7 little secrets of female eggs, know 3 of them, even if you are good!

Review expert: Deng Lina| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Changsha First People’s Hospital

Previously pushed

“11 Secrets of Sperm, Knowing 3 of them counts as great! 》

A friend said that he also wanted to see the secret of the egg

Hmm! Egg sister is more shy

After many long calls, it’s finally here!

1. What does a shy egg look like?

She has

Beautiful body

radial crown on top of head and zona pellucida


One ​​ball for sister Qiuqiu.

She is the biggest cell in your body wow!

Bearing the great responsibility of multiplying life, it is destined to attract attention.

Second, those little secrets of the egg sister

Secret 1: How did the egg sister form?

The home of the egg sister is in an oval follicle of 15-30mm.

When she was still in the body of the mother’s oocyte, it was just one chromosome.

As the years go by, when the little fairy is 12-15 years old, the oocytes in the ovaries can no longer settle down and start dividing, dividing, dividing.

Under the stimulation of gonadotropins, an egg sister grows up and matures every month, leaves the ovary and runs to the fallopian tube, where it quietly waits for the sperm brother[1].

The egg leaves the follicle for the first time with the menstrual blood, which is the “menarche” that makes every little fairy panic.

Don’t be afraid, congratulations to the little fairies growing up, it means that your reproductive organs are mature.

First love is good, but you can’t “steal the forbidden fruit” before the age of 18. Your vulva and vagina are still very delicate and prone to tearing and bleeding. You, who are not rich enough in knowledge, have an accidental early pregnancy and miscarriage, which not only hurts the body, but also a gap that youth cannot overcome.

Like is presumptuous, love is restraint.


“Marche” is earlier than 10 years old or later than 15 years old, and you should go to the endocrinology department or gynecology department of the hospital for examination.

Little fairies also need to master more physiological knowledge to protect their bodies.

Secret 2: Life is short after sister Ovum leaves home

After the egg sister leaves her home, her life is only 1-2 days. In the first 15-18 hours, the chance of bonding with the sperm brother is the greatest. After that, they meet and fall in love. The chances are getting smaller and smaller.

The sperm brother who reaches the little main fallopian tube has a life of 2-3 days, leaving a very short time for both parties to meet [2].

Those who want to have a successful pregnancy need to calculate the time and strike accurately and quickly!

For fairies with regular menstrual periods, you can learn the following method to calculate ovulation:

How to calculate ovulation period, please study carefully:

Understand 2 concepts first:

Ovulation: two weeks before menstruation;

Menstrual Cycle: Twice AuntThe time in between is called the menstrual cycle. The general standard is 28 days, of course, 21 days to 35 days are normal.

For a chestnut: Assuming that the time of the second aunt is March 1 and March 30, then the menstrual cycle is 30 days, and the next visit to the aunt is April. 29th.

Calculating ovulation period: From the first day of the next menstrual period, minus 14 days is the ovulation day, so the next ovulation day is April On the 15th, the ovulation period is 5 days before and 4 days after ovulation, so the next ovulation day is from April 10th to April 19th.

If the aunt is irregular, you can use ovulation test strips or go to the hospital for B-ultrasound monitoring.

Secret 3: Keeping a balanced nutrition and good health, the egg sister’s figure can reach the standard

Under normal circumstances, her diameter is between 18-25mm. If the diameter is less than 17mm, it will be difficult to conceive [3,4].

If the fairies always stay up late, the hormones in their bodies are abnormal, or they lose weight unscientifically in order to be slim, resulting in malnutrition, the “small house” follicles that develop eggs will not grow, and the eggs My sister has naturally become shorter.

Secret 4: Huge Sisterhood of Ovum Sisters, Decreasing in Number with Time

When fairies are born, they usually have 2 million follicles. When they are young, there are only about 300,000 follicles left. Finally, they can mature and discharge. Only 400 of them meet their sperm brothers. -500 [5], the ones who persisted until the “decisive battle” are all female middle school heroes. Wow!

When the fairies were 12-18 years old, the egg sisters were in good health; when they were 20-35 years old, the egg sisters were still in great shape and the uterus was mature. prime time; after age 35, egg sisters will be weak. But everyone does not need to be anxious, maintain good living habits, a positive and optimistic attitude, and be fully prepared to give birth to a healthy baby.

Secret 5: How Egg Sister Meets Sperm Brother

The ovum sister is passive in love. It comes out of the follicle in one ovary every month, is picked up by the umbrella end of the fallopian tube, reaches the fallopian tube, and then stays here, waiting foolishly Sperm brother.

Adult men ejaculate hundreds of millions of sperm at a time, and about 200 of them reach the fallopian tube. The sperm brother needs to pass through the zona pellucida of the egg in order to come to the egg sister to fertilize and combine with the oocyte to form a fertilized egg.


When the little fairies usually have lower abdominal pain, and the pain intensifies when they come to the aunt, go to check the fallopian tubes.

If there is inflammation, the umbrella end will not be able to pick up the egg sister, and may not meet the sperm brother.

Secret 6: Egg sister can navigate sperm brother

The egg sister is covered with a layer of zona pellucida, which has specific sperm receptors that tell the sperm brother her location. Once the first sperm brother comes in and combines with her to form a fertilized egg, the shape of the transparent membrane will immediately change [6], which can be understood as closing the door and changing the lock, so that other sperm brothers cannot enter.

Secret 7: Where did the egg sister go without waiting for the sperm brother?

If you don’t meet and fall in love with the sperm brother, the egg sister will not continue to grow after reaching the uterus, she will lose vitality, or be absorbed by the body, or “fall off” from the uterine wall, and with The endometrium, secretions, necrotic cells, etc. are excreted from the body and become part of the aunt.

Three, the ovaries are healthy, the eggs can be healthy

You little fairies, be awake: the maintenance of ovaries in beauty salons is unreliable! The ovaries are located deep in the pelvis and cannot be pressed here by massage alone. Secondly, the “essential oils” of beauty salons only stay on the surface of the skin, so don’t be fooled by the mouths of merchants.

The three most important things are:

1. Keep the temperature around the ovary

Ovarian function decreases when the body is stimulated by cold, which affects the secretion of estrogen and progesterone. When hormone secretion is disordered, the quality of eggs produced by the ovary is not good, so everyone should pay attention to keeping warm [7]. Don’t blow the air conditioner directly in the summer, and wrap yourself up a little thicker when you go out in the winter.

2. Smoking or passive smoking is dangerous

Cigarette smoke contains a lot of harmful ingredients such as nicotine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can affect ovarian function. Studies have shown that second-hand smoke also harms the reproductive function of little fairies, causing a decrease in the number of egg cells and abnormal chromosomes in the eggs [8].

3. Mental health matters!

Mental mood is closely related to the occurrence of premature ovarian failure.

Under long-term emotional disturbance and stimulation such as emotional instability, depression and anxiety, the central nervous system and the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis are dysfunctional, and the follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone are abnormally secreted. It will affect the ovulation function [9] and affect the birth of the egg sister.

Extracurricular knowledge about eggs:

Is egg freezing safe?

Ovulation induction and egg retrieval are relatively safe treatments and procedures for women themselves, with risks including ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and some surgical complications. Since the birth of the first baby with frozen eggs in 1986, more and more test-tube babies have been born around the world, but there is no definite data on whether frozen eggs will affect the health of children.


[1]Liu Bin, Gao Yingmao. Human Embryology[M]. People’s Medical Publishing House, 1996.

[2]Shi Xiaolin. Human Reproduction [M]. Human Reproduction. Science Press, 2002.

[3] Zhou Yongchang, Guo Wanxue. Ultrasound Medicine [M]. Beijing: Science and Technology Literature Publishing House, 1999.819.

[4] Liu Wenjie. The clinical significance of B-ultrasound monitoring follicular development for unexplained infertility [J]. Journal of South China University: Medical Edition, 2005(03):92-93.


[5] Yu Chuanxin, Li Song L. Practical Gynecological Endocrinology [M]. Fudan University Press 2004

[6]Wang Zheng, Qiu Donghui, Huang Guoxiang, et al. Research on autoimmune antibodies in infertile women[C]https:// “Development, Genetics and Diseases” Seminar of Genetics Society of China Proceedings of the Conference. 2007.

[7]Nieburgs H.E. .BODY TEMPERATURE AND OVARIAN FUNCTION[J]. Elsevier,1946,247(6400).

[8]Reichert VC, Seltzer V, Efferen LS, Kohn N. Women and tobacco dependence [J]. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2009 Dec;36(4):877- 90 .

[9]Lu Jie, Shi Yanqiu. Correlative factors inducing premature ovarian failure[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine Practice, 2008(10):21-22