Strange thing! A tuft of strange hair grows on his back. The 17-year-old Henan boy has back pain and numbness in his legs, difficulty in urinating and defecation, and is almost paralyzed!

Everyone has hair on their bodies

But generally speaking, people’s backs are bare

< strong>No weird hairs

However, the world is so big!

A 17-year-old boy from Henan< strong>A strange tuft of hair grows on his back

He is still suffering because of this hair< /strong>

even hospitalization for surgery….

What’s going on here?

text”>Tricky: A Spine “Breakthrough”

A pinch of hair grows on the back of the waist , is not a good thing. Since childhood, Xiao Xing had a blue-purple birthmark on his waist. As he grew older, a tuft of hair grew around the birthmark.

What’s more terrifying is that,at puberty, Xiao Xing began to have pain in the waist and lower limbs, weakness in both legs, and slowness. Difficulty also arises with slow bowel movements. Xiao Xing, who was in great pain, came to the Neurosurgery Department of Henan Provincial People’s Hospital to seek medical treatment. Only then did he realize that all the strange diseases were not accidental, and the root cause was his “full of flaws” in his spine.

It turned out that,in Xiao Xing’s lumbar spinal cord, there was a rare teratoma. The strange tuft of hair on the back is only the most innocuous outward manifestation. Deep in Xiao Xing’s spine, the situation is much more complicated and serious.

Chen Hang, director of the sub-specialty department of the ward, said, “Teratomas of the lumbar spinal canal are not uncommon in neurosurgery, but there are not many as serious as Xiao Xing’s. Xiao Xing’s spinal cord has both cystic tumors and solid lesions. The tube has both interhemispheric deformity and extensive spina bifida, both spinal cord tethering, meningocele, subcutaneous sinus tract and epidermal pilonidal sinus…Lower extremity weakness , Abnormal bowel and bladder is only a mild manifestation in the early stage, if not treated in time, there will be serious consequences such as scoliosis and paralysis in the later stage.

Xiao Xing is in puberty, his body is growing rapidly, and every millimeter of height is pulling and compressing the fragile spinal cord, making the deformed spine overwhelmed. Surgery is imminent.

< strong data-brushtype="text">Superb: 8 major problems solved in one operation

>To solve the complex lesions in Xiaoxing’s spinal cord, a comprehensive repair operation must be performed on the lumbar spine.

The first is It is necessary to remove the huge teratoma in the spinal canal, which can not only relieve Spinal cord compression can also clarify the nature of the tumor and provide a basis for further treatment and prognosis. However, spinal teratomas are often complex in structure, grow for a long time, and are closely adhered to the spinal cord and nerves. It is extremely difficult to completely remove the tumor without damaging the spinal cord.

After rigorous and meticulous preoperative evaluation and inspection, the expert team formulated a comprehensive surgical plan for Xiao Xing, including “tumor removal, spinal cord loosening, internal fixation, and sinus repair”. Strive for a single operation to achieve the effect of removing the tumor in the spinal cord, comprehensively repairing the deformed lumbar spine, and restoring the physiological state of the lumbar spinal canal.

After careful preoperative preparation, Dr. The team of Deputy Chief Physician Zhang Zhe worked together to completely remove the tumor tissue under a high-powered operating microscope and fully repair the deformed lumbar spine. Under the escort of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring, the patient’s neurological function was also fully protected. After more than 8 hours of joint efforts, the operation ended successfully.

Xiao Xing recovered smoothly after the operation, the preoperative symptoms improved significantly, and he was discharged soon. At present, Xiao Xing has undergone two imaging review and follow-up visits. The effect of the operation and the recovery of the patient are very gratifying, and now he has returned to his normal study and life.

Intraspinal teratoma is a common neurosurgery disease, often combined with other deformities, mainly interhemiopathy, spina bifida, Tethered spinal cord, fur sinus, scoliosis, etc., will seriously affect the stability of the spine.

The fur sinus, also known as the pilonidal sinus, is a malformed development and can appear anywhere from the occipital to the sacrococcygeal region, especially in the lower back, Most common in the sacrococcygeal region. There are abnormally long hairs or pigmentation around the fistula; there will also be bone defects in the corresponding parts, which can be associated with spina bifida and spina bifida.

The early symptoms of spinal cord lesions are mainly numbness and abnormal pain sensation in related parts. Fecal dysfunction, paralysis, respiratory depression, etc.

Therefore, in the early stage of the disease, it is necessary to be vigilant and seek medical attention in time. The common examination methods for spinal cord lesions are X-ray, CT and MRI. X-ray and CT focus on the examination of spinal bone diseases. MRI can clearly display spinal cord lesions in all directions and from multiple angles. It is the most important means of checking spinal cord lesions.