For people with mild depression, these 5 “mantras” will be frequently talked about, I hope you haven’t said them

Depression is currently mainly characterized by significant and persistent depression, some patients will have self-injury and self-injury behaviors, and depressed patients are often accompanied by delusions , hallucinations and other symptoms of mental illness.

Often their depression will lead to depressive stupor in the body, which can be manifested as a fixed facial expression, A series of symptoms such as lack of response to stimuli, little or no speech, little or no movement.

Depression is mostly acute or subacute, especially in autumn and winter. Onset, women aged 20 to 30 years of age tend to have a higher prevalence than men.

In the 2019 China Mental Health Survey and Research Report, the lifetime prevalence of amateur disorders in my country was 6.82%. The rate was 3.6%, of which the lifetime prevalence of depression was 3.22% and the monthly prevalence was 2.1%.

In 2017, the World Health Organization’s statistics on the global burden of disease, showing the disability of depressive disorders Adjusted life years rose to 11th, and research also showed that depression has become the third leading cause of productive loss of healthy lives.

Depression is projected to become the second leading cause of cardiovascular disease by 2023, according to many studies. One of the second largest source of disease burden.

Depression is clinically classified into mild, moderate, and severe according to the number and type of symptoms and the degree of inflammation. degree and severity.

Grading and grading criteria for depression:

· Mild depression: Patients with mild depression have two or more core symptoms and There are three of the following accompanying symptoms, including low self-esteem, self-guilt, negative ideas, abnormal appetite, abnormal libido, weight loss, anxiety symptoms, autonomic nervous disorder symptoms, etc.

· Moderate Depression: Moderate Depressed patients will be accompanied by three core symptoms and more than four accompanying symptoms, and their social functions will be damaged to a large extent, manifested as being unable to work and live normally.

· Major depressive disorder: If the depression is very severe, include Three of the core symptoms, including more than four of the accompanying symptoms, are severely damaged in social function, which has affected daily life, causing the patient to be unable to work and live normally.

For people with mild depression, these 5 “mantras” will frequently hang I hope you didn’t say

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault” strong>

Patients with mild depression will put all their mistakes on themselves and feel that any mistakes are Because they weren’t doing well enough, they were disconnected from friends and family.

Whether it is life pressure or work pressure, because this patient is always in a state of extreme inferiority The state of depression will gradually eliminate self-confidence, cause serious psychological impact, and aggravate depressive symptoms.

If you often feel that what you do is not good, please take a look at your friends and family around you, maybe you can learn from They see the good side of you and do what they like and are interested inLove, disperse your depression in time, don’t sink deeper and deeper.

“I feel so bored living, I might as well be dead” strong>

“I think my life is very boring, it’s better to die”, often depressed patients often say this In other words, it means that the patient likes to be alone in a dark corner.

I like to close myself, close my heart, and even give up myself, and I don’t want to reveal my feelings to my friends and family around me. Voices and thoughts, feel bored and don’t convey negative emotions to those around you.

“If I die, everyone can relax”

The biggest harm of depression is suicide and self-harm. When you lose confidence in things, you will feel like you have accomplished nothing.

Because the patient will have suicidal thoughts after being concerned about himself by the people around him , they often feel that as long as they die, the people around them will be able to relax and get rid of their pain.

Once you find yourself having suicidal urges, whether it is yourself or your friends or family members, you must be vigilant. This kind of thinking shows that depression has reached its extreme. Don’t continue to let go, otherwise the situation will become more and more serious, and even endanger your own life.

“What’s the matter, I’m bored” span>

Depressed patients are very irritable, they are very resistant to external communication, they do not want to negotiate with anyone, they just want to live in themselves In a lonely little corner.

Once they give orders to depressed patients, they will feel extremely irritable and their mood will become lower and lower , and even often cry all night long.

Mild depression often says this sentence, everyone must be vigilant, no matter it is around you Friends or family members, you must accompany them more and help them to adjust their grievances in time.

“Why am I so useless”!

People with mild depression display extreme levels of self-denial and low self-esteem, and they feel Nothing can be accomplished, no matter what they do, they can’t be successful, and they will devalue themselves extremely, thinking that they are not good and that they are not good.

Therefore, if they maintain such a mental state for a long time, it will seriously cause the depressed patients to fall into an endless cycle. Can’t see the sparkle in yourself

As time progressed, their depressive symptoms became more and more Deeply, the self-confidence of patients with depression will be severely frustrated, and even their normal mental health will be affected.

If your friends or family members often say this, please give them more care and understanding , if you can give them a warm hug, tell them: “You are not nothing, in fact, you also have the most dazzling side.”

—Healthy Gas Station p>

The following are SDSThe content of the scale (with * is a reverse scoring question), it is recommended that you test yourself:

< p class="pgc-img-caption">

1. I feel gloomy and depressed (depressed)

*2, I think morning is the best in the day (heavier in the morning and lighter at night) p>

3, burst into tears or feel like crying (easy to cry)

4. I don’t sleep well at night (sleep disorder)

* 5. I eat as much as usual (loss of appetite)

*6. When I have close contact with the opposite sex As happy as ever (loss of sexual interest)

7. I notice my weight is falling (loss of weight) )

8 I have trouble with constipation (constipation)

9. Heart beat faster than usual (palpitations)

10. I feel tired for no reason (tired easily)

*11. My mind is at peace As always clear (difficulty thinking)

*12, I do not find it difficult to do things that I do often (difficulty in ability) )

13. I feel uneasy and can’t calm down (uneasy)< /p>

*14、I have hope for the future (desperate)

15. I am more irritable than usual (irritable)

*16. I think it is easy to make a decision (difficulty in making a decision)

*17. I think I am a Useful people, someone needs me (uselessness)

*18. My life is very interesting ( A sense of emptiness in life)

19. I think others would be better off if I died (worthless sense)

*20, I am still interested in things that are usually interesting (loss of interest)