cancer cells, so everyone must be careful.

4. White blood cells

< span>At this time, it is necessary to check whether there are symptoms of white blood cell inflammation or infection, there are clinical problems, and there is a certain relationship with white blood cells.

Some clinical symptoms need to go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time. Leukocytosis may be related to blood system diseases, such as leukemia and bone marrow hyperplasia.

Nowadays, bacterial and viral infections also increase leukocytes, viral infections increase lymphocytes and leukocytes, and bacterial infections The increase in neutrophils, depending on the type of white blood cells, can be distinguished from viral infections and bacterial infections.

5. Basophil count

White blood cells are a large group, not only representing cells, including basophils and neutrophils in cells, the number of basophils will not be very high, if there is a blood routine report Shows high basophils, which may be associated with cancer signaling, and an increased chance of developing lung cancer.


What are the ways to check for cancer?

Blood drawing: Many people are curious, can blood routine diagnose cancer? Why is blood drawn? The blood drawing mentioned here is not a routine blood test, but some tumor marker tests. For example, liver cancer is diagnosed by alpha-fetoprotein. The other method is to do a Pap smear.For cervical cancer, the diagnosis rate can reach 60%.

B-ultrasound examination: You can check whether there are lumps in body organs. In addition, you can also do an x-ray examination. Methods Check whether there are lumps in the lungs, and there will be a targeted examination method for specific cancers.

The process of cancer treatment is relatively difficult, and it is necessary to develop the habit of regular physical examinations in life, so as to be able to achieve early detection and early treatment, and to maintain a healthy body , It is necessary to develop good eating habits and living habits. Only when the body is healthy, the disease will not threaten the body.
