Chayouqian Banner Judicial Bureau People’s Mediation “Four Steps” Helps Optimizing the Business Environment

In order to give full play to the fundamental role of people’s mediation in resolving social conflicts and disputes, and to build a firm “first line of defense” to maintain social stability, the Ulanqab Municipal Police The Judicial Bureau of Youqian Banner has helped optimize the business environment through the “four-step process” of people’s mediation.

Improve the network of people’s mediation organizations. It is necessary to further improve and improve the network of people’s mediation organizations in combination with the construction of ten grassroots organizations in new rural areas, new pastoral areas and urban communities in the region, centering on the maintenance of social stability. Establish a social conflict and dispute mediation center. The mediation center should cover all kinds of professional and industrial people’s mediation organizations, provide “one-stop” dispute resolution services, and a multi-level, wide-area, and full-coverage people’s mediation organization network to maximize the satisfaction of the jurisdiction. The needs of surrounding enterprises to resolve various conflicts and disputes.

Promote the standardization of people’s mediation organizations. Extensively carry out activities to standardize and standardize the establishment of people’s mediation committees, establish and improve the post responsibility system of people’s mediation committees, joint trial of major disputes, joint mediation, and return visits, and formulate code of conduct for people’s mediators. Strict the work discipline of people’s mediators, standardize the management of people’s mediation work, promote the standardization of people’s mediation and the construction of the rule of law, ensure the authority and credibility of people’s mediation, and provide a good atmosphere for creating a law-based business environment.

Strengthen the team building of people’s mediators. Further adjust, enrich and improve the people’s mediation organization team, promote the professionalization and professionalization of the mediation team, and focus on resolving conflicts and disputes in the fields of arrears of wages to migrant workers and work-related injuries. Adhering to the principle of “combining specialties with specialties and focusing on specialties” is conducive to more professional mediation of conflicts and disputes involving enterprises and businesses, and maximizes the interests of both parties.

Improve the working mechanism of people’s mediation. It is necessary to intensify innovation in socialized management, further strengthen the construction of social conflict and dispute mediation centers, and actively mediate major and difficult disputes in the jurisdiction, so as to realize “big events do not go out of the flag” and “difficult problems do not go out of towns and villages. ”, the responsibility goal of “Small things do not leave the village”. In order to effectively protect the interests of enterprises, the people’s mediators should give full play to the role of the people’s mediation information team, be responsible for the investigation of conflicts and disputes within their jurisdiction, take the initiative to “door-to-door service”, visit enterprises at the grassroots level, and collect and report all kinds of conflicts and disputes. Information work, timely analysis, research and judgment on key areas and key areas where disputes and conflicts may occur. For enterprise conflicts and disputes that are not suitable for people’s mediation or fail to be mediated, the parties shall be guided in a timely manner to resolve them through legal means such as arbitration, administrative reconsideration, administrative ruling, and litigation.

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