There are many symptoms of autonomic disorder, and it is very important to adjust the state of mind

The autonomic nerve is composed of two major systems: sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve. It mainly controls cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, visceral activity and gland secretion. It is controlled and regulated by the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. It is controlled by the subjective will, so it is also called the autonomic nerve. If the autonomic nervous system is disordered, it will involve multiple systems in the body, such as the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, urinary system, etc., resulting in various symptoms.

1. Circulatory system: chest tightness, palpitations, wheezing, suffocation and other symptoms may occur, but these symptoms are often different from typical heart diseases and will not be affected by activities. It gets worse, but a small number of people can relieve it after exercise, which may be due to the diversion of attention. If you do an electrocardiogram, cardiac ultrasound, or even CT, coronary angiography, most of them are normal, and at most there are some non-specific changes in the electrocardiogram.

2. Nervous system: headache, dizziness, forgetfulness, insomnia, dreaminess, tinnitus, anxiety, fear, etc. may occur.

3. Digestive system: often feel abdominal distension, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, swallowing foreign body sensation, etc., do gastrointestinal related examinations, such as gastroscopy, colonoscopy and There is no abnormality, and taking gastrointestinal-related drugs is not effective.

4. Genitourinary system: some people may experience increased frequency of urination, small amount of urine each time, and urgency to urinate; women may experience menstrual disorders and genital itching, and men may experience menstrual disorders. Decreased libido or decreased sexual function.

5. General condition: Many people feel weak, tired, unable to lift their spirits, have no confidence in life, and are always worried about their physical condition.

Autonomic nervous disorder is difficult for patients to detect, and it is easy to be confused by false impressions. As a result, a lot of drugs are taken, a lot of money is spent, and no effect is seen. , often many patients miss the best opportunity for treatment before they think of seeking treatment in psychiatry. It is conceivable how difficult it is to find autonomic disorders, and it also poses a huge economic burden to the patient’s family.

Therefore, patients can be allowed to do more outdoor activities in their free time, such as running in the morning, playing ball with friends on Sunday, etc. Exercising every day can give you a strong heart and cardiovascular system function, while enhancing the oxygen uptake, the oxygen delivery to the various organs of the body is also greatly increased. A moderate amount of outdoor exercise can help patients relieve nervous tension, enhance resistance, and accelerate blood circulation. In addition, it can also regulate autonomic nerves through various activities to achieve the purpose of psychological pleasure.

Living in this society cannot avoid conflict with others and encountering unhappy things. Some people like to take these unhappy things to heart, which is wrong. Long-term accumulation of negative emotions can cause great physical harm to patients. A channel should be found to vent the patient’s inner emotions, and those unhappy things should be vented.