The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine interprets the “14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, and the tertiary public traditional Chinese medicine hospitals will all set up fever clinics

By 2025, my country’s traditional Chinese medicine health service capacity will be significantly enhanced, and the high-quality development policy and system of traditional Chinese medicine will be further improved. The “14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine” was recently released, and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine interpreted the document. According to the plan, three-level public traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine hospitals will all set up fever clinics; community health service centers and township health centers are expected to set up traditional Chinese medicine halls.

Data photo: Fang Fei/Beiwan Online provided photo

The plan has set “ten 15 main indicators of the development of Chinese medicine in my country during the Fourth Five-Year Plan period. Including, by 2025, my country will achieve 0.85 beds per 1,000 population in public TCM hospitals, and 0.62 TCM practitioner (assistant) physicians per 1,000 population. The proportion of tertiary public TCM hospitals and integrated TCM and Western medicine hospitals (excluding TCM specialized hospitals) has reached 100%; the proportion of TCM clinical departments in public general hospitals above the second level has reached 90%, and the number of TCM beds in public general hospitals has reached 8.43 Thousands.

The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine stated that the planning and overall consideration of key areas of traditional Chinese medicine development such as medical treatment, education, scientific research, industry, culture, and international cooperation, and proposed 10 major tasks. Among them, Building a high-quality and efficient traditional Chinese medicine service system ranked first among the 10 tasks. my country will build a number of national TCM medical centers by relying on TCM hospitals with strong comprehensive strength and high management level; set up sub-centers in provinces with shortage of high-quality resources or many patients transferred to other countries to promote the expansion and balanced distribution of high-quality TCM medical resources; Focusing on high-level TCM hospitals, about 130 key hospitals with TCM characteristics will be built. Strengthen the construction of traditional Chinese medicine departments in primary medical and health institutions, and strive to realize that all community health service centers and township health centers are equipped with traditional Chinese medicine halls and equipped with traditional Chinese medicine physicians. 100% of community health service stations and more than 80% of village clinics can provide Chinese medicine. Medical services.

The ability of traditional Chinese medicine health services will be improved. my country will carry out the construction of national TCM predominant specialties, continue to implement the integrated TCM and Western medicine prevention and treatment actions for cancer, and formulate and promote 20 TCM intervention programs for pre-disease treatment for key populations and major diseases; carry out TCM health care for key populations Promote the project, implement the TCM rehabilitation service capacity improvement project, and deploy a number of TCM rehabilitation centers; improve the system for TCM participation in emergency management, and build about 35 national TCM epidemic prevention and control bases.

In order to improve the level of integrated Chinese and Western medicine, the coordinated development of Chinese and Western medicine will be included in the hospital review and performance assessment of public hospitals, and promote the establishment of TCM clinical departments, TCM clinics and TCM beds in all tertiary general hospitals; support the construction of 50 The “flagship” hospitals of Chinese and Western medicine cooperate with each other; carry out joint Chinese and Western medicine research on major and difficult diseases, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, etc.

In terms of talent training and inheritance and innovation, the plan proposes to promote the construction of about 100 first-class undergraduate majors in traditional Chinese medicine; appropriately relax the promotion conditions for long-term service grassroots TCM physicians. Support the construction of multi-disciplinary national key laboratories in key fields such as the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the construction of about 30 national traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and innovation centers, and the construction of a number of key laboratories of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. my country will also promote the cooperation experience of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of major infectious diseases such as COVID-19, promote the high-quality integration of traditional Chinese medicine into the “Belt and Road” construction, and implement special projects for international cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine.

Source: Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Li Qiyao

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