3 months after liver transplantation, man was infected with tuberculosis! Experts remind this group of people to pay attention

With the rise in temperature in spring, various bacteria and viruses have also entered a period of rapid reproduction, and allergens have begun to increase. In addition, there are often strong winds in spring. Bacteria and viruses often attach to the surface of fine objects such as dust. Landing on a person’s face can breed disease in the eyes.

Dr. Li Kuanshu, Director of the Cornea and Ocular Surface Department of Changsha Aier Eye Hospital said: “At this time of year, more patients come to see allergic eye diseases and pink eye diseases. .”

So, What spring eye diseases should we prevent? How to do it?

4 common eye diseases in spring need to be vigilant

1. Allergies Conjunctivitis

In spring, all kinds of plants are growing and blooming, and the pollen and other particles in the air increase greatly.

For people with allergies, the allergens in the environment will increase in large quantities, leading to the occurrence or recurrence of allergic eye diseases.

The typical one is spring catarrhal conjunctivitis, which is mainly manifested as eye irritation, redness, tearing and mucus secretion, palpebral conjunctiva with papilla > wait for it to appear.

Prevention and control measures: The treatment of allergic conjunctivitis usually adopts eye drops and external application. Considering the severity of the condition, it is recommended that you take effective measures after consulting a doctor.

To prevent allergic conjunctivitis, it is necessary to identify the cause. If the allergen can be identified, then stay away from it;

If the living environment is dry and dusty indoors and windy outdoors, you should To increase indoor humidity, you can use a humidifier, use a wet mop to wipe the floor, etc., and wear masks and goggles when going out.

2. Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis is a kind of pink eye, commonly known as pink eye is an acute A general term for conjunctivitis, it is caused by bacterial infection, mostly in spring and autumn, with acute onset, mainly spread through contact, and is easy to cause epidemics.

Clinical manifestations include conjunctival hyperemia, massive mucopurulent secretions, and eye pain and tearing , photophobia and other symptoms.

Prevention and control measures: If pink eye is found, it should be isolated in time, and all utensils should be used alone, preferably after washing and drying;

Note Personal hygiene, develop a good habit of washing hands frequently, do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, and cut your nails frequently;

In addition to active treatment of pink eye, you should refrain from activities in public places, and do not use shared towels, Basin, etc.

3. Viral keratitis

Many patients with viral keratitis recur in spring, manifested as eye redness, foreign body sensation, Vision loss, etc.

The disease is a common ophthalmological disease, which causes great harm to the eyes, affects vision, and presents the characteristics of repeated attacks. It is one of the common blinding eye diseases in clinical practice.

Director Li Kuanshu reminded that once the diagnosis of viral keratitis is confirmed, the medication must be prescribed by the doctor, and the medication should not be discontinued without authorization. .

Prevention and control measures: You should exercise more regularly to improve the body’s resistance.

In daily life, you should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink more water, and ensure adequate sleep.

If you suspect that the disease will recur, you should not use eye drops by yourself. You need to go to a regular hospital for diagnosis before taking medicine.

4. Dry eye syndrome

Modern people like to stare at their mobile phones and face the computer for a long time. In addition, the spring is already dry, and excessive eye use will lead to dry eye syndrome.

Director Li Kuanshu said that there are four types of people who are prone to dry eye syndrome:

One is those who stay up late and use their eyes for a long time; People who wear makeup and contact lenses;

The third is the elderly, especially women; population, including people on antidepressants, analgesics, etc.

In summary, dry eye syndrome is not only high in spring, but also occurs in other seasons.

Dry eye syndrome is mainly manifested as dry feeling, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, eye swelling, eye pain, photophobia, Red eyes, easy fatigue, tearing, itchy eyes, etc.

In addition, in severe cases, there may be blurred vision, always blinking, rubbing, or it may be caused by dry eyes.

Prevention and control measures: In order to prevent and prevent the recurrence of dry eye, Wang Kehua, Director of the Cornea and Ophthalmic Surface Department of Changsha Aier Eye Hospital recommends that you: Pay attention to eye hygiene, improve eye habits, and do not stay up late;

Reduce the intake of high-fat and high-oil foods, drink more water, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits; pay attention to environmental moisture;


You can consciously perform blinking training (lightly close your eyes for two seconds, close your eyes for two seconds, open your eyes for two seconds, and repeat this cycle, 1 minute at a time, 10 times a day) to increase tears Film stability, thereby preventing dry eye.

(edited by Rainbow. Some pictures are from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

Special author of Hunan Medical Chat: Li Qian, Changsha Aier Eye Hospital