Talking about Bird’s Nest Porridge in Treating Infantile Diarrhea

Talk about bird’s nest porridge for treating diarrhea in children: Dr. Chen said, the so-called bird’s nest, I am in the south, I see that ordinary people prepare it as a nourishing and nourishing product; diarrhea, and taking it with glutinous rice porridge can stop diarrhea. Bird’s nest is “the swiftlet takes seaweed and whitebait as the nest”. “Miscellaneous Lun” says: “Swallow holds sea powder as a nest, obtains wind, sun and yang and qi, turns salty and cold into sweet and flat, can make gold and water grow together, kidney qi nourishes lungs, and stomach qi is also calm. Nourishes lung yin, resolves phlegm and stops cough, and replenishes and clears it. It is a holy medicine for conditioning deficiency and fatigue. All diseases that cannot be cleared and descended due to lung deficiency can be cured with this… “Bird’s nest is sweet in nature and taste. It is calm and non-toxic, functions to invigorate Qi and aphrodisiac, neutralize appetizers, moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, add marrow and replenish essence, and treat phlegm. Glutinous rice is sweet, warm and non-toxic in nature, and functions to warm the middle and replenish qi, invigorate the spleen and lungs, warm the stomach and intestines, strengthen stool and reduce stool. This is combined with the case list of Prime Minister Xi Liang, a famous Chinese medicine expert. Case: Jiang Mou, male, 60 days old. Diarrhea for more than 20 days, hospitalized in October 1979. His mother complained that the child had diarrhea since 40 days after birth, and he had diarrhea seven to eight times a day with watery stools with milky dots. After hospitalization, the body temperature was normal, and various treatments were not effective. The pulse was slippery, the fingerprints were white and dark, and the tongue was red and greasy. The evidence is that the baby’s qi and blood are not full, the viscera is delicate, the spleen is weak and the stomach is weak, and the transport and transformation ability is poor, causing diarrhea. Long-term diarrhea damages the yin, the spleen and kidneys are deficient, and the lungs and stomach are deficient. It is intended to be sweet and slightly salty, nourishing the lungs and stomach, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the kidneys. Give 5 grams of bird’s nest, grind finely and remove hair. Add 1 gram to the glutinous rice porridge, and take it twice. After taking it for three consecutive days, the stools formed, and after walking once a day, the mental complexion was greatly improved, and he was discharged from the hospital. The combination of bird’s nest and glutinous rice was used to treat chronic diarrhea in infants. After taking bird’s nest porridge for three days, the diarrhea and other symptoms were cured at the same time. Isn’t this the power of bird’s nest and glutinous rice to moisten the lungs and appetizers, strengthen the spleen and nourish the kidneys. Disclaimer: If any treatment or health care method is involved in the article, it is for reference only. If you have a friend who needs to use it, please consult a professional doctor before using it, and I will not be responsible for it. Relevant posts posted by me in WeChat group, Moments and other channels are welcome to reprint; if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.