High incidence in spring! High incidence of urticaria, eczema, and shingles, please check this prevention guide~

With the arrival of spring, skin diseases such as eczema, urticaria, shingles, etc. hit, itchy and uncomfortable, and I can’t scratch it, which is really miserable.

So, how can we prevent these skin diseases from coming to our door? If you accidentally get caught, what should you do?


Hives that come and go quickly< /p>

Hives, commonly known as rubella lumps. It is a localized edema reaction due to dilation and increased permeability of small blood vessels in the skin and mucous membranes.

severely ill >Acute urticaria can also be accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chest tightness, and laryngeal obstruction and other systemic symptoms; but < span>Chronic urticariarecurrent episodes, lasting months, years, or even decades.

1High incidence of urticaria in spring , related to 4 factors

There are many types of urticaria, such assolar urticaria, pressure urticaria, Cold urticariaetc., but notsame type, different triggers< /strong>. Urticaria in spring is often related to the following factors:

/strong>Prevention and control measures for urticaria

The causes of urticaria are many and complex, so it can only be done as much as possibleTake preventive measures, such as: eat less spicy food, stay away from allergies source, improve the living environment, regulate emotions, etc.

But if urticaria occurs, you should go to the hospital for a checkup in time, Clarify the incentives, use symptomatic medication, and do a good job in future protection.

Urticaria is a self-limiting disease. During treatment, the main measures are to control symptoms and improve quality of life Mainly , so medication should follow the principles of safety and effectiveness.

International urticaria guidelines recommend second-generation antihistamines strong>, not only anti-allergic, but also anti-itch, anti-inflammatory, less side effects, safer, and more suitable for children. Common are cetirizine, loratadine and so on. However, ask your doctor’s opinion before taking medicine, and do not self-medicate.


Recurring eczema

Eczema is a common skin disease, a kind of skin inflammation caused by severe itching caused by a variety of internal and external factors. It is more common in the forehead, cheeks, The top of the head, then gradually spreads to neck, shoulders, back, buttocks, extremities, and even Spread all over body.

>Difference between eczema and prickly heat

According to the onset process, eczema is divided into Acute, subacute, chronicthree stages. Symptoms also vary in different periods.

①Acute phase: erythema , dripping water, highly susceptible to infection.

②Subacute Stage : Erythema, blisters, exudation, and swelling are significantly reduced, but papules and scales appear.

③Chronic Phase< span>: Thickened, darkened or whitish skin.

2 The causes of eczema①internal causes

caused by the patient’s own factors, such as: byInherited sensitive constitution, autoimmune disease or systemic visceral disease.

②External causes

< span>environmental cold, hot, dry, wet, and mental, emotional and other factors can affect the skin.

3< ThreeTroubleshootingEczema①Find the cause

Eczema can be triggered by many adverse factors, such as spicy food, chemicals etc. If you can eliminate these bad factors, the purpose of curing the disease can often be achieved .

It should be noted that spring is the most common Hypolipidic eczema, also known as Dry eczema, which manifests asdry, rough, itchy skin . And this kind of eczema mainly relies on moisturizing, that is, using a lot of moisturizing The skin cream repairs the skin barrier and maintains moisture to achieve the therapeutic effect. In severe cases, drugs are required.

②Topical drugs< p>Hormonal ointment is the first-line treatment for eczema. However,children should use non-hormonal ointments and weak ointments , such as: desonide cream, butylbenzene hydroxy acid cream, etc.

During an acute flare-up of eczema, if drying >, can be washed with normal saline and wet compress with 3% boric acid water, 2-3 times a day , to eliminate local itching and avoid infection.

③Oral medication

If eczema develops, it will affect the patient’s life and work at the same time Oral antihistamines are needed to eliminate the symptoms of itching on the skin. In addition, oral or injectable glucocorticoids can improve the condition of eczema.

However, it should be noted thatglucocorticoids should not be used for long periods of time, easy to bring side effects. More importantly, be sure to follow your doctor’s orders.

Tips for treating eczema: Earth Extracorporeal Use

【Medicinal Herbs】

Kochia 5 grams: relieve itching and relieve itching;

purslane 5 grams: clear heat and cool blood, remove Red;

Sophora 5 grams: dry dampness and remove oil.

[Usage and Dosage]

Put Kochia seeds, purslane, and Sophora flavescens into fine powder, put them into a pot in equal proportions, add 2000 ml of cold water, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for 20 minutes, then pour out and let cool;< /p>

Take two pieces of gauze and put them into the medicinal soup to fully soak them. After the medicine is fully absorbed, squeeze it to half dry, so as not to drip;

Apply the gauze on the face to allow the skin to fully absorb it, just like a mask, if you have a mask paper, you can also use it;

Apply for 3 to 5 minutes, peel off after drying, repeat five or six times, and then rinse with water;

< p>Once a day or every other day.

【Suitable population】People with hormone-dependent dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, acne.


Painful Shingles

Herpes zoster is a varicella-zoster virus infection, commonly known as “ Dragon-riddled”, with a high incidence during the changing seasons, more common in the elderly, women, immunocompromised or deficient, overworked people.

Shingles usually occursflaps Yes, the wound does not itch like other skin diseases, it is mainlypain-based, and the pain will continue throughout the course of the disease;Pain varies in duration, intensifying between 12pm and 3am;The pain point is also variable strong>, pins, tearing, burning, discharge pain, sometimes There isfeeling of heat.

In general, most shingles have< /span>Self-limiting, about two or three weeks, the blisters will scab and fall off, but some special parts of herpes zoster will cause a lot of damage hazard.

Herpes zoster virus, if it infects the trigeminal segment of the face, can damage the eye patch and cause blindness ;may occur if the motor fibers in the facial nerve are infectedfacial paralysis;invasion Central nervous system, causingviral encephalitis and meningitis.

1 Is shingles contagious?

Shingles disease itself is not contagious. During the active period, shingles patients transmit the virus to others through saliva, pus, and wounds

2< span>Shingles response


Chickenpox Not only does the viral vaccine prevent chickenpox, it also reduces the incidence of shingles, but it’s not absolute.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults over the age of 50 should get the “shingles vaccine,” which can be < span>Reduces the risk of shingles by 50% and also reduces the chance of postherpetic neuralgia by 2/3.

②Enhancing immunity

Everyone has the The herpes zoster virus, but whether it will break out is mainly related to the body’s own immune system. Therefore, it is very important to improve human immunity.

Intake adequate nutrition, develop good living habits, maintain proper and reasonable exercise, can improve immunity.

③Drug therapy< /span>

Most of the virus is still stored in the blood in the early stage. At this time, some antiviral drugs can be used to Kills the herpes zoster virus in the bloodprimary target, and alsoprevents symptoms Widespread.

In addition, use some analgesics to block the neuron relieve discomfort symptoms.

3Watch out for specific shingles

< span> According to statistics, about 12.1% of herpes zoster patients have visceral cancer, including gastric cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, etc.

ifmultiple recurrences or bilateral Herpes zoster is distributed in all cases, and its characteristics may undergo special changes, most of which occur when the body’s immunity is extremely low, such asSevere infection, tumor, etc., it is recommended to do a comprehensive physical examination in time.

Source: I am the official WeChat account of a great doctor, beautiful medical pictures

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