7 Facts About the HPV Vaccine! Some People Better Not Get It!

Some time ago we posted a topic about HPV vaccine, It is the manifestation of being infected with the HPV virus(click to view), and the discussion about it in the comment area has become hot again. Many saccharins have many questions about the HPV virus itself and the vaccine. For example, will HPV infection lead to cervical cancer? Where and how much does the HPV vaccine cost? And what is the difference between the various vaccines? Can pregnant women fight? etc…Then today’s article is a practical guide for those who are ready to get vaccinated or who are still hesitating about HPV and vaccines diseases, how to make an appointment, and precautions and contraindications for vaccination. HPVspanWhat is the relationship between cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is the malignant disease with the highest incidence among the three major gynecological tumors, and human papillomavirus-HPV is the main culprit in causing cervical cancer. It can be said that almost all cervical Cancer is caused by HPV. This sounds very scary, but in fact HPV is a very common virus, mainly through close contact and sexual contact. spread. Most people who have had sexual experience (80% in the United States) are likely to be infected, or have been infected with HPV. At the same time, in the process of being infected with HPV, we may not even notice it. It escapes the recognition of the immune system, does not spread through the bloodstream, does not produce viremia, and we have no symptoms after being infected with the HPV virus. In clinical practice, HPV is divided into low-risk and high-risk types according to their carcinogenicity. Only persistent high-risk infections may cause lesions. Not all HPV viruses can cause cervical cancer. Most cervical cancers can be attributed to two subtypes, HPV-16 and HPV-18. In addition, there are more than ten subtypes. lead to cervical cancer. However, we should not be too nervous about the HPV virus. In most cases, HPV will be cleared by the body automatically over time. For example, it’s like a common cold, which will get better after a while. Even if high-risk HPV continues to be infected, it will take more than ten or twenty years to progress to cervical cancer. Therefore, we need to regularly screen cervical cancer with TCT+HPV every year for early detection and early treatment. HPV vaccinewhat diseases can be prevented? Although the HPV vaccine is commonly known as the cervical cancer vaccine,it does more than prevent cervical cancer. There are more than 100 HPV viruses, and the price of the vaccine refers to the number of HPV types that can be prevented. The higher the price, the wider the range of diseases that can be prevented. There are many types of HPV, and if you are infected with one, you can continue to vaccinate against other types of the virus. In fact, HPV not only causes cervical cancer, Also associated with vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer and ➡️genital warts or condyloma acuminatum, etc.About(click to view previous articles). Men are actually carriers of the HPV virus. Although they cannot get cervical cancer, they may also get penile cancer because of HPV. Therefore, HPV vaccination for men can also protect themselves and avoid genital warts and various cancers caused by HPV to the greatest extent possible. According to a study in BMC Medicine, men who were not infected with HPV at the time of vaccination were 96 percent effective at preventing infection and 76 percent effective at preventing precancerous lesions. However, due to the limited production of current vaccines in my country, we must introduce vaccines to meet the needs of the most people. The tetravalent, quadrivalent, and 9-valent vaccines were all first approved for use in women. In fact, the nine-valent vaccine introduced in my country is provided to women and men in the United States. There are two other HPV vaccines for men, which are also available in foreign countries. However, there is a misunderstanding about the HPV vaccine that needs to be clarified: After the vaccinated person has sex, they still need to be screened regularly for cervical cancer. This is because existing vaccines, including the 9-valent vaccine, do not protect against all high-risk HPV types. And at present, there may be a small number of high-risk HPV types that have not been identified, and of course there is no targeted vaccine. HPV vaccinehow to choose between two and nine prices? The protective significance of vaccines is very important. For our people, as long as they meet the conditions, they can have certain effects. The current mainstream vaccines on the market are divided into bivalent, quadrivalent and nine-valent vaccines. We mentioned earlier that HPV is a big family. In layman’s terms, the number of vaccines is the number of subtypes of the virus that can be defended against. (HPV vaccines generally look like this)For example, bivalent can prevent HPV-16/18 covering the most common cause of cervical cancer of the two high-risk types. Tetravalent is protective against HPV-16/18/6/11 covering the 4 subtypes that most commonly cause cervical cancer and condyloma acuminatum. If it is a high-risk group of HPV infection – no fixed sexual partner, long-term smoking, irregular circadian rhythm, HIV patients, etc., the 9-valent vaccine is more suitable;If there are no high-risk factors for HPV infection, the bivalent vaccine is more cost-effective. Regardless of whether it is a bivalent, 4valent or 9valent vaccine, under normal circumstances, it can induce effective antibody titers in the vaccinated body. According to a 2020 Scottish study, data from nearly 140,000 women proves that the risk of cervical disease in young girls drops significantly after routine HPV vaccination. Compared with unvaccinated women,women who were vaccinated at 12-13 years of age had a significantly lower risk of developing cervical lesions of CIN 3 or greater by 89%. Simply put, the younger the vaccination, the better the protection;

➡️Females aged 13-15, who are not sexually active, the best vaccination effect.

➡️Women aged 6-45, whether they have sex or not, can be vaccinated as long as they have not been vaccinated. to a certain degree of protection.

Even if you are infected with one HPV subtype, the other HPV subtypes covered by the vaccine are still effective. Most people are still infected with a single type, and few people are infected with all the subtypes covered by the 9-valent vaccine, so there is no need to specifically screen for HPV before vaccination. After screening, you can get HPV regardless of whether you are positive or not. However, the second or fourth price has already been played, and it is necessary to make another nine price? have been injected with 2 or 4 valence, injection is not recommended9 Over time, other HPV subtypes covered by 9-valent may have been infected. Even if 9-valent is used, except for 16, 18, 6, 11, etc., the protection of other infected subtypes will be lost. If you don’t have enough money, it is recommended to re-inject 9 price after one year. after vaccine selection strong>Where should I fight? Currently Chengdu, Changsha, Xi’an, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Chongqing, Hefei, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Foshan, Zhuhai , Xiamen, Qingdao, Nanchang, Guiyang, Suzhou, Beijing, Nanjing, Nantong, Huizhou, Tianjin, Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang, Shenyang and other 60+ cities all have 9-valent vaccines available. In view of the different appointment procedures in different places, those who are not sure about the saccharin are advised to call the local center for disease control directly” Consultation and appointment, the CDC will distribute the vaccine to the community hospital, and you can find out where there is any surplus. At present, there are many news releases. You can enjoy the appointment service by following the public account of the local “City CDC”; , Yanyan has two reliable and convenient ways to share it with you:| WeChat: public account “Yomiao”: Search the public account “Yao Miao” and follow it to enter the background, find the “vaccination””Vaccine Reservation” in the options; after entering, you will find the HPV vaccine option, you can choose the type of vaccine you want, the platform will help you search and locate nearby hospitals and display the remaining vaccine quantity and price, you can make an appointment. | Alipay: search for “cervical cancer vaccine”:Find the official service number of “Vaccine Service”, select HPV Vaccine Online Appointment after entering, and then select a nearby hospital to make an appointment. How much does it cost to get the HPV vaccine? There are currently three vaccines available in China, the domestic Wantai vaccine, GSK and Merck from the United States. The price of domestic HPV Wantai is relatively low. The total cost of two injections is only 658 yuan, which is only 38% of the cost of GSK’s bivalent HPV vaccine, which is 27% of the cost of Merck’s 4-valent HPV vaccine and 17% of the cost of 9-valent HPV vaccine. before and after HPV vaccination strong>What should I pay attention to? First of all, it is necessary to determine the interval of vaccination. The time interval of each injection of 2, 4, and 9 valent vaccines is different. We need to try to schedule three shots within 1 year:|Precautions during vaccination:

1. Try to avoid drinking alcohol one day before and one week after vaccination , so as not to affect the effect of the vaccine;

2. Not taking anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-virus and other therapeutic effects within one week before vaccination Drugs;

3. After inoculation, you should observe in the observation area for 30 minutes, and you can leave the hospital if there is no adverse reaction;

4. Try to avoid excessively stimulating diet and vigorous exercise within one week after vaccination;

5. If you need other vaccines during the vaccination period, it is best to consult a doctor before vaccination;

6. You can have normal sex during the vaccination period, but it is recommended to use condoms throughout the process to reduce the possibility of HPV infection and avoid unwanted pregnancy Chaotic vaccination program.

|Post-vaccination precautions:Same as most vaccines In the same way, HPV vaccination also has a certain chance of adverse reactions, most of which are relatively mild, such as headache, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, nausea, local injection sitePosition pain, edema and itching are common reactions. Serious adverse reactions are rare, and most adverse reactions can be relieved by themselves. If it is serious, please seek medical attention immediately. What kind of peopleneed to consult a doctor before considering vaccination? | Immune system disease: The preventive immunization of immunization ultimately works through the body’s immune system. If you have an immune system disease, you should consult an immunologist to decide whether you can be vaccinated. | Yeast allergy people: HPV vaccine contains yeast ingredients, and people who are allergic to yeast should not be vaccinated. | Pregnancy, unintended pregnancy and postpartum lactation: Women who plan to conceive within six months are not recommended to be vaccinated It is best to consider pregnancy after 3 months or half a year after all three injections have been vaccinated; if an unplanned pregnancy occurs during the vaccination period, it is recommended to interrupt or postpone the vaccination, monitoring and follow-up should be strengthened during pregnancy, and the vaccination can be continued after childbirth; postpartum lactating women also Vaccination is not recommended. It does not mean that the HPV vaccine will be harmful to breast milk or the fetus, but there is no experimental data to support that it has no effect at all, so just in case, do not HPV vaccination is recommended for women trying to conceive or during pregnancy and breastfeeding. |History of HPV span>HPV can be infected repeatedly, and it is generally believed that there is no need to detect HPV infection in the body before vaccination. But from the doctor’s point of view, if you have been infected with HPV or have caused cervical lesions, it is another matter. A 2012 Korean study showed that after HPV infection or cervical lesions caused by it were cured, HPV vaccination could reduce the recurrence rate of the disease. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate after treatment turns negative, or vaccinate while treating. ENDI hope today’s article is helpful to you~No matter how old you are, getting the HPV vaccine can protect yourself. I hope that we can all be clear about the harm of HPV virus, as well as understand the efficacy of vaccines and diseases that cannot be prevented; when we have the correct awareness, we can better protect ourselves. Experts in this article: Planning: Pear Producer: PhyllisReviewer: YanAntang Research InstituteThis article was originally created by YanAntang content team, and some pictures are from the Internet< /span>Support originality, plagiarism is shameful, please contact for reprint

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