Why do elderly people break when they fall? After the age of 50, 3 kinds of meat should be willing to eat, or can support good bones

“How can the elderly not eat meat? How can the nutrition come from if you don’t eat meat, how can you just be vegetarian?” Looking at Grandma Li on the hospital bed, the doctor kept instructing.

Grandma Li from Shenzhen, 78 years old, has high blood pressure for many years. Since she doesn’t like eating meat, she usually eats mostly vegetarian dishes. She eats fast 8 years.

A few days ago, when Grandma Li was on her way to buy vegetables at the vegetable market, she slipped and fell to the ground. /span>Fractured right femoral neck.

Fortunately, after surgery, she has recovered slowly, and Grandma Li can get out of bed and walk.

Many elderly people are getting older, and their chewing ability gradually declines, and their appetite also declines. It is light, so I basically eat a vegetarian diet, and I don’t eat a single bite of meat. In fact, this is very harmful to the body.

First, if the elderly do not eat meat, fractures will increase by 6 times!

Many elderly people hold the idea that “a thousand dollars can’t buy old age skinny” and “a light diet is healthy”, so they blindly eat only vegetarian dishes and don’t eat a single bite of meat. This extreme way of eating is very dangerous to health.

It is understood that among middle-aged and elderly residents (age ≥ 65 years old) in my country, an average of 3 to 4 people in every 10 people have appeared Falls, and after a fall, many elderly people will experience fractures, especially the hip joint, spine, wrist and other parts are most likely to occur.

Among them, hip fractures are the most harmful and are called “the last fracture in life”, with extremely high disability and fatality rates. Didn’t stand up either.

Why are elderly people prone to fractures?

With age, everyone’s bone mass and bone strength will gradually decrease, coupled with long-term vegetarian diet, long-term low calcium and low vitamin D diet, smoking, alcoholism, deficiency Physical exercise, etc., can easily lead to diseases related to low bone density, such as osteoporosis, which can lead to fractures.

Once a fracture occurs in the elderly, the consequences are very serious, especially complications caused by bed rest, such as hypostatic pneumonia, urinary tract infection, bedsores and other complications. May endanger the life of the elderly.

In addition, studies have found that old People who do not eat meat have a 6-fold increased risk of fractures!

A study published in the world-renowned medical journal “BMC Medicine” involved about 54,898 volunteers to analyze and compare their eating habits, after an average length of time. Up to 17.6 years of follow-up.

Researchers found that people who don’t eat meat, especially vegetarians, are more likely to have a total fracture or fractures in certain parts of the hip than those who eat meat. People with meat are much taller. Among them, vegetarians had a 131% higher risk of hip fracture than meat eaters.

In addition, vegetarian diets in the elderly may also lead tomalnutrition, muscle loss, increased obesity, and hyperlipidemia Symptoms, diabetes, etc..

Second, multi-country studies have found that the elderly who eat more meat may live longer

Traditionally believes that the elderly should eat less meat, which is beneficial to the body healthy. But is this really the case? A joint research study involving 11 countries has the answer.

The study pointed out: Compared with the elderly who eat more vegetarian food, the elderly who consume higher protein (meat and eggs are the main sources) are more likely to develop cancer. Lower, live longer. If the protein intake is 40g/day, the mortality rate is only 18%.

In addition, the elderly can get a variety of benefits by eating meat properly .

The elderly are prone to lack of nutrients such as protein, lipid, vitamin B12 and calcium, and meat is an important source of these nutrients.< span>So eating meat properly can effectively prevent malnutrition.

In addition, the ability of the elderly to absorb nutrients and synthesize muscles is relatively poor, and protein is indispensable for muscle production.Eat properly Meat also prevents osteoporosis and sarcopenia.

It can be seen that eating meat properly for the elderly is beneficial to health, especially after the age of 50. Of course, there is also a lot of knowledge in how to eat meat.

Third, the elderly are particular about eating meat, what kind of meat is good to eat?

There are many kinds of meat, mainly divided into red meat and white meat. If the elderly want to eat meat healthily, how should they eat it?

First of all, for the choice of meat types, it is recommended to eat less red meat and often white meat, especially these types:

< strong>1. Fish meat

of course is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can help control blood lipids, thereby protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular;It is also high in DHA, a substance that promotes the growth and development of brain cells, enhances memory and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.

2, lean meat

Protein, calcium and other nutrients are high, and the fat content is low, while supplementing nutrition, it can prevent high blood pressure and high blood lipids caused by excessive fat intake.

3. Shrimp meat

is rich in protein, magnesium, zinc, etc. It can well supplement the nutrients needed by the human body and is easy to digest and absorb.

Secondly, pay attention when cooking meat, cooking methods should try to stew, boil, steam, stew, stew. Waiting for the main , can better retain the nutrition of the ingredients.

The ingredients are made as thin, rotten and soft as possible, which is good for the elderly to chew and easy to digest; as for the taste, try to be lighter and less oily (<25g/day) , Less salt (<5g/day) and non-irritating (less irritating seasonings such as chili, pepper, pepper, etc.).

In addition, the elderly should pay attention to a balanced diet as much as possible, and try to ensure that there are more types involved. The staple food is mainly all kinds of coarse grains. Eat fruits and vegetables to ensure adequate intake of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and other nutrients.

If necessary, nutritional supplements can be used reasonably under the guidance of a physician to prevent malnutrition.

Summary: vegetarianism does not equal health and longevity, blindly adopting a full vegetarian diet is good for the health of the elderly Rather, it’s not good. In short, remember one sentence, whether it is meat or vegetarian, a balanced diet is the foundation and is most beneficial to health.


[1] “Fracture risk of people who do not eat meat “surges”! These 6 periods should eat meat the most”. Life Times. 2021-05-17

[2] “The latest research: Elderly people who eat more meat may live longer! But if you don’t pay attention to these 4 points, it will be counterproductive”. Popular Science China .2021-10-23

[3] “Be sure to remember! ! The elderly should eat meat tonic like this! Can’t be more wrong…”.CCTV Life Circle.2016-12-27

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