The elderly in the welfare home ate fresh bamboo shoots in the mountains, and the Shaoxing love materials arrived in the pine

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At noon on April 2, after relay transportation, Lizhu Town and Xialu Town, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province assisted 6 tons of Jiuting Town The love materials arrived in Songjiang smoothly. It is worth mentioning that 3 tons of fresh bamboo shoots were just dug by local farmers.

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Now is the season of spring bamboo shoots in Shaoxing. The annual spring bamboo shoots festival is being held in Xialu Town. After hearing about the need for aid materials, farmers spent half a day digging up 3 tons of bamboo shoots. The spring bamboo shoots, together with the milk, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, apples, pork and other materials raised by Lizhu Town, were donated to Jiuting Town.

In view of the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, this batch of loving materials was delivered by relay. After Shaoxing sent the love materials to the exit of Shaoxing Lanting Expressway, the caring enterprise Shanghai Tianqing Science and Technology Park in Jiuting Town arranged vehicles to receive them. The driver wears protective clothing throughout the process to achieve contactless transfer.

Zheng Yilian, a member of the Party Committee of Lizhu Town, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, said that Shaoxing has come out of a group of outstanding local sages, made contributions in Shanghai, and took the nostalgia as a bond. The two places are in close contact. At the end of last year, when the epidemic situation in Shangyu, Shaoxing was severe, local sages represented by Yuan Zhiqing, chairman of Shanghai Tianqing Science and Technology Innovation Park, donated money and materials to help Shaoxing fight the epidemic. “At present, Shanghai’s epidemic prevention and control is at the most strenuous stage. We raised a batch of Shaoxing characteristic agricultural products in less than a day, hoping to support Shanghai’s joint fight against the epidemic.” Zheng Yilian said.

“The wanderer calls for thousands of miles, and Sang Zi responds affectionately. As a Shaoxing person, the more special times are, the more I can feel Songjiang Heart-to-heart determination with the people of my hometown to overcome the difficulties.” Yuan Zhiqing said that after the love materials arrived in Jiuting, he immediately transported some of the materials to the Jiuting Town Welfare Institute to improve meals for the elderly and eat fresh food in the mountains Bamboo shoots. At the same time, he also delivered supplies to front-line anti-epidemic personnel and enterprises in the park in Jiuting Town.

“We are very moved by the donation of cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, pork and other loving materials to the orphanage. We are very moved.” Jiuting Town Welfare Ji Lanying, the dean of the hospital, said that there are 192 elderly people and more than 40 employees living in the welfare home. Although they had stockpiled living materials for a month before the lockdown, most of them were shelf-stable food. More than 20 days have passed, and fresh vegetables Relatively short, this batch of loving materials is like “timely rain”.

Text: Fu Jing

Photo provided by the interviewee span>

Editor: Xue Liangliang Xu Ping Zhou Yuwei