6 Habits Accelerate the Degeneration of Organs

Everyone wants to age slowly, but there are always some things in life that invisibly accelerate the ageing of various organs, such as the food we eat in our mouths every day.

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Skin “Aging Agent”: Sweet< /span>

Friends who prefer to eat sweet must pay attention, many of these sweet foods on the market contain trans fatty acids.

Eating too much trans fatty acid not only makes you fat , It will also make people lose memory, accelerate brain aging, and increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Plus, eating too much trans fatty acids can make your skin dull and look older.

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Brain ‘aging agent’: lead< /span>

leaded Food is also a kind of “aging agent”. There are many common lead-containing foods in life, such as popcorn, pine eggs and so on.

Lead-containing foods can replace other minerals in the nervous system , If you often eat a lot, it is like a poison to human brain cells. In addition, eating too much lead-containing food will also weaken our memory a little bit, and it will also accelerate the aging of human skin.

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Intestinal “aging agent”: oil

High-fat foods represented by fatty meat, chicken skin, etc. taste delicious, but we all know that they are not good, because our body should not take in so much fat. If you eat too much of this stuff, you will not only gain weight, but your intestines will also be greatly damaged.

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Lung “aging agent”: smoke< /span>

Tobacco contains more than 4,000 harmful chemicals. Long-term smoking can cause varying degrees of damage to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems and respiratory systems.

The tar in the smoke also adheres to the mucous membranes of the trachea In the upper and alveoli, the cilia in the lungs are hindered from working properly and the lung function declines. In addition, the nicotine in cigarettes will also cause the loss of vitamin C in the human body and affect the synthesis of collagen, which is easy to make people older and older.


Liver “aging agent”: wine

Excessive drinking can directly damage liver cells. As the liver struggles to process the toxins in alcohol, it produces more free radicals than the body’s ingested antioxidants can handle, causing oxidative stress, an important factor in aging.

At the same time, it will also cause damage to the digestive system, allowing The gastrointestinal mucosa is in a state of congestion.

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Bone “aging agent”: salt

< p data-track="38">According to the statistics of the National Health and Medical Commission, the actual salt intake per capita has reached as much as 10.5 grams, far exceeding the 6 grams recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society. It is too salty to eat. It has become the norm for everyone.

Eating too much salt will not only increase blood pressure, but also It increases the risk of stomach cancer, promotes the excretion of calcium in the urine, and increases the risk of osteoporosis. When people are not old, their bones will age first!

Everyone wants to stay young and never age . In order to achieve this goal, many friends put their eyes and a lot of money into health care products or medicines. However, cheaper and safer methods are more powerful.

Qian Guohong, director of China Health Education Association, published in ” The article in “Medical and Food Reference” wrote that his mother-in-law, who is 101 years old this year, has a very simple and unique way to keep her body healthy and young: body rub. Every morning, noon and evening, she insists on doing “body rubbing exercises” 3 times, and every time she completes “body rubbing exercises”, she is often sweating profusely.

According to her mother-in-law, she has persisted in the habit of “rubbing the body” for more than 60 years. When she was young, she worked as a farmer in the production team. After labor, she was always dripping with sweat, so she used warm water to wash her body to relieve heat and relieve fatigue. After the production team disintegrated, she retained this habit and evolved into “rubbing the body without water”.

In middle age, she rubbed her body once a day, mainly on her chest, back and limbs. My mother-in-law felt that this body rub would promote blood circulation, help sleep and relieve fatigue. After entering old age, she became more obsessed with rubbing her body. If she didn’t rub her body for a day, she felt uncomfortable, and the “strength” of rubbing her body became heavier and heavier.

By looking through the data, my mother-in-law found that body rubbing is also a skill Knowledge should not be rubbed randomly, because there are many acupuncture points on the human body, and only stimulating the correct acupoints can get the effect of fitness. To this end, my mother-in-law researched various key points of the body and compiled a set of “body rubbing exercises”.

Section 1: Rubbing hand. Rub the palms of the hands together until the palms are warm; then rub the backs of the hands until they are hot. Frequent rubbing of hands can increase the flexibility, flexibility and cold resistance of hands, and delay the aging of hands.

Section 2: Rubbing Forehead. Rubbing the forehead with the palm of your hand can keep the brain awake and promote blood circulation in the head.

Section 3: Rubbing nose. Use both index fingers to rub up and down the sides of the bridge of your nose. Frequent rubbing of the nose can unblock the nasal cavity and prevent colds and rhinitis.

Section 4: Rubbing Ear. Spread your palms, cover your ears, and rub back and forth until your ears are warm. Frequent rubbing of the ears can stimulate the acupuncture points on the ears, thereby enhancing human hearing.

Section 5: Rubbing chest. Cover your chest with one or both hands and rub from side to side, up and down, until your chest is red and warm. Frequent chest rubbing can enhance a person’s lung function and heart function. Especially for the elderly, frequent chest rubbing can effectively prevent the occurrence of symptoms such as chest tightness and cough, and can also improve sleep quality.

Section 6: Rubbing rib. Open the bow with both hands left and right, and rub the ribs 80 times from back to front. Rib rubbing soothes the heart and maintains the respiratory system.

Section VII: Rubbing belly. Alternately rub your abdomen with both hands, as many times as you want. Insist on rubbing the abdomen, can promote human digestion, prevent food accumulation and constipation.

Section 8: Rubbing waist. Rubbing the waist with both hands can invigorate the kidneys, strengthen the waist and strengthen the vitality, and can also prevent backache.

Section IX: Rubbing foot. Alternately rub the soles of the feet with both hands for 10 minutes each. The feet are the “second heart” of human beings. Frequent rubbing of the feet can promote blood circulation and enhance the immune function of the human body.

Section 10: Rubbing Limbs. Alternately rub your arms and legs with both hands, preferably until hot. Regularly rubbing the limbs can effectively enhance the flexibility of the limbs and delay the aging of the limbs.

Since she insisted on rubbing her body, her mother-in-law has rarely been sick for decades. A little “bad”, ruddy complexion, tough body, walking freely, undiminished hearing, clear thinking.

Source: Life Times, Medical Food Reference