Cold leads to dampness, dampness leads to condensation, condensation leads to blood stasis, blood stasis leads to blockage, and blockage leads to tumor! Interlocking, how to break?

Our human body is sick, especially serious illness, there is almost a process, very few people will suddenly suffer from a serious disease such as cancer, and most of them will have other physical conditions before that .

We in Chinese medicine often say that if the human body is deficient, then cold, cold and dampness, dampness, condensation, blood stasis, blockage, blockage, tumor, and tumor cause cancer. The source lies in the wet and cold constitution.

1. What are the symptoms of ‘deficient’ body?

People with ‘deficiency’ constitution often feel tired, fatigued, sleepy, lacking energy, etc. The two biggest reasons for physical deficiency are bad life Habits and work stress.

For example, if a person often stays up late, sleeps very late, and the quality of sleep is poor, he will be easily fatigued the next day.

And when work and life pressure is high, you will also feel annoyed, emotional, and easily fatigued. In this case, our bodily functions will decline, and our physique will begin to become ‘virtual’.

2. What are the symptoms of body ‘cold’?

The most intuitive feeling of people with ‘cold’ constitution is that they are afraid of cold. Even in hot summer, they will feel cold in their hands and feet, and at night they will feel more cold than others. Feeling cold.

When people who are physically weak do not pay attention to health care, such as blowing the air conditioner frequently, like taking a cold bath, the body will become ‘cold’.

3. What are the symptoms of being ‘wet’?

When the ‘cold’ air in the body becomes more and more serious, the body will be more likely to penetrate the ‘damp’ air than ordinary healthy people. People are like wearing wet clothes on a rainy day, their bodies are prone to stickiness and sweating, and they feel uncomfortable.

The 5 main channels through which ‘cold and damp’ air easily penetrates into our body are:

① The shoulder and neck “Dazhui Point”;

② “Tanzhong Point” on the front chest;

③ “Shenque Point” on the navel

④ “Mingmen Point” on the waist;

⑤ “Yongquan Point” on the sole of the foot.

The invasion of Dazhui acupoint into ‘cold and dampness’ can easily cause: neck pain, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, dizziness, headache, insomnia and dreaming and other symptoms;< /p>

< p data-track="33">The invasion of Tanzhong acupoint into ‘cold and dampness’ can easily cause: Breast swelling and pain, obstruction of breast ducts, lobular hyperplasia, breast fibroma, breast hyperplasia, breast nodules and other diseases; strong>

Shenque acupoint invades the ‘cold and dampness’ and easily accumulates in the pelvic cavity, especially female friends, when the ‘cold, dampness’ in the pelvic cavity When qi is severe, it is easy to cause various gynecological diseases, such as: Gynecological inflammation, irregular menstruation, poor menstrual blood, dysmenorrhea, blood clots, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, infertility, etc. >

For example: We put a piece of wood in a dark and damp place, which is prone to spoilage, mold, mushrooms, etc.

If a woman’s uterus and ovaries are in a ‘cold and damp’ pelvic environment for a long time, they are prone to various diseases, so women’s pelvic cavity must be well protected.

The ‘cold and dampness’ invaded by Mingmen point can easily cause us back pain, waist and knee weakness, various kidney deficiency, decreased sexual function and other diseases;

Yongquan acupoint invades the ‘cold and dampness’ and moves upward along the veins, causing knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases.

4. What are the symptoms of “coagulation” in the body?

A person with a damp-cold constitution will experience a ‘stagnation’ phenomenon for a long time, which is mainly manifested in slow metabolism and weakened various circulatory functions. The body is prone to soreness.

5. What are the symptoms of body stasis?

The stagnant body will gradually turn into ‘silt’, and the meridians will be blocked, resulting in body aches, numbness, and swelling. The most intuitive manifestation is when scraping, Black and purple will appear, which is the phenomenon of siltation.

6. How do body tumors form?

The physique is in a sub-healthy state of damp and cold stasis for a long time, and the body’s meridians and veins are not smooth. Decreased organ function and weakened resistance are one of the reasons for tumor formation.

7. How to prevent tumor from becoming cancerous?

The fundamental of preventing tumor canceration lies in whether the five elements and five internal organs, qi, blood, yin and yang of the human body are functioning normally. Chinese medicine believes that The human body is an independent small universe. All the tissues and organs in the body have operating laws. Once they are disrupted, diseases will arise, and the primary task of prevention lies in how to regulate it.

How to break these sick factors?

Hot moxibustion warms up Yang!

Hot moxibustion can quickly dredge the meridians, balance yin and yang, regulate qi and blood, and then through the usual three-meal diet and nutritional supplements, reduce stress and stay up late, and improve people’s spirit and energy , all kinds of diseases will be eliminated naturally, so as to achieve good health! If the righteousness is stored, the evil cannot do it!

“If the yang essence is strong, it will live for a thousand years”, “if the yang essence is in the must be able to live.” This is what it means. That is to say, the main reason why people suffer from diseases and aging is the deficiency of yang qi, and the main function of hot moxibustion is to nourish yang qi and benefit its true yin.

Zhang Jingyue “Anyone who is warm in the whole body is also yang; a person who lives in one’s life is also yang.

The gods of the five senses and five internal organs are unpredictable The yang qi is also dense.” The yang qi is dense and the ying and wei harmonize, which can prevent the invasion of external pathogens; the spleen yang is strong, it can transport and transform the essence and nourish the whole body; the kidney yang is sufficient, it can promote the whole body and the circulation of qi and blood. , is the foundation of life, the root of the yang qi of the five viscera, that is, “the yang qi of the five viscera cannot be developed without this.”

Therefore, yang qi determines human aging and the occurrence of diseases.

more Qihai, Guanyuan and Sanyinjiao are the main points of thermal moxibustion.

Qihai and Guanyuan are the two points of the Ren meridian, especially Guanyuan. Yuan acupoint is the meeting point of the three yin of the foot and the Ren meridian, and it is also located in the lower coke, where the true yin and true yang are locked. Directly to the Jinggong to help Yuanyang. Yuanyang, the true yang of the whole body, is the driving force for the activity of yang qi in the five viscera and six viscera. It can also be said that it is the source of yang qi in the whole body, and the source is the long branch.

Sanyinjiao is a convergence point where the three yin meridians of the liver, spleen and kidney meet. Hot moxibustion at this point has the meaning of leading from yin to yang, nourishing yin and essence. Long-term hot moxibustion at this acupoint has the effect of nourishing the liver, spleen and kidney.

Can remove dampness and turbidity, lower blood lipids, and can also be used to assist in the treatment of fatty liver. Women can use this acupoint for sore waist and knees, increased leucorrhea, and irregular menstruation. To regulate.

In addition, let me tell you about the performance of “cold” in the body, which can be used as a reference:

Tongue coating Whiteness means cold in the body.

Icy hands and feet means coldness in the body.

White phlegm when coughing means it is cold There is cold in the body.

Acne spots on the face indicate cold in the body.