How to store spare medicine at home? Come and listen to Songjiang pharmacist’s advice

“Grandma, some medicines in the refrigerator have expired In addition, the storage conditions of different medicines are different. Some medicines cannot be stored in the refrigerator. We must store them according to the storage methods on the medicine instructions.” Recently, a volunteer from the Jiuting Hospital Volunteer Service Team Qiu Lei came to the home of grandma Wang, the target of assistance, and accidentally saw that there were many commonly used medicines stored in the refrigerator of grandma’s house. As a pharmacist, Lei Qiu patiently told grandma.

During the epidemic , How should different medicines be stored in order to ensure the curative effect when they are used as backup medicines at home? Qiu Lei gave some suggestions.

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Drug storage conditions to know

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The storage conditions of the drug are in the instructions There are detailed descriptions, such as “shading” refers to the use of opaque containers and packaging, such as anti-angina drug nitroglycerin tablets should be stored in brown bottles; “shading” refers to medicines stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight; “Room temperature, normal temperature” generally refers to storage between 10 and 30 ℃; “cold place” refers to the storage temperature between 2 and 8 ℃, and these drugs are recommended to be refrigerated; Drugs should be stored in the dark and the temperature should not exceed 20 ℃; while the “shade and cool place” means that the temperature should not exceed 20 ℃.

section Store medicines in the refrigerator

< span>The medicines that need to be stored in a cold place (2-8°C) are marked in the instructions, such as insulin, a hypoglycemic drug, and some probiotics, which can be stored in the refrigerator.

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First, insulin storage conditions are special. Insulin should be kept in the refrigerator (2-8°C) before opening, but the insulin after opening only needs to be stored in a dark and ventilated condition below 25°C, and there is no need to put it in the refrigerator. Because insulin is repeatedly placed in cold and hot environments, air will be inhaled to form bubbles, resulting in inaccurate dose calibration. Insulin drugs are recommended to be used within 4 weeks after opening. If you use insulin taken out of a refrigerated environment, you must let it stand for a period of time before injection to allow it to return to room temperature before use, otherwise it will cause pain at the injection site.

The second type of probiotics also needs to be stored in a cold place (2~8℃). Some probiotics, such as bifidobacteria triple viable bacteria, etc., are mainly composed of living bacteria. Since living bacteria are generally not heat-resistant, the higher the temperature, the shorter the survival time, and they are relatively stable at 2-8 °C. Store in the refrigerator, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be achieved. After the microecological preparation is taken out of the refrigerator, it should be taken with warm water below 40°C. Unpacked and unused medicines should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible.

Some medicines do not need to be refrigerated

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Except for the medicines that need to be refrigerated in the instructions, it is not recommended to store other medicines in the refrigerator. If the medicines stored at room temperature are stored in the low temperature environment of the refrigerator, it is easy to cause dry cracks, freezing, crystallization and abnormal precipitation of the medicines. There are three common types of medicines that cannot be placed in the refrigerator.

The first is a liquid oral preparation. Most liquid oral preparations will precipitate fine crystals at low temperature. For example, sugar in syrup is easy to crystallize at low temperature, which will affect clinical efficacy. Therefore, liquid oral preparations are recommended to be stored at room temperature and used as soon as possible after opening.

The second is ointment. Skin topical ointments such as erythromycin ointment and miconazole ointment should not be stored in the refrigerator at low temperature. Because the temperature is too low, the drug stratification and the chemical change of the ointment solvent itself will occur, which will affect the drug concentration and efficacy. It is recommended to store at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight.

The third is tablet, granule and powder. Tablets, granules, and powders are prone to deterioration and mildew in humid environments, so they are not suitable to be placed in the refrigerator and can be stored at room temperature.

Drugs Remember to store suggestions

Know that different types of medicines require different storage methods, but still worry about making a mistake? Qiu Lei suggested that medicines should be kept separately.

During the initial storage of medicines, you can classify them according to their pharmacological effects, and store them separately for external and internal medicines, traditional Chinese medicines and western medicines. . Mixing various medicines may lead to mutual contamination between medicines, affecting the quality of medicines, and it is easy to take the wrong medicines by mistake.

It is also important to check your medicines regularly. Qiu Lei recommends sorting out the medicines at home every 3 to 6 months to check whether the medicines are expired or deteriorated. If the medicine has the following conditions, it can no longer be used: the tablet is loose and discolored; the sugar coating of the sugar-coated tablet is sticking or cracking; the capsule of the capsule is sticking and cracking; Or oil layer precipitation, etc.

Any drug that changes its appearance, smell, color, or properties should never be used.

Text: Li Tianwei

Photo provided by the interviewee

Editor: Yang Lu Lu Jia Zhou Yuwei