Men over the age of 30, come and “get to know” your prostate!

The prostate, as a male-specific organ, seems useless, but it seems to be very useful ……

Many men’s cognition of the prostate is in a state of ignorance, except for hearing “prostatitis”, Maybe don’t know anything.

However, this organ, which even men don’t know much about, has become the top ten cancer incidence in my country year by year!

In February 2022, the National Cancer Center released the 2022 National Cancer Report, showing that prostate cancer was diagnosed with 78,000 new cases. It ranks sixth in the incidence of male cancer in my country, second only to lung cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and esophageal cancer.

As a high-risk group of prostate cancer, men over 30 years old come to “get to know” your prostate!

Where is the prostate?

The prostate is an accessory gland of the male reproductive system, the largest solid organ in the male genital accessory glands, located between the bladder and the urogenital diaphragm, surrounding the root of the urethra, and linked behind rectum. The prostate gland is shaped and sized like a slightly flat chestnut.

What is the function of the prostate?

1. Secretion of prostatic fluid

Prostatic fluid is a part of semen, the Maturation, storage provides a vital environment that protects sperm maturation and development. At the same time, the nerves that control the erection of the genitals can also be found in the prostate. It can be said that it is the source of male “sexual happiness”.

2. Control urination

The urethra passes directly through the middle of the prostate to stabilize The role of the urethra. When the prostate enlarges, it will compress the urethra, causing difficulty in urination, urgency, frequent urination, and even pain in urination.

3. Producing endocrine hormones

The prostate also produces a small amount of endocrine hormones. Endocrine hormones play an important role in regulating the human body, keeping hormone levels stable and maintaining the normal functioning of the body.

What findings suggest prostate disease?

Prostatitis is a common and frequently-occurring disease in men.

Common presentations include:

Frequency, urgency, urination Urinary system symptoms such as incontinence and dysuria;

abdominal and perineal pain and discomfort, backache and fatigue;

part Men can also affect sperm quality, with asthenozoospermia or non-liquefaction of semen.

Why does the prostate go wrong?

1. Men who don’t like to drink water

men who don’t like to drink water are more likely to get prostatitis. The human body produces various toxic and harmful substances through metabolism every day, which are mainly excreted through urination. If you drink less water for a long time, the frequency and volume of urination will also decrease, causing the accumulation of these toxic and harmful substances to stimulate the prostate.

2. Excessive indulgence

Frequent sexual activity, long-term hyperemia will make The prostate is in a state of fatigue and can induce inflammation of the prostate.

3. Spicy and spicy food

Men who like spicy food are also more likely to get prostatitis. Because spicy food can aggravate all kinds of inflammation, the prostate is one of the victims.

4. Long-term smoking

Smoking is not good for the prostate. Many toxic and harmful substances enter our body and cause damage to many organs, especially aggravate various inflammations and even induce prostate cancer.

5. Tight panties

Wearing panties that are too tight can also damage the prostate! Tight underwear will compress our lower abdomen and perineum, resulting in excessive temperature, which is not conducive to blood circulation. In the long run, it will cause prostatitis.

6. Sedentary

Sit in the office, men are more likely to get prostate Inflammation, because sitting for a long time will slow down the speed of metabolism, resulting in the inability to discharge toxic and harmful substances in time, which in turn stimulates the prostate and induces prostatitis.

7. Urinary Tract Infection

holding urine for a long time and exerting too much force when urinating, these seem to be just bad habits, but they are actually an important cause of prostate disease. These behaviors can damage the urethra, cause urinary tract infections, and then cause chronic prostatitis, which eventually becomes a long-term pain in men’s bowel movements.

Prostate cancer alert!

Early screening, early detection, early treatment, is currently the most effective way to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Early prostate tumor marker (PSA) screening, “China Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostatic Hyperplasia” gives clear indications:

1. Age > 20 years old

2. Men >45 years of age with a family history of prostate cancer; p>

3. Males aged >40 years and baseline PSA>1ng/ml.


Finally, I would like to say to my male friends:

< p>Drink more water and don’t hold back!

Drink more water and don’t hold back! !

Drink more water and don’t hold back! ! !


【1】Prostate, how much do you know?

【 2] Healthy diet and prostate cancer

[3] He Jie, Chen Wanqing, Li Ni, Cao Wei, Ye Dingwei, Ma Jianhui, Xing Nianzeng, Peng Ji, Tian Jinhui. Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Screening, Early Diagnosis and Treatment in China (2022, Beijing) [J] .China Oncology, 2022,31(01):1-30.


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