Accidental ingestion and others

In real life, some people ingest it by mistake. Accidental ingestion is very simple, but the consequences are serious and even life-threatening.

Some children play with glass balls and eat them while playing. The family was very nervous. They didn’t have the money to go to the hospital, so they found out about a villager. This person can paint, and whoever eats something by mistake will go to him to paint. He would draw circles on people’s stomachs with a writing brush, saying that he could draw what he ate in his stomach, so that those things could be excreted smoothly.

The child’s family took him to melt, and also brought a basket of eggs, which was confiscated. Father Hu in the village also went to paint, and when people asked, they found out that Father Hu had swallowed a needle!

It was the time for the wheat harvest. Brother Hu went to the field to harvest the wheat. His grandson was naughty and put a needle into the thermos. When Father Hu came home, he was very hungry and thirsty. He touched the mouth of the kettle, but there was no heat, so he picked up the kettle and drank it in one breath. After drinking all the water, he felt tired and took a needle out of his mouth. . After inquiring carefully, it turned out that it was the grandson who did the trick, so he hurried to that person to draw a needle.

Later, the child pulled out the glass ball, and Dad Hu also pulled out the embroidery needle. I don’t know how Father Hu pulled it out, or if that person drew it for him—people can only guess.

Father Hu has lived for more than 80 years, and his body is still strong. The child who pulled the glass ball is in his 60s and has many children and grandchildren. He was not affected by accidental ingestion.

If a child eats their own cake, of course you don’t need to draw it, and you don’t need to worry about it, just pull it out as feces. If you accidentally ingest your own urine, as the comic says, go to the hospital for a test, thinking that the transparent cup used for the urine test is filled with beer, and drink it, of course, it will not have any major impact, unless Urine has very powerful germs.

Children accidentally ingested the steel rod, don’t worry, just wait to pull it out, but the steel rod is too big, Get a look at the hospital. In the years of lack of clothing and clothing, few people went to the hospital to see a doctor, because everyone had no money, and no acquaintances were in the hospital, so they could only think of some local solutions.

It can be tricky if a child accidentally ingests a fishbone. Find someone to pinch it, but if you can’t pinch it, you have to go to the hospital and find a doctor to pinch it. The doctor opened the child’s mouth with a brace, and if he couldn’t find it, he would wrap the child’s tongue with gauze and stretch it out. Those fish bones were hidden in the throat, under the tongue, and in the gap between the cheek and the gum, all of which could not escape the doctor’s eyes. There was a child who accidentally ate a fishbone while eating fish and went to the hospital to see it. After the doctor looked at it and couldn’t find where the fishbone was, he told the child’s family to go back and let the child eat a few mouthfuls of steamed buns, gulp it down, and swallow the fishbone whole. Tried it at home and it worked really well. The fishbone was swallowed into the stomach along with the steamed bread, of course, it would not pierce the stomach, and would be excreted directly with the food residue. Or perhaps, the small fishbone has been digested in the stomach, and it will not be excreted.

There are many examples of accidental ingestion, all of which are people who accidentally eat some foreign objects, so they are very nervous. Someone accidentally ingested nitrite and the result was life-threatening. There was once a factory worker who was stewing potatoes at night. When he saw a pile of white salt particles piled up in the open space of the factory, he grabbed a handful and put it in the pot. Go in, who knows that it is nitrite. After the workers ate it, problems occurred, such as nausea and vomiting, and gastric lavage. Some people even fell ill because of this. If they were saved too late, they would die.

Nowadays, some men and women interact, and drug use often occurs. A man and a woman went out to eat. When the woman went to the toilet, the man secretly put medicine in the woman’s drink cup. After the woman came back, she drank the drink from the cup in one breath, and soon became groggy. The man helped the woman to the hotel to open a room, and people knew what happened later. A woman who drank the drug was ingested by mistake, and this accidental ingestion was drugged without her knowledge. If they knew there was a drug in the cup, would they still drink it? Of course not, unless the woman has a crush on the man, or is deliberately fascinated.

From this point of view, is it an extension of accidental eating that some people get drunk on purpose and make themselves drunk? Not necessarily comprehensive, it is likely to be a form of self-anaesthesia, or a very direct behavior with a purpose. They clearly know that they will be confused and even unconscious when they are drunk, but they still have to get themselves drunk, maybe they are escaping something. Drinking too much alcohol is equivalent to accidental eating, but this accidental eating is carried out under the guidance of consciousness, rather than being drunk without knowing it. It can be said that many people entering the wine bureau is equivalent to eating by mistake. They didn’t know how powerful the liquor bureau was. When they got to the liquor bureau, they could only drink. If they didn’t drink, they would drink it. They would regret it when they were drunk, and vowed not to drink in the future. However, when they meet the wine bureau again, they will still drink.

In addition to the effect of alcohol addiction, people like to eat alcohol by mistake. It doesn’t taste good at first, but after drinking it, it tastes good. In fact, some people who ingest foreign objects by mistake are not unaware of the dangerRisk, but inadvertently eat something, and this inadvertent is done by the subconscious, maybe just to gain attention, to gain people’s sympathy.

From this point of view, the person who eats it by mistake is a poor person. Of course, it is not only careless, it is not only careless, but also Just to get people’s attention. If you don’t believe me, please pay attention to those people who eat by mistake, you will find that they really lack love for a long time, and even they want to conquer others by eating by mistake and gain the center position of the incident, and they have really become the object of people’s attention and the fact Is it too pitiful that the ruler of the monarchy has only gained sympathy, pity and awe, but obtained it by destroying himself?