Why is it said that losing weight is a lifetime thing, how can you keep the status quo if you can’t stick to it?

Speaking of which, the reason why most of my friends want to lose weight is to become more beautiful (especially young people), and of course some people are for health (mostly older people), in the process , we often set ourselves a weight loss goal that we think is ideal, but what about when you achieve your goal? Still need to work hard? What would it be like if you didn’t work hard?

The answer is also positive, that is, after reaching your weight loss goal, you still have to keep working hard, otherwise you will face a rebound and return to the original You will even get fatter than before, so many people will say that losing weight is a lifetime thing. So, after losing weight, why do you face rebound if you don’t keep trying? So in the following content, let’s talk about the topic of weight loss rebound.

First: From the perspective of calorie balance, why is weight loss easy to rebound

From the perspective of calorie balance, when calorie intake < consumption, we will become thin, when calorie intake > calorie consumption, we will become fat, and when calorie intake = calorie consumption, we will maintain Stable. But when you lose weight, with the control of diet and the increase of exercise, calorie difference will appear. Of course, you will gradually lose weight, but after losing weight, if you don’t continue to persist , why bounce back? The following are the reasons for this from several aspects.

1. From a caloric intake perspective

During weight loss , No matter whether you exercise or not, you need to control your diet, but the degree of strictness is not the same. For people who don’t like exercise, if you want to lose weight, you must control your diet, not only control but also relatively strict, because it makes The only means of caloric intake < consumption.

During this process, if you can do it well, you will also lose weight slowly, but If you only form a calorie deficit through diet, your daily energy intake will inevitably be Below the daily energy requirement, in this case, out of self-protection mechanism, the body will reduce calorie consumption, in short, to avoid starvation. In addition, as the weight decreases, the basal metabolism will also decrease, which can simply be understood as the body does not need excess energy to move the lost weight. In other words, in the process of diet control, the overall consumption is also slowly decreasing, so the weight loss effect will go through a process from fast to slow and then to stop, and then you want to continue to lose weight. , it is necessary to further control the diet.

Ok, If you have achieved your goal through diet control, can you resume eating? Of course not, because your overall consumption has been reduced at this time. When you resume your diet, it means that you have too much calorie intake. At this time, the situation of calorie intake > consumption will become an inevitable situation. Things, the result is a rebound in weight.

In addition, I also want to say that during the rebound process, body composition will also change. If you only rely on diet to lose weight, it will cause muscle loss to a certain extent. However, during the rebound, the part of the weight that rebounds is mainly fat, so even if the weight returns to its original state, it may look fatter in appearance.

2. From the perspective of exercise consumption

If You are not willing to be too strict in diet, so insisting on exercise will become another means of losing weight. Of course, this does not mean uncontrolled diet, but if the amount of exercise can be guaranteed, the calorie intake can reach the daily energy. The desired state, and then open the caloric gap through exercise, in this case, you will also lose weight.

However, in the process of exercising, you will also face the problem of adaptation. This phenomenon is also relatively common. For example, when you start exercising, even if you do not control your diet, you will lose weight. , but after exercising for a period of time, its effect will gradually decrease, which is the appropriateness of the body to exercise. With the familiarity of a certain exercise form and the improvement of ability, the fat-burning effect of exercise will also decrease. To further improve, you need to change the form of exercise, or increase the duration of exercise, or increase the intensity of exercise, or change the form of exercise, so in the process of exercising, it is recommended that you choose a variety of exercise forms, which can prolong the adaptation of the body time.

Of course, in addition to this, with the decrease of body weight, the decrease of basal metabolism is also one of the issues to be considered, the decrease of basal metabolism It will reduce a part of the consumption, so to make up for this part of the consumption, it is also necessary to increase the consumption of exercise.

So, when you lose weight by exercising, is it okay to give up exercising? of course not. When you reachWhen the goal is to give up exercise, it means that the daily calorie consumption is reduced, and the reduction of consumption at this time is not the same as the decline of basal metabolism, because the decline of basal metabolism is a relatively slow and continuous process, and when you stop exercising. At that time, the reduction of activity metabolism can be said to be an immediate thing. However, when the consumption is reduced, your diet has not changed much, and the situation of calorie intake > consumption occurs at this time, and of course, the weight will slowly rebound.


In general, no matter what you eat, exercise Or the method of diet + exercise to achieve the goal of losing weight. When your efforts no longer continue, the situation is that either calorie intake increases, or calorie consumption decreases, or both, from the final result. Look, it’s the weight gain.

Second: From the point of view of mentality

If the balance of heat From the perspective of discussing the problem of rebound after fat loss, it is based on the basic concept of fat loss. However, in the whole process of fat loss, the problem involved is not only the relationship between calorie intake and consumption, because many factors will affect weight loss. The effects of fat, such as your state of mind, motivation, willpower, etc., are all about how long you can last. For example:

1. Mindset

If you understand the complexities of losing fat and know how to lose weight Fat is not something that can be achieved overnight, so you will not always think about how to lose weight quickly. In the process, you will find the method that suits you through continuous adjustment, and then stick to it. If you do this well preparation, then, after losing weight slowly, there is a high probability that it will remain.

But unfortunately, In the process of losing fat, more people hope that they can lose weight quickly, and even choose extreme methods with the mentality of losing weight first. Of course, these Extreme methods will make you thin, but thinning is only a process. The lightest end result is a rebound in weight. In severe cases, it can even cause irreversible effects on health.

2. Power and Willpower

Whoever has the When you have the idea of ​​losing fat and act, your motivation will be stronger. Under this strong motivation, willpower will become the main reason for you to control your diet and keep exercising. However, with weight loss, Motivation will gradually decrease, and willpower will decrease at this time. At this time, it becomes inevitable to give up behavior, because it is not easy to control diet or insist on exercising, and it is even very difficult.

Third: If you can’t persist, then accept yourself as you are

In the process of losing weight, it is not only ourselves that work hard, but also our body. When we control our diet and keep exercising in order to lose weight, our body will work hard against our efforts. Therefore, when you achieve your goal and lose weight, you can relax a little and maintain a new balance between calorie consumption and intake, but you can’t stop working hard, because stopping effort means calories When redundancy occurs, there is a risk of a rebound.

From this point of view, losing weight is a lifetime thing. How to lose weight is not difficult, but how to maintain it is difficult, because you need to persevere, so we will always emphasize The importance of developing good habits, if you can’t do this, accept your fat appearance, at this time, in order to make yourself look better, you can solve it through external methods, such as according to your body shape To match your own clothes, maintain sunshine and self-confidence, it may be better and more practical.

Of course, when your health is affected by being fat, losing weight becomes a necessary thing , at this time, whether you want it or not, whether you can persist or not, you will do it under the pressure of your health. After all, health is the most important thing compared to your body.