The world’s “best running coach” gives 10 golden rules to ordinary runners

The world’s top running coaches may not be able to teach an ordinary person well: because it is difficult for them to summarize their training methods and experience as a reference for ordinary runners.

The exception is an American coach who has not only led a large number of high-level athletes, but also helped many ordinary people become high-level runners.

Life Times(Search “LT0385” in WeChat to follow) to interview experts, systematically introduce the running rules of this American running coach, and help you every step of the way run more efficiently.

Interviewed experts

Dai Jiansong, Director of Sports Rehabilitation Department, School of Sports Health, Nanjing Institute of Physical Education

This particular running instructor has been dubbed “The World’s Best Running Coach” and he is Daniels.

Jack Daniels, two-time Olympic modern pentathlon medalist, world-renowned coach, exercise scientist and running instructor.

For the average runner, Daniels summed up the 10 golden rules of running.


Use strengths, focus on weaknesses

Some runners are born with ideal muscle fiber types, such as having a high percentage of slow-twitch fibers, so they have an increased VO2max (VO2max is a standard measure of endurance) ) potential advantages.

And some runners struggle to reach very high VO2 max levels, but they have excellent running form and therefore excellent running mechanics, which means they can run faster at the same speed. easy.

Runners should spend a lot of training time improving their weaknesses and making the most of their strengths. For example, a runner who feels weak in speed but has a lot of endurance should spend more time building up his speed, interspersed with endurance training.


See your own “good”

You will encounter various difficulties in running, such as running too tired, running and running with pain, don’t let yourself stay in the negative side, try to find the positive factors, and give yourself Positive hints.

For example, if after training you don’t feel like you’re running well, don’t feel like you’re bad, but find something good, such as “I didn’t run well today, but Good frequency control.”


It is not advisable to persist while sick

Even world record holders and Olympic champions occasionally retire or underperform. Typically, running is not advisable if the training time is relatively long and if you feel uncomfortable.

It is recommended to relax and stop training at this time, rather than struggling to complete the exercise.

Runners should stop immediately in the face of pain, rather than endure the pain. If you continue to feel unwell, or if the pain persists, seek professional advice from your doctor immediately.


Adjust anytime, be flexible in training

Mass runners should always adjust their training to suit the situation, such as changing training to accommodate unusual weather.

If you plan to work out on Monday, and it’s rainy or windy on Monday and you expect much better weather on Tuesday, then postpone Monday’s workout until Tuesday, but do some strength training indoors on Monday.


Set long, medium, and short-term goals

It’s important to set long-term goals, but they can take a long time to achieve, so it’s important to set smaller, more achievable mid-term goals.

It is recommended that runners set a realistic near-term goal that is achievable with effort, not unrealistic. If achieved, gradually increase the target difficulty.


Focus on your plan

Runners need to learn to focus on what they’re doing instead of spending too much time imitating or caring about other runners in the group.

If you’re trying your best to execute your program, but you’re being overtaken by a few others who don’t train as hard as you, learn to accept the facts and reflect on whether you need to improve your exercise program.


Don’t run too fast for the first half

In general, it is not wise to run too fast at first. Some runners run too fast in the first half and lose too much speed in the second half, and end up being quite slow.

If everyone else is following the fast runner, it’s more stressful for them, often falling faster than the runner.

If you maintain a uniform speed during training, even if the first half is fast, but only a little faster, and the second half is only a little slower, you can achieve better results.


Tell yourself “I’m improving”

Training will not always be easy and fun. If you are not feeling well or tired, think about your goals and tell yourself that you are making progress and gaining useful experience. Quantitative changes can be qualitative change.


Eat, sleep, and sleep

Rest and nutrition are part of training, and routine is critical for runners.

If you eat well and sleep well on a regular basis, and occasionally do not eat well or rest well, it will not negatively affect your training.

A good meal or a good night’s sleep won’t help your training if you don’t eat or sleep regularly.


Acknowledging your efforts

If running poorly during training is an accident, running well must be the result of hard work. ▲

Editor of this issue: Zhang Jie

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