You must pay attention to the 3 problems of spring health care, the first one is that you often commit

“In the third month of spring, this is called development. The heaven and the earth are born, and all things are prosperous.”——“The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine”

Clothes can’t be less, and desires can’t be too much

“The green curtain moves, and the mountains A piece of rain is coming. The scenery has not been missed, and the sickness cannot be found.” – Mei Yaochen (Song)

The bone-scraping cold in winter finally came to an end. To be completely over, the ice erodes and melts away, and the trickling spring water begins to move, so the sky is fine, the snow has stopped, and I feel that I can’t have more clothes. Take it off.

At this time, the weak yang baby finally survived the cold winter of flying silver flowers. A gust of cold wind strikes, and it stuns the soul. Although it is cold in winter, people can still wear clothes to keep out the cold. Although it is warm in spring, a sudden cold can really catch people off guard, so it is the cause of the disease.

Let’s go back to Mr. Mei Yaochen’s poem at the beginning, Mr. Mei is very fond of spring outings, and people have been in love since ancient times. I wonder who didn’t love that flower like a flower at that time. What about the spring day of smoke? The deeper the loveliness, the more excessive love will bring disaster to him in the end. Just like Mr. Mei, he did not live up to the beauty of this spring river, but in the end, he was “sick and unable to find it.” So he was only willing to lie on the side, groaning in bed.

Therefore, although the winter is over and the spring is getting warmer, the clothes on the officers should not be slackened, but they must be wrapped tightly. Gotta roar for a while in March.

But in this season, how can anyone be willing to wrap their clothes all the time? After all, the cold is real, the heat is real, and the body is warm It is normal to take off your clothes when you sweat, but if your body is not warm and you are sweating continuously, then the officials should be careful.

Let’s see how the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing said: “People are depleted and sweat a lot, know that Yin is always there, and never see Yang.” At a glance, I know a vicious cycle of health preservation in spring: first, the more sweat, the less clothes, and the less clothes, the sweat is continuous, so it decreases and then decreases, and the spring cold does not go away, the body is cold, and the spleen and stomach are damaged. In the end, he was in the same hospital bed as Mr. Mei, looking at the smoke and willows outside the window and muttering: “I’m sick and can’t find it.”

Yeah, the body is cold only One, and laziness of the spleen and stomach is the root of the disease, but this source is the deficiency of yang qi. So if you have been sweaty and cold recently, don’t take off your clothes, but if you feel uncomfortable, what will you do? You might as well put more ginger vinegar with your meal. Ginger vinegar is a common thing, but don’t underestimate this piece of ginger vinegar. Ginger has the function of relieving the exterior and dispelling cold, and vinegar has the effect of promoting blood circulation and dispelling knots. Both are good products for warming up and nourishing.

At the same time, my liver feels a little bit

“The liver is located under the diaphragm, under the nine vertebrae of the upper spine, there is often more blood and less gas” – “Lei Jing Tu Yi”

Spring is here, and it is the season when animals are active. Humans, the spirit of all things, are also included in this list. Not to mention that everyone has different preferences, but who doesn’t like this play today?

However, there are not many games for “liver-raising” nowadays, but most of them are “liver-requiring”. You also have a time when you are shy, and it coincides with the coming of various spring events. The heart of “krypton” is not revealed, and the meaning of bursting liver is obvious. Maybe you are alone, often fighting alone until the dawn of the East, and Fang Xu of the rising sun. . Not to mention that the hands, feet, eyes and brain are still safe, but the most labored liver in the body has long been overwhelmed.

At this time, Chen Shaoque, got up from the couch, did you ever see yourself in the mirror with oily face and acne? Or sip and taste saliva, but feel bitter and stink? The rest are as tired, distracted, red-eyed, or have followed? If this is the case, the body has become damp and hot, and the internal organs of all of you are really not suitable for the liver from this point on.

But don’t be impatient. Here I suggest you stay calm and rub your palms to warm, from the corners of your eyes to the sides of your ears, and repeat. Thirty times. Mobilize the liver blood in the body, gently soothe the five internal organs.

Then find a comfortable sitting position, relax the arms, exercise the shoulders, push the weight of the upper body to the legs, relax the muscles and activate the blood, and Expel the blood gas blocked in the liver.

I was tired and exhausted. When you get home, you must not just throw your hands as a cashier, throw away your briefcase, and be a paralyzed Ge You. The exhaustion after exhaustion is like the soreness after a long-distance running. Resting at this time will not help you. Remember the long-distance running in middle school. Afterwards, I was often pulled by the teacher and started with a set of relaxation exercises. The pain is self-evident, but as I get older, every time I go home from get off work, I always remember this memory, but now the relaxation exercise is replaced by the foot bucket. Soaked Chai Hu soup.

Jiang Feng’s fishing and fishing are over, no more sleepless nights

Do you have trouble day and night because of your noisy thoughts? The so-called sadness is nothing like the love of children, but the road ahead is not exhausted. Life is alive, and changes are unpredictable. New Year’s Eve has passed, and it’s not even a month since I think about it. The New Year is jubilant, but how many families are happy and how many are sad?

Let’s look at the poem “Jiang Feng Fishing Fire” hidden in the title, the poet Zhang Jishi is a talented Dengke, who should have infinite scenery, but in the end he wandered without a place to live. Future generations seem to be sighing hard, now that Gengzi is gone, and Xin Chou has recently come, it is necessary to clean up the burnout of the past and welcome the dawn of the rising sun. It’s cold in spring, I hope you all take care of your health, remember to go to bed early and don’t forget to get up early.

Nurturing the heart and protecting the gods is not for the sake of dying, but for the preparation for the coming year. Saying: “Sorrow on the face, every time you hold the amount of peace in your arms. If you don’t encounter it, you should only keep your identity; if you don’t deceive your heart, you will definitely raise your eyebrows.” The words are sincere and closely related to health preservation. Here, although the spring flowers are blooming now, but the complexion is not always the same warm color as the seasons, and in the spring, it is time to let my blood flow.

The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu Family contains: “If there are three beauties, there are chestnuts in Jishan.” Remember? When I was a child, I went to the bustling city like a tidal sea at night. The warm light stretched and the streets were fragrant. How could I not have a sweet fried chestnut with sugar? Gently sip the soft and glutinous pulp in the mouth, let it flow into the throat with saliva, warm the spleen and strengthen the stomach.

“Treatment of mountain qi, malaria, or persistent watery diarrhea, or red and white dysentery. Burn it with fire for the end. Take Sanqian Jiangtang each time.” “Eat raw to stop vomiting blood, epistaxis, blood in the stool, all kinds of blood can be used.” – “Southern Yunnan Materia Medica”

I remember being beaten and scolded when I was a child, then It’s really hard to enter, and the awkward atmosphere at the dinner table and the grievances in my heart are even more frowning. Maybe that moment was the saddest time in my childhood. Fortunately, chestnuts are sweet enough to heal that. all of the time.