Zhou Jijun presided over the promotion meeting of the city’s industrial chain length system

On the afternoon of April 15, Zhou Jijun, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor, and Chief of the Municipal Industrial Chain, presided over the promotion meeting of the city’s industrial chain leader system to learn about the promotion of industrial chain development in the province. The spirit of the document and the advanced practice of developing the industrial chain inside and outside the province, exchange work experience, listen to work reports, and study and arrange the next step to promote work.

Deputy Mayors Wu Lihua, Yang Tingzhen, Zhang Hongju and Secretary General of the Municipal Government Liu Xuanming attended the meeting.

Zhou Jijun pointed out that all departments at all levels in the city should take the cultivation and expansion of industrial chains as the most powerful means to promote industrial transformation and upgrading and achieve high-quality development, and have a deep understanding of the importance of promoting the long-term industrial chain system. In accordance with the concept of “making up for shortcomings, finding gaps, and making breakthroughs”, we should further change our thinking, seize opportunities, implement precise policies, make up for our weaknesses, tap potentials, make strong breakthroughs, and accelerate the improvement of the city’s industrial chain development level and competitiveness. . Based on resource endowment and industrial foundation, focus on the construction of Longdong comprehensive energy and chemical base, insist on exchanging time for space and resources for projects, develop multiple capabilities simultaneously, extend the chain and strengthen the chain, and accelerate the large-scale, green and intelligent development of oil and gas resources , and effectively transform resource advantages into industrial advantages and development advantages. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of industrial parks, learn from the experience of park construction, management, investment promotion, and operation reform in advanced regions, further enhance the professional operation and management capabilities of the parks, and provide high-quality platform support for the implementation of industrial projects. It is necessary to strengthen work scheduling, dynamically grasp the progress of work, coordinate and solve problems in a timely manner, summarize and popularize successful experience, ensure that various tasks of the chain leader system are implemented and see actual results, and strive to build a modern industrial system that supports high-quality development.

At the meeting, the responsible comrades of the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau and the Huanxian Party Committee exchanged experiences on the development of the whole industry chain of mutton sheep and broiler chickens.

Source Qingyang in the palm