How is the nucleic acid screening in the sealed area? What should I pay attention to in antigen testing? Today’s conference focuses on these issues

Today (April 3) morning, Shanghai held the 142nd press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. The first-level inspector of the Municipal Health Commission Wu Ganyu, the convener of the nucleic acid screening special class for the city’s epidemic prevention and control work and the deputy director of the Municipal Economic Information Commission, Liu Ping, attended and introduced the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control, and answered questions from reporters. Look at the text record↓
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According to the previous nucleic acid screening, an antigen test will be carried out in the city today and a nucleic acid test in the city tomorrow


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——Hot Q&A——
The two batches of nucleic acid screening work are generally stable with the understanding, support and cooperation of the general public
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Shanghai Radio and Television:The first batch of bans Are the nucleic acid screening results of the first round of the second batch of sealed and controlled areas out now? How is the city-wide nucleic acid screening organized and implemented?

Liu Ping:According to the unified deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the whole city will carry out full coverage nucleic acid screening in batches from March 28. The relevant information is as follows:

This screening is bounded by the Huangpu River, and the relevant jurisdictions of Pudong and Punan are the first In approved areas, nucleic acid screening was conducted from March 28 to March 31. A total of 18.329 million people were screened. Relevant jurisdictions in Puxi are the second batch of areas. Screening was started on April 1, and a total of 14.4116 million people were screened and sampled.

In order to organize and implement the screening work, we are working on epidemic prevention and control at the city and district levels. Under the leading group, special classes for nucleic acid screening were set up to coordinate and coordinate nucleic acid screening work. In the preparation stage, design and arrange according to the chain of collection, delivery, inspection and reporting:

One is the sampling phase. On the basis of finding out the actual management population base of the streets (townships), communities and communities within the jurisdiction, arrange the required sampling number; a sampling point. Allocating staff and volunteers to maintain the work order, and guide the general public to implement the 2-meter line spacing; through batches, buildings, and time periods, it is possible to reduce the gathering of people in a short period of time and avoid cross-infection.

The second is the transport link. It is required that 1 hour after the nucleic acid sampling is started, the first batch of samples should be transferred to the testing institution, and the testing institution will start operation. Subsequent samples were collected and transported every half hour to 1 hour. At the same time, the public security, transportation and other departments provide transportation guarantees for the transshipment vehicles.

The third is the detection link. Quick detection results are crucial for subsequent rapid control and reduction of transmission. This screening especially strengthens the dynamic command and adjustment of collection and inspection matching, and grasps the progress of collection, delivery and inspection in real time. According to the sampling ability of the set sampling points and the actual detection ability of each testing institution, the matching of scribing and sample sending should be done in advance. According to the experimental rhythm of nucleic acid testing institutions, samples are sent in batches and dynamically scheduled to achieve “no empty machines and no accumulation of samples”, and make good use of the testing capabilities of various testing institutions.

Fourth is the submission link. The testing institution is required to report the abnormality of the sample test results to the disease control institution and the health administrative department immediately; each district will start the fixation, sampling and testing of the relevant personnel after receiving the report to shorten the time as much as possible .

With the understanding, support and cooperation of the general public, the two batches of nucleic acid screening work are generally stable. of.

Antigen detection is a very important supplement to nucleic acid detection


China Central Television (CGTN) :In the past two days, many citizens have been tested for antigen reagents. Can you tell us about the situation of carrying out antigen testing and any reminders for citizens to do antigen testing?

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Wu Qianyu : Antigen detection is a very important supplement to nucleic acid detection. Antigen detection can detect positive infections earlier, isolate and conduct nucleic acid review as soon as possible, and maximize the realization of Early detection, early reporting, early isolation. This time, more than 10 million people were screened in the second batch of antigen tests in Puxi. We found some people with abnormal tests through the antigen test. We carried out nucleic acid testing and verification as soon as possible to effectively block the spread of the virus. .

Antigen test is fast and easy to operate, and citizens can complete the test at home. Here, I would like to remind you that you must strictly follow the operation instructions and operation videos when testing. If you find that your antigen test result is positive, please report to the village neighborhood committee as soon as possible and wait at home, and the staff will arrange for you to undergo a nucleic acid test review. At the same time, everyone should pay attention that the nasal swabs, sampling tubes, test cards and other wastes after the antigen self-test should be put into sealed bags, and those with negative results should be sterilized and put into dry trash cans, and those with positive results should be transported by personnel. Hand over to medical institutions for disposal as medical waste.

The city’s medical staff have devoted themselves to epidemic prevention and control, nucleic acid screening, medical treatment, and vaccines Vaccination and General Medical Services Work


Guangming Daily: As the number of infected people increases, makeshift hospitals also increasing. Is there enough space for the shelter and medical staff? Is there any difficulty? How to solve?

During the epidemic, many citizens stayed at home due to lockdown or screening. Can you tell us about the matters that citizens and enterprises can handle without leaving their homes? What role does big data play in epidemic prevention and control?

Wu Qianyu:< /strong>Since the outbreak of the epidemic, we have successively opened back-up designated hospitals and rebuilt a number of makeshift hospitals. There are more than 10 designated hospitals, reserve designated hospitals and makeshift hospitals in our city. At the same time, we have renovated some large-scale public facilities, and strive to ensure that all infected people are collected. In the designated hospitals and makeshift hospitals that have been opened, we have added a number of medical teams such as Longhua Hospital, Yueyang Hospital, Shuguang Hospital, Pulmonary Hospital, and Yangpu District Central Hospital to the 10 originally stationed hospitals.

At present, the city’s medical staff have fully invested in epidemic prevention and control, nucleic acid screening, medical treatment, and vaccination. In order to further complete the task of emergency response to the epidemic, the state has organized a medical team to assist Shanghai. Medical teams from brother provinces and cities are mainly stationed in makeshift hospitals to carry out admission and treatment. You may have seen in the circle of friends and Weibo that the first batch of medical team members and sampling team members from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui have arrived in Shanghai to work in advance. Here, I am very grateful for the strong support and help of our brother provinces and cities!

Source: Shanghai Release
Editor: Zhou Yuwei

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