Peanuts are the “accelerator” of high blood pressure? Doctor reminds: don’t want blood pressure soaring, stay away from “1 red and 2 white”

Introduction: According to the latest statistics, the number of people with hypertension in my country has exceeded 330 million, and the incidence group is getting younger and younger. After years of research, it has been found that high blood pressure is inextricably linked to people’s eating habits. Therefore, if you want to stabilize blood pressure, you must work hard on your diet.

Does eating peanuts raise blood pressure? Listen to what the doctor has to say

The doctor explained that most people think that eating peanuts will accelerate the rise of blood pressure, because peanuts are high in oil and fat, and if you eat too much, it is easy to cause obesity , A large amount of fat is converted into fat and accumulated in the body, thus hindering blood circulation and causing blood pressure to rise.

But in fact, eating peanuts in moderation does not cause blood pressure to rise. This is because peanuts also contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for preventing atherosclerosis. Of course, in order to stabilize blood pressure, it is necessary to control the intake of peanuts. It is best to eat raw peanuts or boiled peanuts, and avoid eating fried peanuts.

Doctor’s reminder: Don’t want blood pressure soaring, stay away from “1 red and 2 white”

1 Red – braised pork

The meat of braised pork itself contains more fat, and in the cooking method, it needs to absorb a lot of fat and sugar, which can be said to be the real “king of calories”. “. If hypertensive patients eat too much, it will not only cause obesity, but also exceed the metabolic capacity of the human body, increase the thickness of the blood, increase the pressure on the blood vessel wall, and cause the blood pressure to rise.

2white——salt, liquor

salt: salt is very taboo for hypertensive patients. The main component of salt is sodium chloride. If you consume too much salt, the sodium content of the human body will exceed the standard, which will easily cause water and sodium retention, swell vascular smooth muscle, and continuously narrow the blood vessel lumen, eventually increasing blood pressure. Therefore, it is best for people with high blood pressure to keep their diet light.

Liquor: Alcohol is also a great “sharp weapon” for raising blood pressure. If you drink for a long time, it is easy for the human body to secrete a large amount of corticosteroids and catecholamines, which stimulates the sympathetic nerves of the human body, increases the resistance of the blood vessel wall, stimulates vasoconstriction, and increases blood pressure. In severe cases, it can also induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

Daily adhere to 3 things to help you reduce blood pressure scientifically and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health

< p>First, learn to relieve stress

In our life, whether it is work or life, we will inevitably face a lot of pressure. Being in a high pressure state for a long time is easy to make people emotionally unstable, it is easy to stimulate the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol, the heart rate of the human body will fluctuate, and blood pressure will rise.

Therefore, learning to relieve stress is the key to lowering blood pressure. We can go out to breathe fresh air, listen to music, and watch funny movies during normal times to help us relieve stress.

Second, insist on supplementing nutrients

At the same time, on the basis of a reasonable diet, through supplementation 【Pu Beishuangsu】 to achieve the “1+1>2” antihypertensive effect. It is a kind of nutrient which is made of various natural medicinal materials such as Tempeh powder, Cordyceps militaris, cinnamon, pueraria, ginseng, cassia seeds, etc., which are carefully formulated through scientific research and development.

Cordyceps militaris is a kind of medicinal material containing the main rich nutrients and trace minerals, which can help the human body to remove vascular wastes, reduce blood viscosity, and reduce blood circulation resistance.

to better regulate blood pressure.

The peptides and Tempe kinase contained in tempeh powder can effectively mobilize the activity of long-deposited cells in blood vessels

enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby preventing arteries Atherosclerosis, reduce the occurrence of complications such as head hanging headache caused by hypertension.


People with high blood pressure should insist on supplementing 2 capsules of [Purbeloxin] every day, which is helpful to stabilize blood pressure and better maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

Third, more sun exposure

Studies show that when human skin is exposed to sunlight, Synthesizes active vitamin D. Vitamin D plays an important role in the internal circulation of the human body, can promote the blood circulation of the human body, and control the continuous increase of arterial blood pressure, which plays an auxiliary role in lowering blood pressure.

Of course, the sun is also very particular about. Sun exposure through glass is ineffective, and sun exposure can damage the skin. It is best to leave it in the sun for 20 to 30 minutes when the sun is mild.

Tips: In addition to doing the above things, for hypertensive patients, keep regular It is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Adhering to go to bed early and get up early and eat on time can promote the body’s metabolism and help stabilize blood pressure.