If the menstrual period can meet the 4 standards, it means that the uterus is still healthy. Let’s see how many you can meet the standards?

Mstruation is a very important part of women and a barometer of women’s health. Menstruation arrives on time and the discharge is normal, indicating good health. If menstruation is early or delayed , too little or too much menstruation is abnormal, whether the menstruation is normal, there are certain standards, if all are met, it indicates that the body is relatively healthy,


If menstruation You can meet these 4 standards, but the uterus is still healthy. Let’s see how many you can meet?

1. Premenstrual performance span>

If women are in a healthy state, menstruation will be accompanied by many symptoms, showing sudden characteristics, such as when women have menstruation Emotional irritability, abdominal pain, cold hands and feet, etc. are prone to occur.

Traditional Chinese medicine indicates that women’s body is cold, and excessive moisture accumulation will lead to insufficient menstrual blood secretion , there is blood stasis, the uterine mucosa is damaged, which induces some discomfort and brings other symptoms to the body.

At this time, the symptoms are accompanied by the menstrual period for 3 to 5 days and can be relieved by drinking brown sugar The method of water and ginger water can normally excrete the coldness and moisture of the body to achieve the function of central regulation of body temperature.

2. Appearance of menstrual blood

The color of menstrual blood is called menstrual color, which is characterized by non-coagulation. Normal menstrual blood is red and dark. The color is lighter at the beginning, gradually becomes darker, and finally becomes Pale red, gradually clean, in addition to blood, menstrual blood also contains fragments of endometrial shedding, cervical mucus and private epithelial cells. Menstrual blood will be more viscous, but there is no other taste. Too much or too fast blood flow to pass normally, and occasionally a blood clot occurs.

3, normal menstrual time p>

Menstrual period refers to the time of menstrual cramps, which generally lasts 3 to 7 days, and some people’s menstruation lasts for 4 to 5 days. If the duration of menstruation is normal and there is no other special situation, if you take medicines, change the environment, and suddenly the menstrual period is prolonged or shortened, you need to pay attention. If there is such a situation, don’t be afraid.

4. Normal menstrual flow

Women with a healthy uterus or no other diseases in the body, the menstrual days are about 5 to 7 days, and the amount of each menstrual period is guaranteed to be 50ml, at least 30ml. It cannot exceed 80ml at most. If it exceeds 80ml, it is a pathological state, which is generally caused by endometriosis or fibroids. In addition, women with cervicitis have excessive menstrual flow, which may be accompanied by back pain. a series of symptoms.


How to protect uterine health?

First: Don’t Abort Multiple Times

Abortion affects the endometrium of the uterus. Repeated abortions can easily lead to abnormal pregnancy, so it is necessary to reduce the number of abortions .

Second: Protect the uterus and keep swimming

If you want to maintain a healthy uterus, you can swim twice, which can enhance the ability of uterine contractions. The survey found that people who swim for more than three hours a week can make The rapid contraction of the uterus reduces the fat content of the body and avoids the occurrence of thick blood lipids. In addition, women who swim often have more muscle in their legsDeveloped, beautiful lines, if you want to have long legs, you can swim more.

Third: Provide adequate nutrition

Eating more foods containing vitamin E and vitamin C can reduce the risk of uterine fibroids, protect the uterus, and have a good chance of fertilizing the fetus. In a good environment, folic acid needs to be supplemented three months before pregnancy, which can not only prevent the child from congenital diseases, but also reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

Warm reminder: Women must take good contraceptive measures, reduce the frequency of induced abortion, exercise properly, and strengthen immunity and resistance Increase your strength, pay attention to personal hygiene, don’t take drugs containing estrogen, don’t drink too much cold drinks, beer, live a regular life, and don’t stay up late.